"Please enter a name."

>"Please enter a name."

>"That name is unavailable."

Weeb names are always taken anyways

fuck you sasuke on bnet

>Name is used by a 2 years old inactive account but the admins refuse to delete it

>that sense of defeat when you had to put a number at the end of your nickname

>have original af name
>never taken
>"not gay but a dollar is a dollar"

you..you're welcome user

>have a username that has never been taken on a website for the 5 years i've used it
>no numbers, underscores, any of that bs
>download pokemon go
>"That name is not available."

I'm gonna scream

>being such a crybaby



>Day 1 of Pokemon GO in the U.S., had been out in Australia for a day so far
>Enter in normal username


>just want a sweet tolkein reference name
>beren, luthien and other obscure silmarillion characters always taken


I thought people could have the same bnet name. That's why there's the numbers after the name.

>Have a unique handle for 5 years
>find out someone stole it on steam a few months ago


Why is Azusa so shit?

She ruined the whole series

That isnt very original, its just a shit name.

>nickname from 2001
>never been taken
feels good man

>"Please claim waifu"

>"Waifu is already claimed"

I honestly think she was the most boring out of the whole cast.

>your username has literally never been used by anyone else before
>you have never had to use numbers or xXx__ bullshit
>your username was literally given to you by your parents
Step up your fucking game cucks.

What's the secret to coming up with an original name?

>really simple 5 letter alias
>never taken even on the oldest games
>if it is I just use a slightly longer version
>create an account on something that has only been out for a few weeks at most
>both short and long versions are taken

Wu Tang Clan name generator.
Works wonders if you're name is Arabic.

I tried sniping some of the most popular names the instant GW 2 was released. All of them were taken in under a second.

Literally ask your parents. They're good at coming up with shit like that I still have never had mine taken


So how many alternative names do you have if your original is taken? I've gotten to about 3 now

I try to take names from recently or about to be released movies/games even if I won't use the account/character just to know I took the name before anyone else

Originality is overrated

That's actually not a bad idea, if you were not an accident and your parents love you and stuff, they probably spent a long time thinking the best name for you.

My real name is volkan, it is usually taken.

>all these people ITT acting like their a special snowflake because they never had their username taken
I've never really had this issue either, get over yourself.

please allow me to make a thread on reddit with this joke i need gold

This scene makes my heart ache.

Fantastic finale

>Have username nobody else uses
>Sometimes have to use a shortened version which doesn't read as good
>Sometimes they don't even let you use spaces so I have to use underscore

Stop doing this to me internet.

I'll never get be Penis Bubbles

Is it just me or is there some glitch with the name system in pokemon go? Like 3 other people with these random as fuck names had theirs taken despite the app being launched like 3 hours before they tried it. Even mine which has never been taken before was unavailable.

>watch ubisoft trailer for wild lands.
>lose my shit at El Pozolero
>mfw I start using it as online handle

You know just because someone posts a picture from your favorite show doesn't mean it's a thread about the show.

Fuck, that Ed Edd n Eddy scene was heartbreaking.

>play offline singleplayer game
>"please enter a profile name"
>"that name is already taken"

fuck you broly on habbo

>"What's your name?"
>Input unusual name
>The game verbally said out loud your unusual name

Rio, I shat pants

>trying to come up with something original
>man udine sounds cool but is a girls name...
>trying to combine it with a cool word
>fucking perfect, come up with Undyne
>5 perfect year with name no one comes up with
>Undertale is released

>You must have a 100% original name when playing this game


>You cannot ever change it


>tfw Eddy's brother is revealed and why Eddy is the way he is

>have a bad username that i created a long time ago
>can't change it
fuck you Sony

>mfw your username is unique enough this almost never happens

It's a bug guys

>allows spaces, hyphens, dashes
>even shitty names like Sephiroth that are taken can be available with a little wordplay
>Sephiroth the Wrathful, Sephiroth the dumbass

There's an Undine in Secret of Mana, you underaged shit. They're a fish person and everything, get over yourself

>this name is considered "offensive"
>it's a fucking single-player game


Post your last few usernames you're proud of

>press random 5 years ago on final fantasy wikia
>get spell from final fantasy iv
>its never taken

I just use song names because I listen to a lot of music and sometimes its a good way to pick out a name

Fuck that, some faggot (I bet it was one of you from a play thread or something) took my main name and has been trying to claim it on everything.

There's even a shitty (name)GAMING channel on twitch besmirching my good name.

I swear there's not a single original person left in the fucking world

I'm guessing either Osmose or Dispel?

>uses a unique handle
>it's the handle your ex always uses when he plays MMOs made out of his name
>use it on every MMO I play that I also see him talk about



damn man, that's good if I can't even guess it

>have name for years
>some ugly LoL character comes out
>has the name I used for years
>retards in game now ask if I play LoL
kill me

what name?

>Two guesses out of like 200 fucking spells
>Could be one of the stupid Cure-agaga variations

I've donned a futa-pun name since like 2000

Ekkochan for pic

>you're growing tired of your old nicknames
>can't change

its not a -aga or anything like that

>flare, quake, berserk
>meteor, death, sleep
>holy, drain, warp
>fire ice lightning cure poison
most of these names are too common, i was looking for interesting ones that seem more obscure
A+ tho you made me laugh

>Kobalos Milleni
>playing a goblin assassin

>scarred fingertips
Rate my new name.

>greasy nigger

not all songs give good character names

>no one has ever used your nickname except you
>for 15 years

>littleanimegirl wasnt taken on pokego

I was happy

Same thing happened to me, but with a homestuck character.

condolences, what was your name?

>Friend use to name everything Twylight
>Then the movies came out
>Everyone in games assumed his name was based on the movies and he promptly stopped using the characters with that name

Ampora, it's the last name of this character. I don't use the name anymore though.

Ew. Well good thing you ditched the name then.
I wish I could do that but I've poured so much into little Eve that I can't just leave her.

>"That name is unavailable."
Anyone remember Diablo 2?

>named after a hawk from a book I read in High School, Talcon
>always some chucklefuck calling me Talcum powder

"Oh hey, Wakemeupbeforeyougo_go is online"

My username has never been taken before.
It's odd because it's such a fucking obvious name.

I've even seen the name lots of places, but it's never shown any user accounts of any kind.
Lucky enough that no one has stolen it yet.

Combining names/words really well.
Make your own portmanteau basically.