Are there any good games where you get to be police? LA Noire sucked

Are there any good games where you get to be police? LA Noire sucked.

Other urls found in this thread:

>playing as the bad guys

>playing as a guy

Police Quest


Fuck the police

True Crime NYC

spot the nigger

This desu senpai

What are some games where you can play as a nice ladycop?

There are many games where you can shoot black people and get away with it.

SWAT 5 when

>LA Noire sucked.

What's it like have fucking awful taste?

it's old but fun

yeah i fucking love having an open world with literally nothing to do and a game that lets you pass a case even though you did nothing right. i also love forced plot twists that come out of fucking nowhere i eat that shit up all day


Future Cop LAPD.
It simulates how real cops handles criminals using transforming robotic patrol cars armed with mini guns.


Better question, what are some games that let me smash a police state?

You're right about the game needing to present more options to fail a case. You could really get everything wrong and still jail the correct bastard.

A shitty Phelps should've been able to jail a lot of innocent people. It'd be an extra way to show LAPD corruption as even a bad cop like Phelps can have a meteoric rise despite incompetence.

Don't you have some BLM riot-- I mean peaceful protest to attend, Jamal?

Watchdogs 2

Do members of STARS count?

The police conversion mods for Grand Theft Auto games are pretty good.

can remember playing this, was real good fun

Die hard, Final fight, Streets of rage.

You play as a cop in Yakuza 4 at one point

Don't you have a school to shoot up?

Sleepy Dogs.

Fuck off with your shit stupid americans


Chicago 1930

It's planet. Stop TRASHING movie quotes man.

man whatever, i can trash quotes if the movie is trash too

What about that new cop game being released soon?
This is the police was the name, I think.

Virtual cop 2

Don't you have some of your own people to kill every day and your own neighborhoods to destroy? Don't you have some sky high crime rates to attribute to? Don't you have some affirmative action to cash in on? Don't you have to get back to wondering who your father is? Don't you have to get back to the high school classes you're failing? Don't you have to get back to raping some woman in an alley? Don't you have to get back to crying over the latest dindu? Don't you have to get back to claiming Mozart was black?

Why do you faggots have to shit up every single semi-interesting thread?

Hackers is pure kino tobehonest

Them's fightin word you motherufcker.

Saints Row Police AU when?

I used to lick my cat.

>Papers, Please

Ask for papers and shoot people.

fuck you, yeah hackers is cool cause of the premise and dumb shit in it. but as a movie itself it aint great.

I used to play this.

Don't you play as a Po-leess-maan in one of the Discworld games?

urban chaos

You take that fucking back.

>niggers constantly kill each other in their own ghettos every day


Sleeping Dogs.

i would fuck short hair angelina jolie to death desu

>tfw rocksteady only make bamham games now
>tfw even if if they stopped making bamham, there's no way this game would fly in today's world without getting ripped to shreds by SJWs and the media
Feels fucking terrible

Found the inbred

Don't you have to pick up your wife's kids from their mom's boyfriend's house?


Also while not official, there is this, too...
autistic roleplaying optional
>Tfw never




Can't believe no one has mentioned Max Payne. Bunch of underage faggots.



go and stay go

I'm thinking of becoming a police officer. Are there any anons out there who can give me some advice when it comes to training?

If you want an honorable profession, become a firefighter instead.

It's a paramilitary force to keep citizens from rising against their oppressors.

Remember, you will never be held accountable for any wrong doings, you have the only excuse that ever matters: "I'm just doing my job".

With this simple phrase you can silence and repress those godless commies with their notions of "human rights", "justice" and "equality". What's more is that you'll be able to force people to behave once you put on that badge and carry that gun.

Also, remember to always be subservient to your superiors, it isn't your role to question the morality and ethics of the police force, no matter how many killed, or how many rights ignored, after all, human rights are overrated, yay military culture!

Never forget: "Protect and serve! the property "rights" of the ruling elite who exploit the workers through your state sponsored violence"

Does Deadly Premonition count?

Did it cum?

>mfw this gets completely ignored

Sleeping Dogs and True Crime NY are the shit.

Okay, any advice from someone who isn't a paranoid-schizophrenic smartass?

Ask /k/ but more importantly actually consider the reality of the job not simply how nice it sounds as an idea.

Also ignore the edgy faggots.

>go into thread expecting political commentary
>get exactly just that
True crimes, the original one.

The one time you want to be a bad guy and you say no.

Criminal Justice major here

If you still want to do it after seeing all the shit on the news and understand that no matter how much you try your hardest to be honest and straight edge as a cop that no one will respect you then do it.

It's also very dangerous to be a pig so just make sure you think about it

Try going into sheriff or state police I'm doing chp

t. Jamal

I think you mean True Crime: Streets of LA, you know the actual good one.

Thanks, anons.

>highway patrol

fucking why, could you have tried picking a more boring job

Join the Dark Moonblade Covenant in Dark Souls III

i keked

Figure this is as good of a time to ask as any; what is with this "" meme? It's been blowing up the last few months and I still have no idea what the reference is.

Cant you play as a cop in any gta since 3?


>try your hardest to be honest and straight edge as a cop that no one will respect you
should have gotten a honest job then if you wanted respect
i have more respect and trust more in drug dealers than in cops

All of my criminal justice teachers are cops and detectives so when they say it's a very rewarding career then I believe them.

Protip: bigger cities tend to pay less so if you live anywhere near a big city I wouldn't recommend working there when you first start off.

You shouldn't do it for the money alone but it is a well paying job. Don't believe the stereotypes

It's from Sup Forums my nigga

Goes hand in hand with alberto barbosa

>Don't you have to get back to claiming Mozart was black?
Its. Chevalier de Saint-Georges not Mozart I told you faggot

Stop. This was a bait thread from the beginning. The question is why does Sup Forums and Sup Forums have to come here and shit up this board. We already have our own shitposters

Yeah, just believe the advertising and stop thinking for yourself.


Back to NIgeria with you.

Yeah I agree which is why lately I've been thinking of switching to detective

Im not doing it for the respect but it is something that you have to take into consideration because being a cop is not something you should be doing if you want respect.

There's tons of people that I know that do things solely so that people think good about them.

>conveniently omits trailer parks, cess pools of white human garbage that are no better than the blacks he despises


SWAT 3 and 4
Best fucking tactical shooter out there.

Alright, So it means "I disagree with this post, and I think it was written by [demographic I don't like"?

What a stupid fucking meme, it's just a shorthand for namecalling

Los Santos Police Department: First Response (LSPD:FR) for GTA V. Basically turns GTA V into a police simulator.

There are a lot more black ghettos than there are trailer parks, Tyrone. :^)

Yeah basicly.

Crackdown, if you have a 360.

You're basically a cop running around an open world city divided up between 3 gangs. Your job is to take them all down. There are collectibles everywhere with an upgrade system. It allows you to gain superhuman jumping, running and strength to the point you don't even need a car anymore and you're throwing tractor trailers at gang members.

How's high school, user?
Did your parents tell you not to smoke weed again today?

It can also mean kind regards. Like

t. Wanker