Buyfag thread

Buyfag thread

Keep iy vidya

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That looks edible.

What's wrong with them?

Fuck off underage

I fucking hate that people actually buy these.

Imagine how many better figures we could get for games if this fucking company went bankrupt.

They look like shit.

The big bug eyed, big-headed base they use is uncreative and bland as fuck.

they're a cheap mass produced gimmick that doesn't look like the fucking characters it's successfully cashing in on because of retards

I really have no idea what the appeal of these figures are, they completely butcher the design of the character theyre modeled after.

I'm glad that these soulless, bland pieces of shit are out there. Whenever I walk into someone's place and I spy one of these dead-eyed fuckers on the shelf, I can assume that the owner is a mindless consumerist whore more concerned with flagging their interests than supporting anything of discernible quality.

It pains me because I would buy a GSC Scale of Mei and/or D.Va in a heartbeat. We're only gonna get fucking Tracer though

Look at how shit this is.
Professional character designers create characters who look good and people like and have their design actually compliment the type of character they're supposed to be. Then Funko morph them into the dullest, most soulless possible recolour of their shitty mold and still fucking idiots buy them.

there's nothing wrong with pops

Another fucking Pops thread? We just had this yesterday user. Everyone knows their shit.

Anyone else preorder this?

they are shit*


Jesus fucking Christ, Joy's eyes were on her defining characteristics, this looks so bad

How fat is the ass?

>All these people hating on Pops will turn around and buy generic super deformed low quality nendoroids from chinese sweatshops

Fairly sure one of them gets cut in half there

Fucking underage fuck


You can never make sweeping generalizations of people based on any one aspect.
Online, it's easy, but in the real world, when you go out and socialize, you know that things are never so clear cut.

I've met "feminists" who are chill and reasonable.
I've met "racists" who are the kindest and most generous people out there.
I've encountered so many contradictory people and had so many experiences where my preconceived notions were flat out wrong.

But I've still never met a Funkopop owner who isn't a massive fucking retard.

Kind of disappointed I waited and missed out on the Grommash statue. But whatever, it's just $350 I don't need to spend.


I don't know why people buy this ugly garbage.

If you want big headed monstrosities, there's nendos instead. I don't like them, but they look way better than these pieces of garbage.

Came to post basically this so thanks user.

There were never any of these things at my local game shop until overwatch released. Now the shop has been remodeled and this shit has its own wall. Why the fuck would people spend money on this shit and collect them is beyond me. There is plenty of shit worth buying above these retarded collectables.

>B-but nendos
Every time

I'm actually 22

i guess the last thing was the overwatch collectors edition, but that might be cheating.
before that i bought the cammy bishouju statue.

was thinking of buying the terry bogard figure or buying a gundam because they are pretty cheap.
or the Jehuty figure.

I hate weebshit, but nendoroids at least don't look as cheap, and satanic as Pops.

Ugly and shit QC

tfw no Urien figure ever

>Sup Forums shits on POP! figures
>yet they're okay with nedoroids
Fuck you hypocrites. It's okay when Japan does it.

>Have a morbid curiosity to open this in photoshop to see the guys getting blown to pieces

I can't actually see anything at 1x speed, but I have the feeling someone gets blown in half.

I'll only buy nendoroids when the character is actually chibi

Like Isabelle and Luluco

>Funko shit
Fuck off, poser.

I want to like Luluco's Nendo but they went so overboard on the hair stripe that it just looks bad to me now

tfw it's impossible to find sonic pops under $50

Whatever you say, weeb.

Christ, people like you are the dumbest shits on here.
Your greentext and reactionimage don't actually help your defense of Pops.

If nendos are low quality and generic, then how does that even make Pop "haters" wrong?
Nendos are shit, sure, but Funkos are OBJECTIVELY worse, so what's even your goddamn point?

please dude I beg you to compare ANY nendo to ANY pop and you will see the difference in quality immediately

>I'll only buy nendoroids when the character is actually chibi
The most sensible user in this thread.

nedoroids actually look much better.
you can pose them.
they almost always come with accessories that you can switch out.

I only buy figures of robot characters for similar reasons. Due to that I only have Drossel and Jehuty.

Can we ban popposters?

Wow, that looks horrible

They went slightly overboard, but I find it trivial enough to not really bother me

I mean, the stripe is a pretty important part of her design


>the same guy who always starts the OP with pop does it again
>everyone spergs again out for the umpteenth time
We know these things are shit so could you at least try and salvage the thread?

Partner got me this (picture related) for my Christmas/Birthday present.
Have not brought figures in ages.
And on the topic of those POP! figures, I have the Skeletor one and I don't mind it, it looks pretty sick. However a lot of them look like shit.

