ITT: Games that Sup Forums is too pleb to appreciate

ITT: Games that Sup Forums is too pleb to appreciate.


ITT: Overrated pseudointellectual trash



>serviceable pluzzle/platforming
>almost zero art direction or meaningful asset design just all shadows/black objects to hook suckers into thinking its deep
>no soundtrack
Limbo is definitely a game but its hardly special

Shill pls go. No one is interested in your shit game.


>almost zero art direction or meaningful asset design just all shadows/black objects to hook suckers into thinking its deep
Proving OP's point.

It's shite. I got it for free* and felt ripped off.


bad mojo

>no soundtrack

That's funny because until Inside, Limbo was the game with the best sound design in history of gaming. The problem with sound design is that, the better it is, the less intrusive it will be.

I suggest you replay limbo and actually listen to the sounds and how they tie in with gameplay.
Being a sound designer myself i think Stig Anderson did gods work on this project, and Inside is even better, because not only does it have more complex sound design, the game also "listens" and persists through death=respawn cycles.

I became a sound designer because of Limbo.

I guess i can understand why someone wouldn't be able to appreciate it in terms of gameplay through, since it's really a trial and error game, but i thought that, while not being too hard, all puzzles were cleverly designed and they never spent too much time with a single gimmick. I think it's a well designed game overall.

I don't remember this image from it, but is this the atlus dungeon/tower crawl? Because that game fucking sucked

If they could afford shills the game would probably look better


Inside had such a shit ending. Not talking about the secret one or the meta bs, but the blob just laying in the sun. Would of been better if it just vanished offscreen or something

the amount of people on Sup Forums who have said CK2 is "too complicated" is astounding

>I suggest you replay limbo and actually listen to the sounds and how they tie in with gameplay
user just cause the spider made some angry spidery noises out of frame to let me know whats coming to eat me doesnt make >Limbo the game with the best sound design in history of gaming

The sound design had no lasting impact so much so that I almost remember the game as silent and I was playing that shit with good headphones. There may have been techinical aspects done right but overall it was an indie title and they did the least work possible for a functional product

I don't find it too complicated, so much as too complicated for the amount of fun it produces. I understand the how and what. It's just boring.

limbo is trash tho

Are you me?