Why don't they play modern games?
Why don't they play modern games?
Because they aren't modern people.
Because they can't afford them. If the average OP knows so little abput the world around him, why is there a Sup Forums board?
>Sup Forums
>offering an unbiased worldview
Pick one.
they're holding the Olympics soon
consoles aren't expensive
I'm from Brazil and I play modern games because I'm not a poorfag.
>being this ignorant
all those countries play modern games, and have access to them.
Retail games are expensive as fuck because of import fees and taxes, but in the digital era, anybody can play any shit. Buying a PS4 for example and bringing it in is also not a big deal.
hardware costs more for them so they have older stuff
older stuff = older games
quite simple really
This, only rich white kids of nepotist/cronyist parents can afford current gen games/consoles/PCs.
spotted the poor nigger
go back to your favela
Having a console, handheld and PC is pretty common in Chile.
They think gaming is gambling
This gives gaming stuff a fuckhueg tax.
Since most of them are too poor to even buy clothes, they cannot buy vidya.
They aren't people either
Kill yourselves stupid ignorant gringos
Cono sur doesn't really count as Latin America.
Living in Mexico, I can really say my only options for playing modern vidya would be on a PC. An Xbone here costs around $8,000 MXN which is around $750 US.
You gotta remember its not as expensive if youre making USD, pesos on the other hand..
>they're holding the Olympics
two athletes and one news crew have been robbed so far, and they've discovered a super bacteria growing in the same water where the rowing events are supposed to be held. and of course i don't have to mention zika.
Thanks for the (You) Not a gringo at all, chill mothefucker
fuck off Sup Forums
because they know what's up, they have good taste.
Because modern games are terrible.
Games cost 300% more in most of those nations. While you can get a knock off system that plays NES, SNES and Genesis games for $20.
>mfw I sold my used 3DS to a guy in Brazil for more than I bought it new
>literally has nothing to do with the thread topic
We just shitposting now so why bother?
I live in Arizona and I always hear Mexicans talking when playing games online. They sure do play modern games.
>Blacks in charge of not killing each other
Bullshit, I live in Argentina and they have the same shit taste as everyone else, they buy PS4 to play FIFA 17, they play Overratedwatch, etc.
These are good answers
>Brazil fifth biggest gamimg market in the world
>Mexico also in the top 10
Dontt play modern games
All my friends have PS4 and some of them 3ds + wii u too.
But maybe that's because we are all argentines of european diaspora descent and not poor.
Poorfags here only play CS and TF2.
>Not buying digital from USA
i'm gonna put a dent in those numbers before i go out.
Because they are poor, filthy spics.
Why don't they play video games?
You niggers ready?
more tex mex for me
Mexifag here.
Steam is cheaper than amurrican steam, most of the times at least, If you're a PC gamer you can keep playing all the new stuff no problem.
Being consolefag is more expensive though because taxes and shit, specially nintendo. Nintendo is overpriced as fuck.
Argentina here.
I had to drop Physical this gen, new games are 85$ - 95$ retail now on day 1.
I can still buy them but i don't like feeling ripped off so instead i buy most games digitally on sale.
Unless it's stuff like Dark Souls or Dragon Quest, i get that shit is physical day one no matter what.
thread should have ended here
>Argentina here.
How's Messi doin'?
>buying DQ at launch
You are the hero gaming needs.
He's ok famalan.
Rate my newest purchase.
that's a pretty nice rug
What? Xbox One with FIFA 16 is $350 dollars in Amazon Mexico.
Thanks familia here's my pet taking a bath.
I'm Mexican, middle class and I own a PS4 and a mid end pc (shit it's expensive here like x2). I'm also updated with the latest vidya you piece of racist shit
You watch too much tv
That's about 200 hour of fun right there. 1000 hours if you have a friend to play DQIX with
>Kula mad at best girl
Kula and her fan base can GTFO.
Lmao why you mad beaner boy?
you have some good taste fellow white man
Even more concerning is that I'm still wasting my money on that.
Geez. I felt paying $60 for Smash 4 was a bad deal.
>Nintendrone in Latin America
Found the problem. Keep paying top money for your party game.
>living in shitholia
Nah I just wanted to make it sound worse than it actually is.
XBoner/PS4 games are $65 but for some bullshit reason ONLY Nintendo games cost $76.50.
Whatever, I only buy at those stores when there are discounts. Otherwise, being a fucking beaner you can always find who sells factory sealed games for cheaper prices. Of course they might be stolen but who cares.
>implying I donĀ“t have all consoles + pc with a 980
I am kind of rich even by first world terms, though
The Olympics are a very ancient sport gathering, user, what was your post supposed to prove?
But that's not america
estas pero bien pendejo
Rich third worlders are one of the worst things.
You have money, yet you still live in this shithole and go to public schools sometimes. Why don't you get the fuck out? Because you feel proud of your country? That's because you've never experienced the shitty side.
>consoles aren't expensive
A ps3 is still over 700USD in Argentina,a ps4 over 900USD and each game at least 70USD
Because vidya are double the price there
is central america a bunch of islands?
Maybe you would understand if you weren't a sheltered autist.
It's quite saddening. This must be a dudebroest place on earth, everyone only likes moba trash, FIFA or the newest meme game but only if its FPS. Pretty hard to be a nintendofag here especially a smashfag
Why do these charts never get adjusted for the near complete stop of immigration from south america?
spic here
we do lol
Because nobody expects it to actually happen.
Are you a poor third worlder or a first worlder? Either way you're retarded if you don't realize the rich third worlders are the ones most likely to be able to develop a third world country into a first world one, but only as long as they don't escape to Europe or the US to get rich easily.
well it is not hard if you are in middle school you will have a lot of friends to play with
But it happened years ago.
nigger cuck cuck nigger nigger cuck cuck nigger nigger nigger cuck cuck spic mudslime cuck liberal jew cuck nigger nigger nigger
You must have at least a single acquaintance that travels to the US. Just ask them for a console and buy everything digital at US prices.
Cuba doesn't really unless it's some black market shit. Trust me i kno senpai
I'm Mexican with a hacked 3DS, modded Wii U and mid-high end PC, so I can play whatever the fuck I please
>no caribbean islands
whoever made this fucked up
>tfw a single nintendo game costs like a 1/12 of my wage
What modern games? Popular modern games are mostly f2p shit like tf2 and dota and lol which are swarming with latin americans. Same with Blizzard games and dudebro shit like FIFA and CoD. I have no idea what modern games you were thinking of, Persona?
Really? Like dozens of non AAA games come out every year, but thats all you think of? Sucks to be you.
itt gringo fatty describes the world
>not just creating a canadian eshop account