Does anybody else miss when game cases came packed with shit? Nothing beats picking up a nice weighty case off the rack...

Does anybody else miss when game cases came packed with shit? Nothing beats picking up a nice weighty case off the rack, taking it home and looking at the extra stuff. Nowadays it's just a flimsy case with holes in it and maybe a single sheet of paper.

I understand this shit costs money and manuals aren't necessary. But packing a few goodies like a poster or something would be nice. Just so the physical version could have some value again

Witcher 3 was one of the few games that did this this generation, the physical version was packed

I sure don't miss being a consolecuck.

Try xseed. They always have full colored manuals and reversible covers

Don't worry about bullshit
just Play. The. Game.

>being a PCcuck when majority of the good games are from japan now
i'm so sorry for you

thats weird, i remember my copy only having the manual and the disc

There's no good games "now"
Melee is all you need.

i can agree with this

I was just thinking about this

Wtf happened to cool game manuals? , they were fun to read, you got a free poster half the time

now its just black and white basic printouts about your console and the game requirements and controls

manuals are either spoilers or should be explained in game

I'm guessing it was player's choice, or version 1.02 or something

i dont think so

They can cover tons of different stuff about the game world without spoiling the actual game itself

I miss that too.

>"Thanks for buying our game goy, how about an ad for our magazine? OR how about more ads for other shit you dont need?"

Nah, I just miss the manual.

It was at least a little extra substance, and it kept the case sturdy

>at Disc Replay this weekend
>they're selling Lunar 1+2 with pieces missing for almost $100 each
>I own both of them with everything

>100 each


>MGS 3 manual with comics in shinkawa art

I'm sick of how game companies are treating the people who buy their physical releases. We already have to fucking download the half the game off the disc so it'll run smoother AND sit through 15 GB of their "Day One Updates". Might as well buy the digital version, it's the same fucking price. The least they could do is give us something with the game. How about they give us that preorder bonus? FUCKING SOMETHING WOULD BE NICE

Well, based CDPR included many physical goodies in TW3, although I think that they were only pre-order exclusive.