Is there anyone that has a Stardew Valley steam key? I'd really love to play the game..but my wallet is empty, so I'm counting on the generosity of the world :)
Stardew Valley key?
Sent :)
Sent to your address bro
Can you post it here, please?
I'm new to Sup Forums
Check your inbox. I PMed you a key. Enjoy, friend!
Check your Sup Forums PM inbox homie, it's in there
Sent ;)
How can I see the inbox?
The message envelope icon button on the page
Exactly... because you are a newfag... and nobody will give you one. Also don't try posting your email address either because you will get gay porn and you will get subscribed to newsletters. So kindly fuck off and save up some money and buy the damn game. You can wait for the next sale or hope that there will be a bundle that has Stardew Valley.
Enjoy, friend :)
Sent ;)
I don't know where it is
I've never felt soo nooob
You still can't see that they are making fun of you? That's why you shouldn't beg here on Sup Forums.
No fuck you kid
Keep looking it's there. You said you're new, right? Sup Forums has a anti "hit and run" system where you have to view a number of threads on every board so it knows you're a regular. Go through a bunch of boards and click on threads, scroll to the bottom and click back. Start with /hm/ at the bottom, people seem to have more luck starting with that one.
I would just give you mine if I could. Worst purchase of the summer imo desu
Nah... honestly he should never visit Sup Forums ever again. Because he's a normie.
I know bro, but I felt generous. We were all new once.
Just pirate the game faggot!
Who is memeing who in this thread
le funny newfag OP?
le playing-along "baited" troles?
Is it a triple layered ruse cruise?
Oh well... I hope he learned his lesson.
I can't play this game anymore. 200 hours in without mods, now decided to try some and understood it will be another 200+ hours. Shit's addictive as hell.