Overwatch hitboxes

Blizzcucks will defend this.

Other urls found in this thread:



what am i looking at exactly

These are the hitboxes of all the hero weapons. If you shoot that far away from the head, you still get a headshot. Bullets, even hitscan ones, literally twist in the air and give headshots, not depending on the hitbox of the target, but of the hitbox of the weapon.

>that fucking hanzo

Literately triggered. Fucking cancer character.

hitboxes of training bots

Hitboxes of the weapons, you cuck. If it was the hitbox of the bot, the weapons should all be at the same height.


Yeah, that aspect severely diminishes the fun of a lot of characters for me. If you're not somebody super fast, it makes it pretty difficult to deal with anyone who's a competent shot. And even characters like Genji have to deal with walking around corners into blind Hanzo headshots.

Source on this please.
The hitboxes are fucked, but this is the first I'm hearing of this specifically.

inb4 At least someone is doing a job rather than just shitposting MERCY IS EVIL memes on a taiwanese woodcarving board.

I'm surprised that out of all the issues in Overwatch this is the one Blizzard hasn't said anything about, and it's a fucking GLARING issue.

It's not an issue, famalam.
It's a feature. That's working as intended for them.

Oh, I'm sure it's intended. It's just not something Blizzard should be leaving untouched. This is not acceptable in a shooter.

But hitscan weapons don't have a hitbox, so how can they be in different positions

They probably don't want to make the babbies first shooter too hard for the 12 year olds that are coming from LoL. Actually having to aim would be too toxic.
Seems like the hitscan heroes are the 'closest' to the actual hitbox. So the lowest line is the actual hitbox of the bot, everything above that is the 'hitbox forgiveness' by Blizzard.

Yeah I was confused by bastions but it think that it's on the bottom layer

If you think it's that bad, show me you're accuracy stat screen.

You should have at least 70% with every character.

I'm waiting.

Since the hitboxes somehow work differently for each class, I think this is how they wanted it.

It's a step above the lowest layer, so more forgiveness than the lowest.

Yeah doesn't make sense for a bit scan though, probably an error from bastions height I'm guessing

Yeah I'm sure knocking a centimeter off a hitbox will really be a gamechanger, what a stupid nonissue to be crying over.

>Having shitty hitboxes is a feature, ok.

Babbies first FPS can't have actual hitboxes when CoD can. Let that sink in.
>still posting that obviously erroneous webm when it's been proven that killcam replays are not what actually transpired

>solider 76

Fucking need fucking Hanzo if you're gonna give him such a forgiving weapon hitbox
Every game, there's always a one hit kill from a Hanzo who's just probing the area with full charge arrows

looked at one comment that was about training bots having bigger hitboxes than people. important fact that no one is going to bother realizing. All this test shows is that weapons that are harder to hit with have larger areas to hit and the forgiveness is broken into 3 tiers.

Two games with different objectives and styles, there's a reason everyone's examples use the training bots and stationary enemies, because it doesn't mean shit during actual gameplay when everyone is running and jumping around like mad.

Of course, so we need to blow the hitboxes out of proportion so people can hit enemies during these jumps and memesters just calling it a "fast-paced game" when it's the most slow paced piece of shit ever.

this would be a big deal if being good at this game had anything to do with aiming, which it doesnt (this is a good thing)

>aiming is not important
Blizzcucks everyone.

you have no idea what youre talking about and are trying to shitpost a baseless argument because youre bad at the game

Whoever did this is an idiot. All of the hitscan have the same hitbox, and all of the Projectile weapons have the same hitbox. This has been known since before release.

>im fucking plying
Go make a webm proving it. Shitboxes have been confirmed since day 1.

The game is about effective team comp, switching heroes based on different threats, pushing as a unit, defending chokes, etc. not counterstrike measure your monitor and draw a sharpie retical in the center twitch reaction level autism.

>damage control

They balancing game with hitboxes. Fighting game doing it for years you know?

>aiming is bad
>having to have reflexes is also bad now
holy shit are you for real?

>if I call it autism that means I'm right

It's just the chosen style of the game, dood. Do you complain because there aren't first person camera's in side scrolling platformers or RPG-style leveling up in fighting games?

go play a game where twitch shooting is a key gameplay element (of which there are many) if ur that butthurt

ITT: People literally defending the lowest skill ceiling.

How do people make "objective" measurements like this in a game that is always online?

I'm not implying anything you retard. I'm flat out telling you that's the way it is, and it's a well-known part of the game.

It's why Hanzo's arrows are so fucking retarded. They have the same collision size as Pharra's rockets.

you literally sound like a counterstrike player arguing with a quake player

It's an artificially low skill ceiling in order to emphasize other aspects of the game. Don't like getting one-shotted by Hanzo? Learn the maps, have some map awareness, and don't walk blindly around the same corners Hanzos always shoot blindy at in EVERY match.

For how much you guys play vidya, it's surprising how little you understand about game design.

Why are people shocked? Have you seen their other games?
HotS is more baby friendly than Adventure Time Battle Party.


>not being able to log out of the game is a feature, ok.

This may have been a decent point if all maps weren't super simple chokepoints clusterfucks

>Go make a webm proving it.
that's a weird fucking request

can i demand shit from you too

hm two people arguing about different games with radically different objectives i wonder why i literally sound like that

This game is fucking ASSFAGGOTS in first person. It is not a competitive shooter intended to have realism and super tight hit boxes with a high skill ceiling. It's a skills based arena battle in first person. Think of your crosshair as your mouse in league of legends or whatever moba you play.
You're trying too hard, and are just mad that a hanzo can headshot you.
Honestly, this should be really good news, because now YOU have the knowledge on how to actually get headshots and win the game.

