Etrian Odyssey 4 is only $10 on the eShop this week.
You literally have no more excuses not to play this game, whats the hold up Sup Forums?
Etrian Odyssey 4 is only $10 on the eShop this week.
You literally have no more excuses not to play this game, whats the hold up Sup Forums?
I already have it and beat it. Entrian Odyssey 5 can't come soon enough.
I replayed this after EOU and holy shit its so much better, barring the QoL improvements like running and battle speed.
Us EOU2 an improvement??
no 10 $
Came for the lolis, stayed for the cartography.
Average income puts someone at making over twice that per hour. Are you below average user?
>no excuse
It's $10 almost all the time. Which is why I beat it and gave my Landy a fully forged Yggdrasil sword.
wow, so glad чcнaи unblocked russia, could not post since june 10
пoздpaвляю вceх c этим coбытиeм
But i'm not a fucking idiot and i have a hacked 3ds and got it for free and can't wait to pirate V when it releases?
Are the games connected? I'd feel obligated to play them all in order
You are a cancer.
im just a bum
They are entirely stand alone.
Not really no. The "connection" if any is a few minor references to past games, such as QR code items like a Yggdroid doll. Otherwise in story and in game there is no discernable connection so feel free to play however you want. If you want to play Untolds though, play them in order.
Not really.
Think of it like Final Fantasy. Plot has some similarities, and there are common elements, but otherwise they occur in completely different universes
Cheers, then would you recommend that I play them anyway? Fifth game seems a long way off
>If you want to play Untolds though, play them in order.
As someone who just beat EOU on Classic but didnt bother with Story Mode, I'm curious about the connection before I start EOU2
Is it any good
>literally have no more excuses
But I am buying MH:G and I am Setsuna so fuck spending more dosh
That case I'll get started on Millennium Girl. thanks guys.
Yes but play EO4 first so you can appreciate the quality of life changes in the untolds.
Unless of course you can get your hands on original copies of EO1 and 2, but I dont see why that would be necessary.
Just avoid story mode like the plague.
Not much of a connection between Untold and Untold 2, but it's a much better idea to play 1 before two due to the vast improvements of two. Also 2's story is somewhat better than 1, although 1's isn't bad.
>Millennium Girl
At the very least heed my warning of Story Mode.
Yes, it unlocks 2 classes, but you dont need them as they werent in the original.
Plus it spoils a fucking nice twist way early in the game
Why avoid story mode? Are these the kind of games where you make up your own story with the given characters? I don't mind doing that.
>EOV has titty monsters
Thank fuck
Ah okay, my mistake. I'll try classic first. Thanks!
By the way, how long would you say it takes to finish this game?
Also, one of the best parts of EO is building and customizing your party, which Story Mode does not allow
It's really repetitive and cheaply made.
Depends on how good you are and if you plan on beating the post-game too.
Average skill and no post game, while thoroughly exploring and completing everything?
Gotta be a solid 40hrs in there. Someone else can check my numbers, its hard to quantify.
I played Etrian Odyssey Untold first and now I can't go back on account of how slow 4 is
Yes, you'll want to create your own characters and classes to get the most out of these games. Story mode is for the dirty casuals.
Also, start with 4.
In Untold 1 I would heavily recommend playing story first as it is impossible to 100% the game without it and you miss out on an entire extra dungeon. Also story cannot use classic characters and classic CAN use story characters. 2 doesn't need it first but try it, the story is very good.
Easily 50 hours for the main game, 70+ for postgame
Don't avoid story mode, it's quite good. People hate it but it's not nearly as bad as people say. Also 2's gives you the (admittedly overpowered) Fafnir class for 1 character, which is really fun to use and comes with kickass music when he transforms.
And here we go.
Nevermind that Story ruins the plot defining reveal right at the start, or that the party are generic anime characters, or that you're locked in to class choices, or that EO1 classic was not designed with Gunner or Highlander in mind
This is terrible advice.
EO story modes are casual as shit and were literally added to to cater towards women and children.
>tfw it's €9.99 in Europe
>tfw bought it
>it's overwhelming, have no idea what to do or what party should i make
fuck, i'm too stupid for all that
Doesn't matter, EO1 barely had an excuse of a plot and it reveals it in the opening. You are correct in that it wasn't designed with Highlander or Gunner in mind but they hardly make it worse, considering the original EO was
>Immunize to win
the game.
Even if you hate the story it's worth exploring Gladsheim and doing the M.I.K.E. battle.