Picked this up

>Nendos are shit, sure, but Funkos are OBJECTIVELY worse
Protip: just because you don't like an aesthetic doesn't mean X is worse than Y.

Had me going for a sec till that last sentence that I had a giggle

I know they're just putting them out there to print money thanks to idiots but looking at this you'd hope Disney would have the reserve to say "No thanks"
Making this ugly shit makes it seem like you've made china-tier bootlegs into official merchandise. Isn't this ugly garbage diluting their brand?

I know I'm trying to tell businessmen to turn down easy money but goddamn this just shouldn't exist.

Interesting, I always thought the poor bastard at the door got blown to bits.

>posts bootleg nendos as proof that real nendos are shit
Damn man, at least know what the fuck you're talking about before you spout shit.

I got a Thrall funkopop for Christmas one year. It's alright.

Is that dwarf thing an art book?

I have this and the illidan one

>tfw illidan's platform broke so i have to support it on the wall to keep him stand


People really fell for the neo beanie baby meme

>buy Pharah pop vinyl for $13 on Blizz store
>people are buying it on ebay (i checked sold + completed listings) for $100+

Mines still unopened.

Should I?

i love her though

You can really tell it was designed to be seen from specific angles

It's a case. Art book is inside, though sadly attached to the box so you cannot hold it separately which is a little retarded.
And underneath is a slide box that holds the several over things along with the game.
>Estimated Value - $120.00

No regret

I would buy the shit out of a proper Pharah scale. Even if it were the same low quality as the Tracer.


Do we need a pop hating thread up all the time?

Sell it, user.

With Overwatch's popularity, it'll only be a matter of time until Max Factory or GSC makes a scale of the most features characters from the game, and Pharah along with Tracer are likely to be first

I used to hate pops too, but the fact of the matter is they cover a lot of properties that don't get/have expensive as fuck figures. The low pricepoint for the size and quality of the figure is definitely worth it. Yeah, most of them(especially generic humans) look terrible but some look pretty good and it's nice to have figures that have a sort of uniform style.

I was struggling for space before I got her, but she was the straw that broke the camel's back. Now I've got to move to a bigger place just so I have space for my figures.

im poor

me too

Yes. Not only is it garbage, it's garbage you can make mad money off of. Imagine finding a McD toy while dumpster diving and someone wanted to throw their money at you.

>guranteed replies

I love Pops because there's ALWAYS that sad faggot who says
>w-what's the problem with pops guys??
who then becomes the guy who says
>ugh okay guys we get it STOP TALKING ABOUT POPS, STOP IT!

I love it. They should continue to feel bad.

>mfw people have literally paid over 100 dollars for this shit

why does street fighter have no collectables

Just because if want that figurine and big deus ex fan since the first

>digital comic book
fuck companies not giving physical books.

>All these pops apologists

>how does that even make Pop "haters" wrong?

It doesn't make them wrong, it just makes them hypocrites.

>100 dollars

The artbook is, better than nothing

Jesus fucking christ.
It blows my mind. Blows my fucking mind.
If you can afford to pay these sort of prices then you can afford to buy amazing perfectly sculpted and gorgeous models of these characters.
This shit makes me lose faith in people faster than an ISIS execution video.

>Kiryu got delayed

was going to ask how much was the chun figure but the face looks like shit

Just wait like a month after release and you could pick it up for 1/8th of the price. Special editions depreciate like nothing else.

There's a girl at work who's always showing me photos of her collection, she buys fucking every special edition video game that comes out, and talking about how much money she could have if she ever sold them, while I nod and smile politely.

Aye love, those Duke Nukem Forever and Alone in the Dark statues are your retirement fund. You're set for live.

I assume you mean action figures specifically because there's tons of shit beyond that.
You can find some of the older action figures on ebay, but they're expensive.
There's a new line in the works (Ryu is currently up for preorder), but it's

I forgot the names of both lines and the companies that make them.

Trying to get into modelling by buying a Zaku II HGUC.

any third strike shit?
or sft2

My coco-friends

Excellent choice.
But remember in future to sand down the excess plastic BEFORE applying panel lining. Otherwise, looking good.

thinking about just getting a few sonic action figures off amazon.

Funko pops are shit, but the Reaper one is kind of cute.

Kill yourself.

You faggots seriously collect action figures?

I know for sure there's a Remy. You can honestly just hop on ebay and search to see what exists.

Please tell me you don't play videogames past the age of 8, user.

remy/q/alex are my favorites so thanks

Holy shit dem dragons crown figs....