How are your collections going?
Which team did you join?
Had any wild goose chases yet?
How are your collections going?
Which team did you join?
Had any wild goose chases yet?
Walking around my neighborhood with my smartphone out would get me robbed.
I can't even really play this game.
How do I know which of a species to keep? Is it purely down to the current CP? I read weight factors in but no specifics.
Sup Forumsalor team where we at?
if they can evolve I just go by CP
if not or they're fully evolved I compare moves mainly, you can always grind CP
no idea if/what weight/height changes
you sure showed us
Red team here.
Fuck what the others say. Fire starters the best.
Can someone post that picture of the guy who pulled a gun on a psyduck?
Post the best pokestop you've found so far
>not picking Spark
Is there some limitation on what level of pokemon I can put at a gym? I wanted to put my 230 combat starmie at one but it wouldn't let me.
I'm pretty pissed I'm still not able to play.
I downloaded the app yesterday and I have been getting constant server issues.
If you look at the Pokemon profile, it tells you that your level is too low to manage the Pokemon.
Level up a little bit.
Haven't seen something like that.
But I noticed it has to be fully healed.
I don't have a screenshot of it, but it's called Tentacle Statue and it's a big tentacle sticking out of the ground next to a playground. I legitimately had no idea that thing was there even though it's within a couple of hundred meters of where I live.
So, about that Mew in the White House....
What does this mean?
THere is nothing in my area, might have to stop playing.
Blue team here. You're alright red.
Yellow team posts here a lot and they're extremely thin-skinned since they can't do shit so be careful.
That was probably it.
There's a mew in the white house?
>americans have so little history roadsigns get google maps markers
>Controlling three gyms, all with fire Pokemon in my area.
Feels good.
guys... guys listen.. what if.. what if pokemon are real and they are in a different dimension and this game taps into that dimension.
Team Mystic ftw
How is that not a gym?
Holy shit, took all 6 gyms in my small town yesterday. Woke up to find some fucker had taken one from me. The game isn't officially released in canada and my town only has a few thousand people, most of them old
Gonna have to defend my gyms
I genuinely want to go here. I wish my city had a place like that.
what do you get for conquering gyms?
someone link me to a faq or guide for retards please
Does Africa even have google maps?
Red team reporting in. I've bucked up friendly gyms and claimed three gyms for myself. All things considered a good mornings work
only interesting one near me is one passive aggressive cunt calling a weird looking playground toy for children "modern art"
>Later today the White House will give a press conference on Pokemon WMD codename: Mewtwo.
>"The President denies any involvement in any poke-experiments that break the poke-Geneva conventions. There is no and never has been a talking bipedal psychic Pokemon amassing a clone army. Go home folks."
>server issues
Sir, how do you respond to reports of certain A-Class trainers receiving mysterious invitations delivered by Dragonites?
Did you catch your favorite gen 1 Pokemon yet?
>tfw there are Krabbys in my area.
>have yet to run into one.
There's a gym that's unclaimed near me but I'm not level 5 yet. feelsbadman
>Unironically talking about mobile trash
This isn't even neo-Sup Forums
This is Nu-neo-Sup Forums
Wow look, nothing!
>driving at night with my bro
>stop at cemetary to see if there are any ghost pokemon
What is the point
>i work for the salvation army
>Salvation army is a pokecenter
Literally unlimited pokeballs and eggs
how do you even view pokestops?
tap the blue cubes
>Tutor at college
>Pokestops and Gyms up the wing-wang.
Red team by the way. Good shit coming my way.
How the fuck are you guys getting so much stardust?
It's hard enough catching pokemon in florida in this humid fucking heat.
Haven't spotted a Starmie (or Staryu) yet, though there are tons of water types here so there might still be hope. Doubt I'll get my Bulbasaur evolved any time soon since there are no grass types here, so I likely won't get a Venusaur any time soon. I did catcha Drowzee though and that's one of my favorites so could be worse.
use incense during the day or go to some malls
speaking of incense, apart from leveling and paying for them is there any other way to get those?
Pokeshops i think
I'm going to kill myself on Friday if I don't have a Weezing.
>work at hospital
>not a pokecenter
what the fuck
I found Koffings at night around my area. Try then.
You need to go to a vet, retard.
For people user. Go to a vet.
Who /teammystic/ here
i also desperately want a weezing. hoping to christ i get a koffing XL/ XL
Damn, didn't even know those were a thing. I guess I'm heading over to the shopping center tomorrow.
You spooked them
are they suppose to appear on the map? Guess I'm too far away
>tfw your house is a gym
So can someone explain the catching mechanics to me? I figured you just walked around and occasionally Pokemon would pop up on the screen and you tap them to catch them, I took my dog on about a 25min walk though and only found a single Paras.
I read that apparently you're supposed to see rustling grass on the map and head towards it? How far out does the grass appear, only in your radar?
Watch out for electrodes
>I can't find a geodude anywhere, time to ruin everyone's fun: the post
>tfw intel processor
is he saying that because he knows he's a criminal who's gonna meet THE LAW?
>pokemon tracks in neighbors backyard
>gym in a cliffside ravine
>liquor store for pokecenter
>See your favourite pokemon at max evolution silhouetted in the nearby pokemon list
>Rush out to find it
>The distance drops as you close in
>You're right on top of it
>It doesn't appear
>Desperately run around nearby trying to get it to spawn
>Restart the app
>Still nothing
>Nearby list changes after another few minutes
Does anyone know why when i try to use the augmented reality it just shows a white background?
if you're not in a city shit is pretty rough. "Oh yeah I'll just walk through five of my neighbor's yards to get to that rustling grass"
>>liquor store for pokecenter
seems correct
who else here lives close to a university?
I'm level 5 now. How do I join a team?
i live near 2
havent gotten the game yet though
are parks the best place to go, i live in las vegas and im not so far from the strip or downtown
Find a gym and click on it
Mystic is masterrace
caught this in my fucking dorm room
I'm a Swede with a OnePlus One. Can I play this?
No need. I already found Omanytes there.
aww, is people talking about video games interrupting your insightful discussions about which girls shoudl have dicks on Sup Forums - Overwatch General?
what a dirty nigger
Your neighbors should be cool with it in your comatose town :^)
I don't know why you guys think you need to go anywhere other than to get item caches and snag gyms up to get premium currency.
I've sat at home since I started the game up, leaving only once to cross the street to get to the church gym.
I've caught 93 pokemon and not all of them ratatta or pidgey.
Got some charmanders, ekans, horsea, and goldeens in there.
I did hit a cache up and got two eggs in a 20 minute span of sitting there and waiting for it to roll over those 5 minutes.
Sitting in my room is GPS off enough that it thinks I'm walking, and the vulpix and magikarp hatched.
Just set the game on your damn computer desk and whenever it makes a noise like a pokemon is near. Throw a pokeball.
You even get an option to turn the music volume off.
how long until i die Sup Forums?
I like how the teams seem to be split down the road. Compared to the Kingdom Hearts ranking shit, this is great.
It's down in Canada again