Regardless, it's worse to play story after classic and have your self-made characters locked out of use. And not playing it is throwing out a good chunk of the game, one that is pretty decent with some fun bosses. The only thing that sucked ass was EO1U's grimoires.
Frankly I'm a little confused now, but I'll go ahead and try classic first
What character portrait and colors should i use for my Fortress Sup Forums?
I really like the ojou-sama blonde girl so far.
I'll make it easy for you
Take a protector and landsknecht as your frontline staples
Then you'll want at LEAST either a medic, a dancer, or both for survivability and healing.
Then you pick based on preference.
Sniper gives you nice binds, which are fucking useful
Runemaster is glass elemental canon
Night Seeker has versatility, and can inflict status to good effect
You unlock more classes as you go, which are all fucking based. Especially the last one.
It was my best game of 2014, fug, still worth it at release price
Eo4 is trash.
Well that's your choice, but be aware you will miss out on an extra dungeon, two classes, and will be locked out of using your custom made party if you want to do classic after.
Obviously sharkteeth protectmurderer
thanks senpai
oops I mean story after
Which is fine because none of those things were in EO1 to begin with, its all fluff added for the re-release.
That's quite a bit of content. Is the twist another user mentioned worth missing out on all this?
Dude, just play classic. Untold is straight up remake of EO 1, with extra stuff added for story.
Just play it like it was originally intended. Or go play, its a better game in almost all regards.
Bought it a few days ago. Never played an EO game before, but it just seems way too barebones for me as an rpg. Then again, I'm only 3 hours in.
And none of the maps in EOU were in EO1 either, they're all new and mostly much larger. Remember the tiny areas the size of EO4's caves as full floors in the original? Every map in EOU is new.
I'd say it's a pretty big surprise if you don't watch the opening, but he's probably not an idiot so if you don't care about missing that content then do your thing. EO classic's story is extremely minimal otherwise. I found it to be worth it.
>or go play 4, its a better game
I'm that other user.
Honestly, its up to you.
EO, as a series, is represented best by Classic mode. Thats just what it is.
Story mode, as intimated earlier, is just an add-on
If you want to play EO, play Classic.
If you want watered down EO with anime characters and a few extra gadgets that werent in the original anyway, play Story mode.
Honestly, if you plan on continuing, all those extra classes, and more, are in EOU2 anyway, so you'll get to experience them no matter what if you plan on continuing the series
I was playing it for a while but everything in the second labyrinth was kicking my ass and i have no money for new shit so i gave up
All right, thanks for the info guys
I could see that if you were expecting some kind of sweeping epic story. But these games are about two things:
>hardcore/delicious gameplay
>Head canon
>watered down EO
Isn't that EO4? I thought EO1U was much harder than EO4 even in story mode. Gunner and Highlander are much weaker than people made them out to be. I had an easier time with a ronin only party.
Go back a couple floors and kill mobs fro materials. Do you do any resource collecting at collection nodes?
I think people would complain easier about EO2U where Fafnir is ridiculously overpowered, Highlander is pretty balanced and normal for the game.
yes, i collect shit all the time
Untold 3 when?
Oh not in terms of difficulty. Jist in the sense that they add in muh anime story to make it more palatable to people who otherwise might not enjoy slogging through EO difficulty.
EOU on Expert is plenty hard. I actually still haven't been able to beat the post-game super boss on Expert yet because fuck you Necrosis.
fuck this advice, play the original DS title if you want to experience EO in all it's original intent. EOU is pathetically easy and watered down in classic too, and includes lazy shit like floor jump
These are great games to play while watching TV or listening to a podcast. I've spent entire afternoons just resource collecting and training up my secondary guild.
>Pathetically easy
It removed Immunize easy-mode and other exploits. So, no. Go fuck yourself.
You really shouldn't be running out of money then. Are you selling your old gear?
Trying to watch something while playing Xenoblade just isnt realistic. EO is perfect for it though
Ah well that makes sense.
EOU on expert was rather easy too. The Primevil was pretty awful though.
I already own it, I've actually been playing the past few weeks
The crazy motherfucker on the far right is my fort right now
Bane Lizards and Depth Dancers are fucking monstrous too though.
More so the former than the latter
>implying having shit like grimoires and floor jump compares to EO
>implying immunize wasn't just as bad as the all the classes in EOU being stupidly overpowered with weak ass enemies
try harder
EO4 is fantastic, but I've played it already.
