Is Kingdoms of Amalur worth playing (on PS3)?

Is Kingdoms of Amalur worth playing (on PS3)?



Absolutely not.

If you have access to any other RPG do that instead. Defenders of this game will reference a nifty combat system. People who wasted their own money on this game bring up nonsensical story, shit art style and horrendously boring over world. It is a single player mmo

Can't speak for console versions but it was a fun ride on PC.

it's generic

that's pretty much it, generic

not bad, not good

It's probably very cheap, so I would say yes.

Isn't that the game you can completely break by overleveling too early?

This is a game that could only be enjoyed of you'd never played any fantasy game and had no idea what a good one looked like. Don't waste your money.

It is on the easy side especially if you use the instakill button when your meter fills up.

It's generic but the combat is great and so is the world. Then again, I don't play many RPG's so it might be too cliche for someone who has. I just wish it was a bit more difficult, but it's fun and worth a few bucks.

You can break every game by overleveling too early that hasn't enemy-scaling.

its kind of bland
game is easy even on hard
the combat is good

If you can get it for really cheap, sure. It's the most average game every created.

Combat was ok. That's it though.

Even though it's billed as an open-world, the map is divided into little regions, and most quests you get in that region is contained within that region. After a while it becomes a rout chore to visit a new region, hunt for questgivers, complete the quests, and move onto the next region. It also doesn't help that regions look the same.

There's zero reaosn to play this garbage now with all those PC indie RPGs out there.

Name one! Undertale?

Go through Steam library. Take your pick, they are all better than this abomination.

>indie rpg
>good real time combat system

Pick one.

So you CAN'T name any games better than this, which means there aren't any.

Do they have better combat?

I got it on the Steam Sale.

It's literally a single-player MMO. Complete with "collect 6 packages" or "kill 5 trolls" quests. It uses a cartoonish over-saturated color palette that looks almost exactly like WoW.

It suffers from theme-park worldbuilding like most MMOs. You'll walk along the road and there will be exclamation points everywhere on your map because there are silly quests every five feet. It's filled with lots of side quest bloat.

The combat is kinda fun in a button-mashy kinda way. I haven't gotten there yet, but everyone complains that if you actually do the side quests, you'll become quickly over-levelled and the game has no challenge.

If you get off on the achievement of fulfilling quests and enjoy MMO grinds, then you'll probably love it. If not, you'll find it boring or stale.

I'll bite. The shitty PS2 Baldurs Gates games had equally deep combat in numbers and a coherent story. Better than KoA

Baldurs Gate features more life in that starting hold than anywhere in the 30 odd levels I ground through in KoA. World building on an isometric 64bit game crushes the shitty villages and towns.

The only thing I'm prepared to compliment is the particle effects for the combat, the combat system feels like it was straight ripped from fable.

Fuck Kingdoms of Amalur.