What headphones do you use for gaming?

What headphones do you use for gaming?
>tfw poorfag
>tfw stuck with £2.99 earphones

HD 598 with modmic, it's nice.

The comfiest.

M-100 with BoomPro.

>AT ATH M40x
>Sony MDR v6

I have those and I can confirm any other headphone in the same range of price is a fucking meme.

got em as a gift and enjoy them

Reminder that 5.1/7.1 headphones are a meme and you should always stick to stereo.

t. Sup Forums

Anyone know how the HD 598s compare against the DT 880 premiums?


Let's say you want to spend €200 on your headphones.

If you buy a stereo headset that's two €100 drivers.
If you buy a 5.1 headset that's 12 €16,67 drivers. The quality per driver takes a nosedive.

>b-but muh surround sound. I want to hear the enemies footsteps behind me.

Stereo headsets are perfectly capable to project precise full surround sound.
5.1 and 7.1 are just buzzwords to sucker in unknowing gamers.

This fine piece of work.
>tfw I got these on sale for 45 bucks



hd 650s through o2 amp/dac

A Sennheiser Game One headset.

Same price as the HD 598, based on the HD 558, has a mic with quality on par with the mod mic (from my personal experience anyway) and the volume control on the ear cup is convenient.

Shit is uncomfortable for the first day though. Needs to be stretched out.

reporting in

dt880s and other beyerdynamic headphones are treble heavy. almost piercing really. they havent updated their design in a long time

youre better off with the 598s or maybe some akg headphones. though akg is less comfortable than sennheisers usually

Logitech G430

its amazing to me that people think a bunch of shitty drivers is better than two good drivers in the same location.

5.1 or 7.1 headphones are still stereo. you cant adjust headphone position and angle like speakers. theyre still strapped to your ears.

>Sup Forums
>thinking you have authority to issue headphone advice

Shouldn't you be in your cancerous general thread posting pathetic pictures of your favorite anime girl wearing the headphones you like


got this thing for free because my friends buys a lot of shit from Gamestoop, it works good and the bass slider is nice

Also have good closed headphones, but that would be masochistic in this heat.

Not sure if great b8 or actually serious
I know jack shit about headphones

ATH-M50x. I used to own a pair of Logitech G430s, and now I can't possibly go back to those headphones. It feels so uncomfortable to have a pair of headphones with the shape and size already set in stone.

Sennheiser G4ME ZEROs

He's serious.

5.1 and 7.1 headphones are God awful because they use several smaller, shittier speakers instead of two large good speakers.

5.1 and 7.1 surround sound work for real speaks because you actual position them at different locations around the room. THis doesn't work for headphones where they are positioned on your left or right ear at all times.

What you want is a good stereo headphone with large single speakers in each can. The surround sound you want is actually virtual surround sound provided by a sound card, the game itself, or third party software.

Virtual surround sound is actually what those shitty 5.1 and 7.1 headsets use as well, usually with a crappy little usb soundcard.

They trick people like yourself into paying more thinking you're getting a real 7.1 or 5.1 speaker set-up packed into a pair of headphones.

I use these. They aren't bad for how inexpensive they are, and although I like open headphones I need to keep out noise bleed. Only real problem I have is the faux-leather pads are a little uncomfortable, but I'm looking to get a pair of velour pads to fix that

mother FUCK

I wish I had some invisible headphones. They sound comfortable.

I use my marshall monitor.

I need to buy new headphones.

I use pic related.

Bose QuietComfort 20

doesnt matter
most faggots just use onboard soundcards with their 300$ headphones
they think those sub-2 dollar onboard soundcards are "fine"

when you go down that rabbit hole you need like 1000 dollars in equipment to get what its supposed to sound like, and none of it ever is ever made to sound like its supposed to sound like, because its all optimized for the targeted hardware of all the poorfag plebs who flood the marketplace who cant be bothered to get beyond "its fine" pleb onboard soundcards

Turtle beach so i can turn down the game and discord on that little box on the wire

I wish I had the cash to buy snake oil

Is it worth 135 bucks.
Also hows the sound quality?


why would you ever fall for the gamer marketing for surround sound headphones

like which musicians or sound engineers do you know who ever use them

My friend got me Beats for christmas so I've been using those. I'd never had headphones that were more than twenty bucks so they're pretty nice compared to what I was used to.

Sennheiser HD 595 with a Fiio E10 DAC

I have those phones, but what mic is that user?

samson meteor

It's a real bitch to find them in the dark

HD800 off course

Mah nigga, I started with the ATH-M40x three years ago and they still work like a charm
Just got the M50x a few months ago, they are even better
Best thing about Audio Technica's is how fucking robust those things are
I have broken so many headphones in my life, but these guys, they just dont give a shit and keep working

On board realtek is better than DACs inside 2k+ snake oil aluminum boxes. Beside why you need more than 192khz/24bit for output? And it can drive 250-300 omh dynamic headphones (efficient) without issue.

I've had these for like 7 years and they still work as well today as the day I bought them.

anything before realtek alc1150 isnt good at all. and some motherboard manufacturers fuck up alc1150 implementation

there are good dac/amps like o2 and the schiit ripoff that are cheap and quality. its worth the money imo since onboard audio is always a gamble

These bad boys, twenty dollars and they sound great.

Only problem is how short the cable is, but you can get a M/F cord for next to nothing.

Hyperx cloud. They have pretty good sound but it's hard to hear yourself sometimes. Also it's mic is a little too sensitive on picking background noise. Decent headset overall.

Pic related

Good ole 8323.

True, but I was talking about 300$+ motherboards with good DAC implementation. Even dualshock 4 able to drive HD800.

I hear they were the best of the best for gaming for a while. Discontinued now though. Lucky to find a pair for under $200.

Sennheiser HD 600 with clip-on mic when I'm home and playing with PC or substituting home theater speakers at late night, Sennheiser Momentum with portable devices. Just werks.

Sennheiser HD 449s, got them on sale for 55$ I think two years ago.
Zalman mic for 7$. Quite minimally painful reactions than I had anticipated- low sensitivity as well as a fan not blasting behind me isn't causing someone permanent damage when I'm trying to play cs/wow

Do you own the HD650 as well? And what do you use to drive the HD600?

whatever works for you. i got an o2 for my hd650s because my onboard audio was dirty even with a newer asus motherboard. and so i could get out of the upgrade loop and never feel like i have to buy a piece of equipment for my headphone setup again.

youre right though

Samsung Level On Wireless. I got them with my phone. P good

see what i mean? cancerous plebs who cant buy up past the .53 cent onboard soundcard

then they go and buy a 300 dollar headphones as if that is going to make a difference

its literally cancer


underage detected

I actually plugged my Note to a store demo HD800 and it drove it just fine.

Audio Technica ATH AD500X. Fucking great soundstage. Only 75 bux on Amazon too.

Sennheiser Urbanites

I never can use headphones at home . How can you guys manage is baffling to me. Door always can ring, so does phone or someone in home could need help.or fucking thief can get your home.

Meeh i will pass

Poorfag reporting in.

I have tried 650 but I don't own it, didn't really sound better to me so I see no need to upgrade. I keep my HD 600's plugged either in Meier Audio desktop amp (can't remember exact model, but it's old and was something like ~200€) when using PC or in my home theater receiver when I'm substituting speakers, both work just fine although Meier Audio amp seems a bit better regarding SQ.