Give me a reason to play 2. I've had it for 8 months now
>listening to a podcast instead of the best soundtracks in a handheld game
Hmm, I found the birdies harder since they tended to gang up on you and rape your characters with bad beak or whatever it was called Untold.
You own it
>Implying I wasted days of play time on those fucking things
>Implying floor jump was nothing but a QoL improvement with no impact on difficulty
I'll give you the weaker enemies bit, but I'll counter bybsayong they actually buffed some of the bosses, iirc.
food and a much better story than EOU
Also nude portrait DLC for the two story girls.
What? The bosses and FOEs were fucking garbage outside of the 6th stratum.
Also just by being there grims and FJ casualized it beyond redemption
DDs were pretty easy to deal with. You just had to do it FAST, or time your encounter strategically
>Bind head
>Fucking pound on its weaknesd until it goes down
Meanwhile, Bane Lizard doesnt have any weakness and has 20k+ health. And instant death moves.
Ever play EO2? EO2U improves on both that game AND EOU by leaps and bounds
>Less retarded grimoire system
>You're only locked out from story mode Fafnir, Princess/Soverign is still obtainable in story mode
My absolute favorite thing though, is their changes to War Magus and Beast, where before in EO2 they were just huge gimmick glasses that no one would ever use, in this one they're amazing on their own right with skills like Random Disease and Ailment slash, or much better tanking skills like Hit-Taker.
>outside of the 6th stratum
I was referring to 6th and dragons. So... i guess were talking about apples and oranges user.
Also forgot to mention, you're not locked out from the story mode dungeon, you can still go into it in classic mode, but it's not elaborated as greatly.
And it's pretty seperated from the plot and doesn't spit the twist in the first 10 minuets
Which one should I start with? Can I play Untold 2 first?
>two mildy on par FOE's, the superboss, and one dragon
Really? The dragons were weak af, the only thing that made one of them even remotely hard was mirror shield.
You can start with any of them, but if you start with untold 2, you probably won't be able to stomach EO2.
I recommend Eo3 to start with since it doesn't have an untold edition yet and is the best of the series.
Ah. I just couldn't take them out in less than 5 turns so that would explain it.
I always petrified the Bane Lizard so I never fought one for more than 4 turns.
I didnt really think about it but I guess you're right to an extent. Still, most changes only cut down on grinding, not actual difficulty. Which, in my opinion, is a good thing
>EO3 best of the series
Is this true user? Elaborate.
>less grinding
Admittedly a bit of a chore, but it helps overleveling shitters do it much easier
Sold, opening it up tonight
>overleveling shitters
Right but that should be optional. We should be able to point and laugh at over levelers, not be forced to be one of them
Sure we can laugh, but that doesn't make easier grinding less casual.
I'll be accused of being a fanboy but Eo3 is absolutely the best in my opinion
It has different classes from EO1/2, and while most play somewhat the same, they've added new skills or classes, such as Ninjas, buccaneers, farmers, arbalists and two unlockable classes locked in by the story
It introduces summons and dopplegangers as well, with Wildlings being able to summon up monsters to help the party in battle, they function as the game's Hexer's, all their summons will inflict ailments like poison, sleep, curse, stun and even insta kills.
Doppleganger will also take up a slot in the party (Remember, you only have 5, so both of these will fill your party out to a full 6) and create a perfect copy of your Ninja.
What's really standout about the game is the introduction of subclassing, most people will say it's broken, but no one will really hold a gun to your head and say to only play this or that way, it's really fun to see what classes can help either compliment weaknesses or improve on other parts, such as making a Hoplite/Ninja tank so you can evade tank and guard both rows of your party, or something like Buccaneer/Gladiator to amplify your normal attacks while being able to attack more than once.
Story wise, it's very good, and is so far the only one that allows a sort of branching path, mid game you can choose to pick a side, doing so will get you one of the hidden classes to make for yourself and you can go on the story from there.
I'd absolutely love to go on if you had anymore questions, I'm shameless to say EO3 is one of my absolute favorite games.
Slipped my mind for a second, but there's also a sailing minigame, it works more like a puzzle where you have a set amount of food and you explore the ocean instead of the labyrinth\, with the goal of establishing trade routes with other sea cities, getting better food to go farther on the waves and then finally being able to fight sea monsters as strong bosses for their drops and money.
Your enthusiasm is infectious
I promise to give it a try as soon as I can find a copy
Thanks for typing that out.