I really want to play mercy but holy shit whenever I play it it's always the same

I really want to play mercy but holy shit whenever I play it it's always the same

Flanker gets behind, 3 team mates next to me and nobody turn away to get flanker off me or jump away so I can fly together. If you play mercy in pugs you are a filthy masochist that loves receiving dicks into your mouth and ass everyday.

You'd think a blonde, blue eyed Germanic woman would have everyone scrambling to protect her.

After Cologne, how are you even surprised? Those were real women getting raped and nobody gave a fuck, think they care about some pixels?

She has a pistol you know. A lot of times flankers run away when I confront them because her pistol isn't something to laugh about

I play Mercy in pugs.

>when you get POTG as mercy with the pistol

Kinda this, the pistol is actually really good. Had a couple of PotGs where I had nobody to heal or res and somewhat accidentally ended up finishing 3-4 people.

D.Va and Mercy's backup handguns are actually really kick-ass tier. Some of the best guns in the game what regards DPS:accuracy:magcap.

literally the weakest weapon in the game


aaaand games ruined

You should play with friends. You DO have friends, right? Friends who play video games?

Not German men, no. I meant literally anyone else.

What if I don't?

When I see a tracer or someone coming for me as mercy, I fly away immediately, to the furthest teammate if possible. That way, by putting the teammate next to me or between me and the flanker they HAVE to notice and do something about it, because they'll start taking damage.

>team has 5 damage heroes
>go tank
>nobody sticks with me
>enemy team runs wild with 5/6 heroes alive at all times

>go heals
>nobody sticks with me
>even with pocket heals they lose 1v1s

>say fuck it, go pharah
>start to secure eliminations for team
>things actually start to turn around because its a fucking shooter and there is no problem more fundamental than "the other team isnt dying"

Duuude, the point of tanks and heals is OBVIOUSLY to get the team builder advice tips to go away, do you know nothing?

>implying you'd risk getting stabbed by moroccan thugs to protect a fair maiden

Is there a way to use voice chat in-game when you're in a group with friends? It seems as though you can either voice chat in-game or with your group but not both.

It would be really helpful to pop into in-game voice chat and say "Reaper behind us" or whatever.

>German woman
>fair maiden
nah, they made their own bed

Mercy is Swiss, are they still worth protecting?

Hit P to open the social menu, have you and your group jump over to team chat instead of group chat.

That way you and your squad can chat with the randos too.

It has the same average dps as Reaper's HS if you're accurate.

this is why Mercy is one of my top 3 hereos played and i have a horrible w/l ratio with her

well, that and the matchmaking is rigged

>worth protecting

Protecting women is Chads work. He's the only one that gets to fuck them anyway.

ill play with you user, if you got pc that is

first off, i will try to be nice as possible with this, to help you understand the world of Mercy, and perhaps the world of healers.

Healer players have a situation awareness bubble that dwarfs...dwarfs everything else in the game. This evolves and grows in time. A normal player will at first feel like they are constantly being punished playing Mercy. And they are...for being out of position. They are punishing you for being in a vunerable spot or area that they have penetrated. And as your skill as playing mercy improves, you can eliminate some of these issues, but an equally skilled player, who knows how to penetrate defenses will still be able to reach you and that is where your teammates should be coming in.

In their defense, DPS, in general, will need an extreme amount of experience to expand their situational awareness bubble to include another friendly player in it, unless they are assigned that task directly. It is quite hard to picture the relative position of mercy, the enemies, and the best place for yourself to be at any given time.

It is something that working with a normal group that you play with over a long period of time can improve on, but in quickplay this will be very difficult unless again, you have someone highly trained to watch over mercy.

Reinhart for example can't always predict you from a good Tracer. He usually has his hands full, but many people think because he has the shields, its his job to do so.

Surprisingly my first time playing Mercy was with a friend and we both cleaned up four or five matches in a row.

As someone who usually plays Tracer: Get fucked, heal bitchboi. Literally my only mission in any given game is to kill you faggy support fucks who think the whole world revolves around you and ruin your day.

the funny thing is, that is true, the world does revolve around healers

you dance to their game by admitting you must go kill them, you entered an orbit around planet mercy or lucio and are ignoring everything else.

mercy best girl
>that perfect waist and figure

who's this cutie

>team has 2 Torbs
>our team gets fucking rekt by them
>2 teammates go pharah
>still get fucking rekt by the sentries
>I go reinhardt
>nobody gets fucking behind me
>continue to get rekt
>I tell people in chat to get fucking behind me so we can win
>my own teammate says in chat: lol, u mad
>we lose

Do you like flat girls?

>tryhard is mad

no, just disappointed

I play Mercy almost exclusively ( if no one else picks her first) and only in Quick Play and haven't had much issues. Yeah flankers will happen, the Tracers and Reapers get behind and kill me too quick to call out so I can't blame teammates. Vast majority of people appreciate me healing, I almost always get 5+ votes for my healing / rezzes, and more than a few times has the chat filled with "omg best mercy ever" and "gj mercy" after my team wins a match. I have fun playing as her.

>all those beta healslut fuckboys

>enemy pharah has a mercy floating 2ft behind her the entire game, switching between boost and heals fluidly
>they shit all over everything

>play pharah
>mercy doesn't bother to heal me when I land in front of her

>play mercy
>try to pocket a pharah
>pharah can't connect shots
>pharah squanders jumpjets as a "speed boost" and drops right back to the ground

I can barely fuck with the game when no friends are online.

I always played a priest in WoW too; I just like healing. Its nice to just sit back and chill and let everyone do the work. We keep everyone alive though, literally the most important thing. You're welcome.