Can you guess what is referenced in the first sentence of this piece? You could probably reconstruct it

Can you guess what is referenced in the first sentence of this piece? You could probably reconstruct it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Only games I've seen women good at is shit like Guitar hero or MMOs

Probably some mobile shit like Angry Birds.

Just spit it out already.

>blablablabla and that's why we have to
>ban men
>ban e-sport
>make female controllers

What controller is that?

To debunk the myth of men being better they compared who gets to the max level in EQ2 faster, men or women.

What a tip top blog

Holy shit, what sort of controller is that?

Nintendo NX, the top button is for autists to bang their head on.

Feminism controller

jk feminism is out of control

Funnily enough the article uses a couple of MMOs to test their hypothesis about the difference in skill between men and women.

Video games are made for boys like how barbie dolls are made for girls.
How would they like it if I wrote an article "Are women really better at combing barbies hair than boys?"


>they confronded the levelling up speed in two MMOs dividing players by gender
Wew, what a scientific research

They tested to see who would level up faster in MMORPGs. They leveled at the same pace and, thus, have proved categorically that there is no difference between males and females in terms of video game skill. Now we can finally put this silly debate to rest.

Well wouldn't the men take a longer time since they're out all day making a salary to keep food on the table?

oh wait
i just got that

Of all things, why not pick a rhythm game or a platformer.

Fuck pick a random SMB game and see who eats it first.

>Leveling master = more skill
Yeah, skip all dungeons and hard quest and just keep grinding monsters in zones at your level.

Ive got a legit theory on why men are so much better than women at things like sports, driving, video gakes etc.

When boys are growing up, we run around outside, throw balls, play games and shit. From a young age we learn to master basic motor skills like depth perception and eye/hand coordination while the girls are braiding their hair and playing barbie.
These skills factor in to sports, driving, games and the like, which is why you have female exceptions like tomboys who are actually good at some of this stuff.

Sick of seeing women complain that men arent better, we are, but its not because we have a penis, weve been inadvertantly training for these activities our whole lives.

Hoho shit, that's savage.


I like it, user.

Now back it up with actual research and a testable hypothesis.

That's in the second sentence

there was a study done that boys had a noticeable increase in test scores if they were told to conceptualize the test as a game beforehand. competition is familiar and understandable to boys growing up, whereas it is more indirect for women.

When looking for something that would produce the outcome you want to publish, you really don't have too many options. It's either MMO leveling speed or [insert some other metric designed to be the same for all players]

Best off, the removed those who hit max level from their analysis. So they literally only compared brain dead retards.

That's what I was thinking. Leveling in MMOs hardly requires any optimization or skill, just time. All this proves is who has more time to play the game.

why aren't more women playing fighting games then?


Anyone remember that female team on league of legends that tried to get somewhere

>all the women pretty much ended up being awful twitch streamers
>none them really knew how to play the game
>made a big deal only men get into the tournament finals
>they never even made it past silver rank
>they quit gaming and have a patreon with them cosplaying and doing images

I'm not saying females can't be good at games, but those few are very rare

That's all tests are, you competing with the creator of the test to see if you are clever enough to see through their bullshit, a game of wits between the two of you.

They didn't mention those but mentioned the infamous PMS clan.

lol is it 1950 retard? Most people can barely afford raising a family on two incomes.

Women are worse than men at gaming because they lose too much time partying around and doing useless shopping instead of doing the sacred duty of playing sega saturn until the fingers break.

It's not like we can just force women to do all that shit though. The female brain is wired in such a way that they can't take interest or enjoyment out of hobbies that require brain power. It's their nature to want to whore for attention on social media all day instead of learning some useful skill. The exceptions to this rule either got an abnormal amount of testosterone in the womb, or are simply pretending to be interested in hobbies that enhance their appearance to men, like all those twitch bitches.

Are we talking about the same team?

When they were streaming on twitch they kept saying they wanted to be the first female team in the league of legends lcs

>most people are plebeians

damn right

Funny how that aircraft performed just as well as the F-35 and was cheaper... but looked like shit so USA went with the F-35 because it is, essentially, a propaganda piece. Only secondary and tertiary buyers got a good deal on F-35's.

Oh shit

What was that team that got disqualified for having a guy player in female only tournament?
Might have been dota.

I assumed you mean Team Siren


misogyny or gamergate.


hahaha you fuck

Thanks doc

Don't forget that they played as a full stack with voice chat against 5 random pro male players not on voice and got absolutely destroyed while talking shit the entire time to the men

>better than men at video games
never gonna happen

>instead of doing research let's just pander to old stereotypes and make loose connections to other skills and see if people still believe that shit
Are you one of the authors of OP's high caliber research?

Maybe you should have spent more time observing your surroundings and socializing with people to get an actual understanding instead of parroting click bait on the Internet

Why i have the impression the asians carry the team on their back while the other two just loaf around?

Most women I know that played some kind of sports enjoy video games now

My girlfriend is great at street fighter and cosplay bison
I had met her in the finals of my local tournament.

She use to play basketball often.

I think his theory is pretty solid when you have women playing sports and what not.

