Games with GOAT controls.
Games with GOAT controls
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your mum
You made this thread a few hours ago user.
Just let it die.
inb4 people ironically calls nintendo stubborn because people who didn't buy the game didn't want to learn the controls
Let it die OP. It does have the most perfect controls for a dogfighting game, but no one will ever change their opinion and consider it a possibility.
Their favorite youtuber didn't like it, therefor it's bad.
Star Fox's new controls will build up the brand into something new and exciting.
Ratchet and Clank only did well because of that movie that no one likes. Expect Nintendo games to start doing much better when Nintendo movies start becoming hits.
If it had perfect controls, then there's no reason to complain.
Nobody complains about how Super Mario Bros controls, and that's because the controls in that game are perfectly fine.
But many people complained about SF0. If it were just one or two, that's something else, but when the larger majority considers it an issue, I'd hardly call it perfect. Are you or do you know someone from Platinum?
You know why people didn't like Star Fox controls?
Because they didn't git gud.
It's really not a coincidence that it's mostly people with a long history of sucking at games who hate it.
That's not even getting into people like Sean Malstrom, who haven't even played the game but insist the controls are bad just because their favorite youtubers told them so.
I got good and I think SF0's controls are unnecessary and lame.
Not good.
>Here's an image of a complete screen!
>I'm... I'm totally hardcore, guys!
You wouldn't have been able to get that far without understanding just what the controls bring to the game.
I understand what the controls bring to this game and how it changes everything, how it mixes the game up.
And yet, despite learning the ins and outs, despite playing the game in a brand new way not possible before, and despite taking advantage of all this game has to offer, I still think it's garbage and would much rather play 64 any day of the week. It's not a matter of getting good. The controls of SF0 are just objectively wank.
>Actually thinking I believe this shit
Nice try.
>they didn't git gud
git gud at what? everyone finished the 3 hour game, what exactly is there to git gud at?
>Star Fox's new controls will build up the brand into something new and exciting.
You missed the part where Star Fox Zero was an utter failure, and one of the reasons frequently cited by customers for why they don't like it is that the controls are not fun.
Pretty much the only good things about Star Fox Zero are ripped from Star Fox 64 wholesale, which begs the question why Star Fox Zero even deserves to be played when Star Fox 64 still exists.
The Star Fox franchise will be lucky to survive after Zero, and it probably won't. The game was a colossal fuckup, and Miyamoto is responsible. It was his idea to remake Star Fox 64 word-for-word with the addition of motion controls and annoying new slow vehicles. This is not the game any of the fans wanted, and it's not the game the series deserved.
Ignorance is bliss
Miyamoto isn't responsible though. It's the fans that were wrong. If they don't enjoy it, it's just because they didn't take the time to see what he was trying to get across.
>"B-but kids would enjoy Star Fox's controls if they never played any other game with good controls"
That's literally what Miyamoto said days ago.
>frequently cited by customers for why they don't like it is that the controls are not fun.
Fuck off. Empowered by the fact the game hasn't sold much there's a consensus based on people who never played the game.
Most of the whiners never touched the game.
>Muh three hour playthrough
As opposed to what? The forty five minute long Star Fox 64? These games are meant to be replayed over and over again.
t. Miyamoto
>It's the fans that were wrong
>If they don't enjoy it, it's just because they didn't take the time to see what he was trying to get across.
>Implying the guy just didn't fuck up this time
>the game is so easy and short, by the time you master the controls you are already done with the game
Even using the "high skill floor" argument with platinum games, it was just retarded to not make the control scheme optional
He didn't. Too many people who have played the game extensively know and understand that the complaints about the game, from the supposedly 'rehashed' content, to the controls, to the final boss are all bullshit.
It's all people who have never touched the game who pretend that the game is bad.
>It's a Cody thread
They should've just remade Star Fox 2.
>Allies are useless
Have you played a starfox game
This is a perfect example of how retarded Nintoddlers are
You can notice it is him because he uses the same images every time.
>You asked for a hamburger, and when you reject the gluten free kale sandwich I gave you, it's because you were wrong.
No this is
It's not the 90s anymore. People don't play games for high scores.
No. I think I may save that, actually. It really highlights just how little Star Fox Zero '''''critics''''' know about Star Fox.
>Implying he's wrong
There's a reason no one liked the idea of Scorpio or NEO when they were leaked. Why do they need to exist?
This IS Nintendo's line of thinking after all. They seem to be under the impression that they have the Midas Touch. It wasn't Nintendo's fault that the Wii U failed, as Miyamoto once said.
“I feel like people never really understood the concept behind Wii U and what we were trying to do. Because tablets, at the time, were adding more and more functionality and becoming more and more prominent, this system and this approach didn’t mesh well with the period in which we released it.”
Or to put it in a tl;dr form, The Wii U was fine, but it was the iPads that were to blame for its failure.
This is just how this company thinks. It can do no wrong. Why do you think so few Nintendo games offer very little in terms of options? SF0 has like three options total in the entire game. It's because Nintendo thinks the game is perfectly fine and doesn't need tweaking of any kind. It's also why Nintendo hates mods and will condemn you for them. I myself got banned from Miiverse from just mentioning Project M on the Smash threads. It fell under the banter of "Criminal Conduct".
