Hey guys, I have an i5 3450 and had a GTX560 Ti, but my graphic card just died and I'm wondering...

Hey guys, I have an i5 3450 and had a GTX560 Ti, but my graphic card just died and I'm wondering, should I get a decent graphic card like a GTX960 or should I just save money and buy a new computer? Will this i5 be good enough for much time?


yes for "should I just save money and buy a new computer" or "will this i5 be good enough"?

The i5 is good enough get a new card.


the i5 should last you a couple more years, start looking at better ram, or an rx480

thanks guys! really helpful, at least Sup Forums isn't just kids and retards

>third gen i5

No reason to upgrade.
Get a new GPU, but not a GTX 9xx, the GTX 1060 is just around the corner, will cost about $250 and it's going to be as powerful as the 980.

if you're gonna start looking into upgrades post your speccy so we can get the full view.

Nope, just get the 1060.
Also, upgrading to 16GB of RAM is a good idea so that you get no issues in case you play a game with memory leaks like Just Cause 3 or Arkham Knight.
Not enough memory will make games stutter like mad.


You know the drill

Hey, I have a i3 6100 and a GTX 960 and i'm moving TW3 with most settings maxed out at 45-60 FPS, just with Hariworks off and grass draw distance on medium, and shadows on high.

mine maxes everything 1080p 60fps
its mad decent

nah not on ultra you havent, Have you got all the anti aliasing maxed out too.
I tried it with an i5-4460 and a 970. Then I tried it with a 17-4790k and a 1080.

The biggest heavy hitters are Hairworks and grass draw distance, with those turned off and on low, I get 55-60 FPS even in Novigrad.
Then again, it gets VERY noticeable when going by horse.

960 is trash dont buy it

480/1060 are the only decent mid range cards atm. dont buy a reference/founder edition for either.

depends completely on your budget, 480 8gb aftermarket cooler = $250, 1060 6gb aftermarket cooler = $280-300

witcher 3 uses some kind of fxaa/smaa so that doesn't really effect performance

Change the settings and try it, you will be suprised

>Friend comes boasting to me
>Look at this
>See this
>Laugh so fucking much

Whilst you guys are here.

Yay or nay?
Need to upgrade and thinking of a 1080

I mean if you're fine with 80c+ temps and no oc'ing the reference/founders are fine

I had a reference 680 and that shit would hover around 80c at full load and heat up my room so I always had to have the window open. Now I have a ACX 2.0 980 which doesn't even hit 65c barely using the fans at 1500mhz (stock speed was 1200 or something).

If you have the cash and 1440p or higher then why not

Just be prepared for the 1080ti at roughly the same price in the next couple months, after that I can see the 1080 at £400

Hmm I'll be getting it with my Christmas bonus in December. So possibly end up with the Ti version then.

>no oc'ing the reference/founders
My 1070 FE says hi while it runs at 2100+ at 70c. I got it for $404 with employee discount (Best Buy)

Doubt it runs at 70c with that overclock at full load using that cheap cooler unless you have the fans at 80% speed or something stupid so it sounds like an aeroplane taking off.

At stock speeds it goes to 76c full load so yeah.

So which manufacturer of GTX 1070 is everyone getting? I've been looking at the Gigabyte version but I'm not sure if I'm making the right decision.

I run it at a 1:1 ratio. Nvidia's fan curve is too conservative. As for noise, it's not an issue for me. Point is, it OC's well.

EVGA has best warranties and customer service.

Never had a problem with MSI
Usually get a card from them and it comes with a free Korean lady

MSI's Gaming X cards cost more than the Founder's Edition.

Dont listen to this moron

It's true tho.
Just Cause 3, Arkham Knight, AC Unity...
All suffer from memory leaks.

>i5 up to 3.5ghz
Maybe you can hold, but not for long if games get more cpu intensive, wich is a rare thing, but it could.
Also, latent damage is a thing, and you better find another videocard to test the PIC-E slot if its ok.
If everything is all right, yea, a videocard will save you for another year and a half.

better to keep your shit as it is unless you are rendering shit, then I would suggest an i7. if just for games, i5 tends to be a better performer especially when it comes to playing gamecube games with the latest 5.0 dophin.get a 970 or wait for the 480 to work out its kinks.

>decent graphic card like a GTX960
960 was never decent compared to the 285, 380x or definitely not now with the 480

Why would you even consider SHITMD?

50 rupees have been deposited to your account.

Now fuck off to where you can get twice as many per post.

>being this pathetic

Amd bite you in the ass with that 480
What a shame

>free extra 4GB of ram, while you can't even get 4

Gygabite 950 OC a good card for its price? Don't have much money so if you can recommend me any better below 150 $/ €

B-b-but it will beat the 980!!!!

I have a pretty shitty and old first generation i5, and I still don't really feel the need to upgrade it.

What I really aught to do is get a fucking CPU fan that isn't complete shit, the damn thing reaches 70-80 degrees in intense usage.