>biology is "old stereotypes"

conservacuck spotted

Before we get deleted, don't forget

>get rampage
>pause, call mom

To play devils advocate, that could be due to environmental factors and different upbringing.

Though I personally believe it's a mixture, weighted to the biological side.

You mother fucker

Does leveling up in MMOs actually take any kind of skill? I always thought it was just a matter of grind.

I did
They were all bad at the game

It must had been dota since I don't recall that for league of legends

>Compare who levels up faster in fucking Everquest 2
>'We know their actual genders because of the account information'
This is like that shit where they do a "STUDIES SUGGEST MEN ACTUALLY ALL EVIL RAPISTS???" article and the 'study' was asking 50 idiots on twitter

Name 5 things women are generally better in than men, child birth does not count.

Lemme guess, "Anything you can do I can do better."

>profem vs GG bait : the article : the thread : the movie
just fuck off.

Putting an outfit together

Getting breast cancer.

It's never going to stop.


It doesn't take skill, but maximising your builds to dish out damage and working out if running dungeons is quicker than doing quests in an area and shit can make it quicker.

Any brain dead retard can level on an MMO, it's why they're popular, but doing it quickly or efficiently is the key. I was one of the first people on my ArcheAge server to max all classes on one character.

Oh snap.


>spending money
>getting gangbanged
>wasting time
>ruining everything



I just stumbled across a reddit thread about female competency, and one of the top rated posts was some retarded argument that the ability to birth children means women aren't inferior to men physically. Fucking reddit, that pissed me off.

>learned behavior is biology
Back to your trailer park Cleetus.

gold digging
attention whoring
hair combing

check mate faggot

doesnt take skill to grind in a MMO
it was a poor genre to test with

>Written by Poo in the Looa and Nodeordoranta Showerij

The thing I understand the least about these kinds of articles:
I assume they are written by liberals, yet rather than state the truth that is "Gaming skill is something humans have or do not have on an individual level. It varies from person to person." They say something divisive instead like "Muh women can game too."
Gender only enters the discussion because these people force it to.

>I'm not afraid of cups!

Men are pretty good at running everything, to be fair

Like the economy. Or the Middle East

Is there a video of this?

Presidential! Absolutely presidential!

I never understood the problem. So what? I played with my sister for a decade as kids on PS1, PS2 and Xbox. We did fighting games, like Bloody Roar, Tekken, DoA, Evil Zone, Guilty Gear and racing games Ridge Racer, Micromachines and some others I can't remember.

I didn't go "NO U SUX CUZ UR A GURL XD". Where does this idea of hostility come from? It's even less likely for people to care these days. They're making up fictional events in their heads to justify their shit.

It's just clickbait. Adding stupid shit that rustle jimmies gets views which is advertising bux. That simple.

Why arent there more competetive female gamers?

Can they not hack the bants?

Controversy or telling people what they want to hear gathers more clicks than neutrality. People don't want the truth, they either want to be outraged or told their opinion is correct.

Being single mothers
Being able to bleed for 5 days and not die
Getting free shit
Selling used clothing
Defining and altering social norms in their favor constantly through the consumption of mainstream media and luxury goods


No it did not. It couldn't take off vertically unless it was low on fuel because it was too fucking heavy. All they had a shit design and nothign to show for.

the guy on the right with the wig makes me horny

Just read the posts in this thread. Men don't even like women on a personality level. Why hasn't there been a male revolution to enslave women and make their only purposes on earth to satisfy us and rear children? Why has this ideal world not been created, when it's almost universally agreed by men everywhere that women are not equals to men? Come on, it's 2016.

The whole point of these articles is to get people to click on them. There is no possible "research" involved with a headline like that and no "discussion" will come from this. It's literally clickbait and it's fucking shameless.

learned from where, jason?

>F-35IDF spotted

Enjoy your trillion dollar aircraft being shot down by Russian AA systems.

Physiologically, on average, men are better at noticing quick changes, tracking moving objects, and possess faster reflexes. It should be fairly obvious why this gives the AVERAGE man an edge over the AVERAGE woman in a twitch-skill video game.

That said, these statistics are not useful in individual assessment. Just because on average guys should be better than girls at X doesn't mean a specific girl must be worse than you at X. It just means that if you were a perfectly average male player and chose a girl at random from the entire planet you would have a ~50% chance of being better than her.

because most people still aren't muslims, in 1437

Looking good and getting money from stupid people
I work at a restaurant and the only thing women ever get hired for is bartending, waitressing and hosting. Every time we get a woman on the line she drops the ball so fucking hard it's hysterical. They aren't even the best at making sandwiches anymore.

>That said, these statistics are not useful in individual assessment. Just because on average guys should be better than girls at X doesn't mean a specific girl must be worse than you at X.
It's amazing how many self proclaimed intelligent people completely and utterly fail to understand the significance of this

Because the voice of the vocal minority holds more power than the quiet majority in actuality due to the increasing influence social media has on every day life.


I think it comes from the marketing of games in the late 90's, considering the fact most games at this time were marketed almost directly at boys/dude bros

Is there a link to that?