Who would win?
Who would win?
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moom tzuzt clearly, fuckers a telekine
We've had this goddamn conversation before; Dud is just a guy with a stick. Tzust has all levitational telekinesis and shit, parting the waves and all sorts. Easy win for Tzust
well, Sup Forums?
> implying the waves aren't about to crash into him
>2 Dicks vs. 1 Dick
Frurf Dud is just some schlub railing against cruel nature as it rains choking ash all over his shit.
Moom Tsust is goddamn TK Moses.
Water beats volcano
dioroid for life
DooD Solos both
>plasma cannon double dong vs ultimate kancho
gee user, I wonder.
Who wins?
>dud raises magic stick with his flimsy arms and makes mountains fart lava
>Tzust the Mighty discards puny witch magic and proceeds to split earth and ocean just by striking a pose and screaming his lungs out
Phawbhq is clearly str character with and a protagonist.
while xnb anx is clearly an edgy dex.
Who wins?
This guy here beats everyone ITT
4anona4 looks like he's ready to fucking throw down, i would not dance with that man
Right dude is fucking jacked and he is fighting For Anna
Left dude looks like he belongs in a fruity boy band
> Extra Guns vs. Extra Assists
Who wins?
Persosrep gets all the girls
Anona stands in the corner hoping he was at home playing videogames.
Erioioire can tank puny bullets he stomps Lamal easily
ShhS wins for sure
>whispers "shh" as he strangles two hardened knights to death with his bare hands
Xabax looks pretty satanic, so him.
Lamal can't reload his dual pistols fast enough to kill Erioioire before getting punched to death.
Erioioire has already murdered two men with his bare hands. He can clearly defeat lamal
Kerrek is physically stronger than shhs
who wins?
>Kerrek not winning with 4 arms tied behind his back.
Where the fuck did you get "xabax" from?
Who wins?
Erioioire just murdered two people and the police are too scared to approach him. Lamal has to worry about his two girlfriends and he looks like a twig.
Eriooire is a brute who killed with his own hands before, he looks like business
While lamal seem to have become too soft due to having 2 guns and 2 womans
If eriooire jumps on lamal with a surprise attack, its all over
Harrxrrbh, 2 wands, more peripherical vision.
>flying british kid with double wands vs. some dude playing leapfrog with a rabbit
>int vs str
>guy with two guns vs burning man on a unicycle
Human weapons cannot compete against a Djinn.
harrxrrah has two wands he wins
Clealry Kerrek.
Grabbing 2 knights, absorbing a 3rd, and has an army of angry egg things at his command.
He's also got the size advantage on Shihs
HarrxrrbH clearly has superior intellect, so much so, that he can fly and dualwield staves.
Rettoqvpotter is just a tard jumping around.
Guy on the right is floating into the match glowing with energy like hes Psycho Mantis, would not fuck with him.
>2 Chies, 2 Naotos and 2 Nanakos
He might not win the fight, but persosrep is certianly winning life.
>implying Dud isn't literally summoning volcanos with his power staff
Nigger please.
So Sup Forums... which one
Siamese twin super assassins vs. some kind of magical entity composed of fire and guns. I honestly don't know.
>mage with mooks and tanks as backup
>some fuckboy who played CoD thinks he can dual wield
>Anona stands in the corner hoping he was at home playing videogames.
Sounds like a niche shoot-em-up
>2 gay guys holding each other
>and a burning dildo of power
red dick
who would win?
Oleif Field is a fucking psyker.
Reegadeer is a flaming dick he wins
>just some guy with two rifles
>probably can't even use both at the same time correctly
>two AFVs, two choppers
>fucking demigod glowing with power flying onto the battlefield
>two operators backing him up
>two fucking tanks
>4 goddamn jets
This isn't even a contest. Left already looks like he just pissed himself and is trying to hide it.
> Brains vs Rockets
Who wins?
Sxs got two Spears
But 4004 nhn looks like hes about to cast a badass spell
Sxs probably
>Secocez with his limited SOOS detimij is defeated and tied down.
>While dnond with his noitide NON edition is pumped and ready to go.
Secoces has to be bind himself with chains to contain his power level, lest he risk destroying the entire world.
Dnond looks like a 16 year old edgelord.
Dex faggot on the right
>4 legs vs no legs
>Shit haircut vs fuckboi haircut
it's a hard one
>Snake with 2 rifles vs Psycho Mantis
Weew Laddal
The foot boomerang wins
Dnond already won, he's clearly using his powers to bind Soos to the ground.
It's over.
See? Fuck this toddposting and fake meme crap, this thread feels like old Sup Forums again. Some of these are fucking hilarious.
Secoces soos has the greater mind, and more strength. He can obviously handle his power well, he has restrained himself to contain it.
Dnond non has clearly gone mad with power and is a twig, it's possible Dnond may win but he'll probably cause the destruction of the universe, he's a loose cannon.
Whos that pokemon
Left one looks like a zen master, probably has ultimate hidden potential. Right one would rush in with dual ak-47s and get his ass kicked.
the one who can walk and has more than two shots obviously
Binary yranib could beat him with his monster cock alone
Binary yranib wins
He got a gigantic dick, 4 arms and is pissef as fuck
Dioroid's double cock cannons are powerful, but not insurmountably so. Metitem's eyes exude a confidence not attainable from believing in others who believe in him; He believes in the Metitem that believes in himself.
Faroraf has 4 legs and 2 AK-47's giving him plenty of mobility and range. 4yrry4 has two rocket launchers with only 1 shot each, and cant move because he has no legs. Faroraf godstomps 10/10 times.
>implying anyone can defeat Oiio
Who wins now?
>that tit grab
While Dioroid has two laserdicks, Metitem is propelled by two explosions.
Is there a website that can do this automatically?
Tripod vs unicycle man
Binary Yranib looks like one mean motherfucker with one mean monster cock, but Niamod Domain might get a shot off with those two pistols before he falls over.
Oh no! These ninjas want to fight each other. Who has the upper hand?
He has no eyes. If it were a boss fight you would have to bait him into running at a wall then attack his back.
>this thread
Farooraf have 2 suicidal chinks at his disposal while 4yrry4 is a colossal fag
Left still wins UNLESS those 2 mooks blow all of left up
Who wins?
Right appears to be ready to suck dicks so I'll take left.
I'd say Nimin but it looks like he just got shot in the balls with an arrow.