Maybe if you had an ounce of spatial awareness and skill, you'd stop spending enough time dead to analyze the slight auto aim to compensate for the ridiculous characters and weapons and gameplay.
So perhaps take these hit boxes and, instead of bitching about how some d VA got some bullshit headshot on you so this game is broken and bad, GET FUCKING GUD

Why is this post still ignored?

>implying it matters
>implying since it goes both ways its literally balanced

get mad lol

>Shitlizzard shilling division AT FULL FORCE
ew cancer

>game that is played as a professional sport is so easy a baby could play it
oh okay why dont you play it professionally then? seems like an easy way to make a ton of money

Where were you when any Call of Duty game was better than overwatch?

I was sitting at my computer and I saw these hitboxes and I realized call of duty is better

I-its okay when Blizzard does it!

There is technically, literally, metaphorically, figuratively, subjectively, objectively, illiterately, nothing wrong with this.

Because op proved with evidence that your precious """""""""masterpiece"""""""" is actually a low-skill retarded joke of an fps.
He proved his point, while you haven't done jackshit to the discussion besides acting like an underage throwing a bitchfit. Get real for a second, asshole.

Yo , here

I don't even really like this game. It's okay, but I can only play like three rounds at a time before it gets boring and repetitive.

I'm just sick of hearing people bitch about fairness and how games "should" be made to cater to their retardation.
I have friends that do this literally constantly, instead of just working on their skills at the game, they just bitch and bitch about how everything that kills them is broken and how fucking riot/blizzard/Nintendo/etc is the worst company for allowing them to be killed by anything, the game should just allow them to not ever die, and be able to one-shot everyone else. Then they would be happy.
I don't even know why these people play video games, when all they want is to put in no effort and see dat sweet victory screen

also the arguments you're making are exactly identical
>it's about team play, coordination and positioning, not mindless twitch-shooting for autistic!

>Honestly, this should be really good news, because now YOU have the knowledge on how to actually get headshots and win the game.

>literally advocating 6v6 hanzo


Ahahaha I found all the people who play this game like an arena shooter, too bad it didn't have any of your battle ID'S :^)

It's literally a feature.


Blizzard made a console shooter, so they had to dumb it down for gamepads and didn't change anything for mouse and keyboard.

>The game is about effective team comp, switching heroes based on different threats, pushing as a unit, defending chokes
this really isn't doing your game any favors

>people think this shit is appropriate for a competitive environment
What a fuckin joke dude

It's just Bullet Magnetism. Many shooters have had this before Overwatch was even an idea in the head.

This point is moot since the game encourages you to spam recklessly with the infinite ammo, chokepoint: the maps and instantenous full clip reloads.

>bullet magnetism

Is that what casuals are calling it now? It's aim assist, created for gamepads.

literally no one thinks Overwatch is a competitive game.

aim assist is when your ironsight or crosshair snaps to your target, it's a different thing.

No, in this case, it's called Bullet Magnetism.

Aim Assist is where the reticule locks on and slows down on the ttarget, helping console players stick on moving targets better.

Bullet Magnetism is where the shots gravitate to the "center" of a hitbox if the reticule is near.

They accomplish similar things, but they are very different from one another .Overwatch doesn't use aim assist, it uses bullet magnetism.

*except overwatch players

not a single Overwatch player thinks it's a competitive game.

Everybody has the same hitboxes as you, shoot back.

And if someone is zoning and you walk into it, then shit, thanks for feeding my ult.

really? not a single? no hyperbole?
what are you willing to bet on this?

I will literally bet nothing.

Yet it still has a competitive mode, just like HotS and Hearthstone.

Blizzard wants that sweet e-sport cash. So much so that they have to pay teams to play their shitty games.

Weird, I was under the impression people seem to think that Overwatch is a good competitive game considering there are daily threads made about it.

Unless they're made by shills which isn't out of the question

I don't care because I'm still having fun after 56 levels.

That's the best kind of attitude. The fucks above who just brainlessly defend it are retards, though.

Nigger thread with nigger memes.

It's not really as noticeable when you actually just play. People have all kinds of abilities that let them move around or block/deflect attacks anyway so precision is barely a key factor in being good at Overwatch.

It looks bad when you actually test it, but you'd probably never notice in-game with all the other bullshit that's happening.

I got bored at level 11. How can something so shallow keep your attention for 56?

the whole game has casual bumpers everywhere. big fuckin surprise

Because that works REAL FUCKING WELL in practice, right?

The game is good because it's fun, not because it's competitive.

You're allowed to enjoy casual games you know.

>whole time i thought I was good, but actually the game is casual as fuck


So thats why i can't seem to headshot people as mcree, he's not as fair as mercy, hanzo and mei.


hold your fucking phone because I tested this and zenyatta does NOT share the same hitbox with Hanzo. Also test on an actual player character you reddit autist

When did vidya became so luridly casual they would bend over and defend dumbing down the fps genre and call it "innovation"?

On reddit, this is a controversial comment (as shown by the cross next to "1 point"). Do you manage to imagine the level of delusion.


>When fallout 4 has better gunplay.

Didn't we have the same complaints about Street Fighter 4 being casual and low skill because commands don't take fractions of a millisecond to execute anymore? It's like nothing ever changes here.