Why don't people lile the newest Devil may Cry game? I think it's hella f*cking epic so far

because it's a step down in literally every aspect bar graphics, from the main series.

Graphics have very little to do with it, the game itself is stunning and can stand well on it's own merit. The problem comes in is they took iconic and changed it, people hate change, but worse is that they hate being mocked over the change which this game did beautifully by mocking it's fanbase. In it's own merit it could have stood as a spin off or even it's own story, but it shares the devil may cry name and mocks the fan base on change therefore it will be hated.

new dante is the most unlikable main character in vidya, he's a colossal cunt

I love shitposting

>bar graphics
DMC4 looks and runs better yet came out 3 years before.

Fuck, scratch thta, 5 years before and it looks and runs better.

>reading so far into things that u end up reading ur own asshole

>hella f*cking epic
Yea no wonder you like it

Because they are consolefags with no taste.

DmC is the only game in the series that has pefect controls and fully utilizes the precision of mouse aiming for the camera, while past games are meme games for teengers that like duke nukem tier meme characters with movie one liners with no personality.

I have not played the previous, but I absolutely loved this one.

It's fun albeit casualized.

But really, the whole DmC fiasco could largely have been avoided if they hadn't released such a godawful reveal trailer. It was so offputting to fans that it poisoned the game's reputation beyond repair; then Ninja Theory went and made it even worse by picking a fight with its consumers for not liking their spin on DMC.

The final game was way more similar to the original game than that trailer, but by that point the damage was already done.

Man children are afraid of change


I don't get why people complain about the hair. I'm running around with white hair right now

Is this 2012?

ooooo I'm telling moooods

Are you geting laughed out of bars?

Cause we have bigger dicks!

>Virgil shoots some bitch and her baby with a rifle in a sneak attack
Why did they even bother calling it devil may cry?

Maybe he is Father Ted?