Does this game have a faction of contrarian hipsters who hold it up as a sacred cow and bash older/newer Mario games, similar to Pokémon B2W2/Wind Waker/Path of Radiance?
Does this game have a faction of contrarian hipsters who hold it up as a sacred cow and bash older/newer Mario games...
I like drinking water.
So I like this game.
its a good game, what else can you say
But Soulsilver is objectively the best pokemon game
This. it's a near flawless game.
its probably the worst SMB game if the new super mario bros games didnt exist
The thing is, contrarian hipsters, /vp/tards, and normies all agree on that one. RBY, XY and B2W2 have more of a demographic split.
A vast majority of people that like Sunshine, also like Mario64 and like Galaxy. Having said that, the internet is a big place, so you can probably find any kind of person if you search hard enough.
Almost everybody loves those games, they're (subjectively) impossible to hate.
Sunshine hipsters would probably bash 3D Land/World and maybe the NSMB series, but at least that last one is warranted for sucking the life and imagination out of the franchise.
I'm a contrarian hipster just because I like Sunshine?
It's worse than 64, but better than galaxy
This game is fucking bad and I will never let you guys rewrite history.
Galaxy 1 and 2 are the GOAT
No, if you like Sunshine and bash other 3D Mario games as if they were absolute crap.
Forgot to mention Galaxy 2 as another potential target.
>muh linear garbage
Go play NSMBW
Yes, me, for example. Want to hear my contrarian hipster complaint?
In Sunshine, you're dropped into a level, and you learn the geography of it, how it's made, you get familiar with it, and you accomplish your missions with increased efficiency.
In Mario Galaxy, you just follow a path that may or may not have anything at all in common with the previous mission in the very same level, complete an easy challenge, repeat.
You can't even move the camera that much but it's ok since you don't really need to look around. Just follow the coins and star bits, jump when you're told to, and win the star.
Mario Sunshine had you going around open areas.
Mario Galaxy was a series of straight paths.
It also had a lot of 2d segments, you could feel lie the developers just wanted you to go from point A to point B without exploration.
It was a step backwards.
I want my levels to be open and sprawling, like Thwomp's Fortress. Not linear and narrow like Rainbow Ride.
(and at least in Rainbow Ride you could go back to previous parts of the level with trick jumps, it wasn't full of bullshit one-way cannons that spit you lightyears away with no hope whatsoever to ever go back to the previous isolated "chunk".)
Nice, now all we need is for the like-minded people to band together and bash Galaxy casuals.
When it comes to pokemon the Contrarian hipsters are the genwunners. B2W2 is up there with Platinum and HGSS as the best pokemon game.
Sunshine wasn't good but I'd take it over 3DLand/World any day.
So fucking boring and forgettable.
Explain why linear is bad
>Galaxy 2
While I can understand why Sunshine can be considered contrarian since it has split opinions and despite how much I enjoyed it it does very much has it's flaws, Galaxy 2 is generally accepted to be Mario's last GOAT game (unless you enjoy 3D World which is pretty split and essentially the modern Sunshine in that sense.)
Christ the art direction is this game is pure shit.
That pic is giving me eye cancer.
Time to look outside /vp/. Normies agree on HGSS, but apart from that, they have a heavy genwunner slant and love XY for all its genwun pandering.
Oh no, I mean as a target for the Sunshine fanboys to bash, since it's hard to bash Galaxy 1 but Galaxy 2 had a few controversial points.
This has been the only Mario game so far that I couldn't finish. Just a completely boring piece of shit.
All those games OP mentioned were beloved when they came out. OP probably just didn't play those series until later installments and heard they were better recieved.
>B2W2/WW/PoR: worshipped by contrarian hipsters, not as popular with normies
>XY/Twilight Princess/Fire Emblem Awakening: liked with normies, despised by contrarian hipsters
These anons get it.
3D World is actually the worst 3D Mario. So fuckin' bland and full of levels that are built around uninteresting gimmicks. I'm stupid enough to collect Wii U games and 3D World is the only one I've ever considered selling.
Where did I say that my opinion was about normies?
By labeling the genwunners as the contrarian hipsters, when in reality normies are the ones biased towards Gen I while the contrarian hipsters are the ones who go against that opinion and instead like Gen V.
Looking at gameplay and gameplay only it blows literally every other game in existence out of the water.
Sunshine is the Melee of the mario franchise (yes, I would place it above 64) while everything that came after was brawlified
Linear isn't bad at all.
I think 2d Mario games have perfect linearity down.
It just isn't what Super Mario 64 was about.
Jumping into a world, looking around, seeing something curious, wondering how to get there, seeing 1 or 2 possible routes, finding a weird cave with a red coin in it while you're halfway there, deciding whether to go forward or explore the cave, having a mental map of places you want to revisit because "there might be something else there", being excited just by seeing a high place because "from there I can jump anywhere in the level", daring to jump on a place you're not supposed to, looking at the blocky geometry with interest and attention, seeing an island far away in the water or up high in the sky and wanting to see what is hidden on there.
THAT's what 3d Mario should be about.
It's not just about fucking precision jumping on pretty platforms. We have 2d Mario for that.
Oh yeah, I love stupid water pack gimmicks and cleaning off paint. Awesome gameplay.
Wait, I actually fucking hate it. The only good parts of Sunshine are the challenge levels where you don't have the jetpack.
>He doesnt treat FLUDD as a pissing mechanic and make his enemies fear his urine
So its a clunky snorefest that is obsessed over by nostalgia fags that cant let go of the past? Sounds about right.
You can say this about any old game, fuckboi. Of course, you won't say that about the games you like. That's genuine, not "nostalgia," right? Fuck off.
>Thwomp's Fotress
It was Whomp's Fortress
>You have to be contrarian to dislike Awakening
I actually don't mind it, but there are clear issues with it
Well, Sunshine is my favorite, but I do like others 3D Mario games too. 64 is great, Galaxy are amazing, and 3D Land is good.
I have yet to play 3D World, though.
>This thread again
The games you listed are actually god. Sunshine is not
Why are Sunshinefags so butthurt that the majority see it as the worst 3D Mario game, while all the praise goes to 64 and Galaxy1/2?
No, I've seen contrarian Ikefags on GameFAQs claim that the ONLY reason why their sacred cow PoR game didn't outsell Heretical Waifu Emblem was because of "poor marketing", and otherwise it would have outsold it by far.
>there are clear issues with it
There's issues with every Fire Emblem games but like said admist some of the Fire Emblem community there's people who swear that PoR could outsell Awakening with marketing.
Awakening did a lot of ensure a new audience would want to buy the game and actually had marketable features. But contrarians think a game that did jack shit to make itself for marketable could outsell Awakening(or Fates).
>liking wind waker
Its the opposite fuckboi, everyone except manchild autists who wanted mature artstyle liked it.
Now the TP fanbase would fit your description.
Not sure about out-selling it, but I definitely think PoR was the better game, Awakening was too much of a mixed bag, PoR only really had the balance and difficulty as flaws
>manchild autists who wanted mature artstyle
that was most of the fanbase back then and it was one of the reasons the game was poorly recieved.
People nowadays like to bitch about cut content but nobody had a clue back in the day, they just hated it because it wasn't dark and mature
But Path of Radiance is one of the best FEs. What would you rank better?
Sunshine babbies are more insufferable than either of the fanbases you mentioned.
How was it poorly-received, it got every award possible and the whole press gave it 9s and 10s. It has always been considered a great game by people who know their shit. It was poorly received by immature kids at your middle school because you were 12 when it got released. I know, all my friends complained back then, but it was mostly limited to young kids complaining (we all wanted to play gta and halo back then)
I agree, Path of Radiance felt a lot more cohesive since it wasn't actively attempting to pander to as many people as possible. It was also neat getting to experience a Fire Emblem game from the perspective of someone who wasn't loyalty for once.
Also the shove mechanic was great and it disappoints me that it was removed in most of the later Fire Emblems.
Also the Blue Coin Shines, fuck having to find all of those goddamned coins.
> PoR only really had the balance and difficulty as flaws
Which is pretty bad considering it barely changed the mechanics and meta from the GBA games. Almost everything new for PoR was so weak it couldn't even remotely impact the game balance and beyond weapon forging or shove it did nothing that enhanced future titles. It played it way too safe for its own good and that's what harmed the series.
The reason Awakening is flawed because they took risks and significantly altered the game while it lead to imbalance of Pair Up in Awakening. It ultimately lead to Fire Emblem Fates being able to polish the new mechanics and create a very different but very well tuned game especially Conquest.
Yep Sunshine was full of filler, almost 50% of the Shines in the game had to do with coin collecting. Many of the other shines are just repeating the same thing like chasing Shadow Mario.
>that red coin level on the toxic river
lmao are you kidding me, hg/ss were both completely underwhelming, even or/as were better
the best new pokemon were gen 5 originals, b/w and b2/w2 were both great
There's nothing new under the sun.
I still remember the sixth-gen era wherein Smash Melee was derided as a depth-free kids' game for a kids' lunchbox console. Fast-forward to now and that same game is somehow being held up as a poster child for fighting game depth.
There really is nothing new under the sun. Give it about ten years and we'll all be talking about how the Wii U was the last great bastion for original consoles and so much better for gaming than the Sony PCBox or whatever.
Nostalgiafaggotry is a right bitch.
Why do you hate it? It's not even hard or tiresome. Pressing R fast pretty much cleans everything quick as hell and the other FLUDDs are either Usefull or fun as fuck
young boys are the main demographic for videogames and what you described was the reality of WW's release, sure older fans enjoyed it but they were a minority. Review scores don't mean shit,
going by your logic Gone Home is a well recieved game by the majority of people because it got good reviews when really only a handful of spiteful communists pretended to like it
People do not only like Melee for nostalgia, idiot.
That's not what he was saying.
It's my favorite mario game, but I don't bash any of the others, unless you consider stating that 64 is overrated, but still good as bashing
He's saying that people will like shit that was good in the past and call the new bad.
Melee and Sunshine are good despite of nostalgia.
His argument basically is
>you only like it because it's old, people always like what's old
You dumbass. How could you come to that conclusion.
>Give it about ten years and we'll all be talking about how the Wii U was the last great bastion for original consoles
It's my favorite Mario game, but I don't bash the other ones.
Sunshine and Wind Waker are the 2 best games Nintendo ever made.
The people who hold BW2/Windwaker sacred are the normal people who don't go around insulting other people's tastes. Anyone who bashes BW2/Windwaker are the new contrarian hipsters that have to be argumentative special snowflakes.
As for PoR I can't really comment, most fans on FEG enjoy their Fates/Awakening waifus.
I 120 shined Sunshine as a kid and nowadays I realize I wouldn't have tolerated that shit now.
Liking Wind Waker isn't contrarian. Like with the others, claiming that it was a sacred cow masterpiece while TP is absolute shit is contrarian.
But they DO insult other people's tastes. When somebody claims to like XY or TP, the B2W2/WW fans swarm and bash them for having alleged shit taste.
>can no longer rescue mounted units, skills (originally from Jugdral sure), supports accumulate in a way that doesn't involve waiting for 40 turns, ability to order your troops to AI commands.
Galaxy>Sunshine>Galaxy 2>64