>implying anyone wants 2 hour rail-shooters with le corny dialogue and memes
And it's people like you and Miyamoto why Star Fox is now dead because you're so afraid of star fox getting with the times
Fuck off miyamoto
Nintendo has been this way for a long time. When the Sega Genesis was outselling the SNES, Nintendo basically said Sega was only winning because of their "nasty" commercials. The only reason Nintendo was able to reclaim their position was because Sega of Japan had such inept leadership and ended up committing sudoku on the whole company. Nintendo barely made any changes to how they were managing their own company, and any time things aren't going their way they always point to someone outside and say "it's their fault, not ours."
Yet Nintendo have survived 30+ years this way so it's very hard to argue with. Even now at their lowest they've still actually have sold the most hardware this generation.
Is that sarcasm?
>GOAT controls
They should've made an Assault sequel.
They should've made an Assault sequel.
>using Miiverse as a reliable source
hahahaha can't nintendorks spend a single day without making fool of themselves?
Nope. 3DS has still outsold PS4.
>your arguments are wrong even though I have done nothing to refute them
>here is a picture of the same fanboy miiverse user who always gets brought up to defend this game!
No counter argument. None. Nobody who defends this garbage ever has any insightful feedback for why the story ISN'T rehashed tripe, or why it's fine that the game graphically looks two generations behind when even Mario Kart 8 can look good.
The sales are proof that Zero is a failure. The majority reviews (both user and critical) are proof that Zero is a failure. Aonuma admitted the controls scheme is trash. Only masochists who enjoy "gitting gud" at unintuitive controls defend this game.
>Using verified accounts from people who have played the game is making a fool of yourself!
People really don't want to admit that Miiverse is the premier way to discern just how good a Nintendo game is these days. Try going on there and crying about the controls. You'll be rekt in less than a day.
Souls games
>being this delusional
Does the Nintendo fanbase live in an alternate dimension or something? Like there's no way people this deluded can exist
No, it was just another obvious falseflag.
>People really don't want to admit that Miiverse is the premier way to discern just how good a Nintendo game is these days
Holy fuck this is hysterical
Next you're gonna say neofag it's a perfect place to prove that Sony it's the good guy of this generation
No, NEOgaf bans anyone who has an alternate opinion. Miiverse doesn't do that, it just sections people who want to talk about certain games away from everyone else.
Censorshitters regularly get BTFO there, I've had surprisingly good conversations about Federation Force on the Hunters community, and you can actually talk about Codename S.T.E.A.M on it's community without having to fend off faggots crying about it's artstyle.
Star Fox Zero sequel will happen.
He's talking about how there's a marker next to your posts if you own the game on Miiverse. It basically shows when someone is talking bullshit about a game they never played.
Whereas here or on Neogaf you have twats who never played the games acting like they're they're the chief authority on them.
How do you figure that? As far as I'm aware, the PS4 has been outselling the 3DS almost every week since the PS4 hit the market, if not every single week. Nowadays, it's not uncommon that it sells almost double the units. Even combining both Wii U and 3DS sales, the PS4 tends to outsell both of them combined.
Not that it really matters. Nintendo is still hurting even in the handheld market. The 3DS is their worst selling portable, Virtual Boys be damned. I'd hardly say that a generation with both their worst selling console and their worst selling handheld is a healthy generation sales-wise.
>Star Fox Zero sequel will happen
>Game sold like shit
Actual Wii U owner here.
I've never used Miiverse except for commenting on the odd Mario Maker stage. Whenever I've checked -ther communities I didn't really see discussion, just people sharing screenshots. Where do you go to actually discuss things there?
Considering how colossal the success of their other systems that's nowhere near as bad as it sounds. They've never been in the red for revenue ever for a reason.
>Censorshitters regularly get BTFO there, I've had surprisingly good conversations about Federation Force on the Hunters community, and you can actually talk about Codename S.T.E.A.M on it's community without having to fend off faggots crying about it's artstyle.
So miiverse it's full cucks who defend censorship and likes terrible games? Thanks for proving that site should be avoided like a plague
>Whereas here or on Neogaf you have twats who never played the games acting like they're they're the chief authority on them.
Yes despite people repeatedly proving they own, played the game and posted images of shit this game is you fanboys claim they are lying because it would destroy your illusion that this game is good, but if you think miiverse is better then you're more than welcome to leave Sup Forums and never come back so you can stay on your hugbox where everyone circlejerks over bad games
Try actually using it for yourself.
There's actually a number of different communities for each game. The 'art' community, where you get stuff like pic related, the 'discussion' community where anyone can come in and ask questions about games. And the 'screenshot' community where players share what they're going through in the game.
It's a great system and one that I really enjoy using.
But they did record their first financial loses in decades at a certain point. In case you don't remember, or just weren't there, that was announced in 2012, when they had their 2011 fiscal year business meeting. I don't think I have to tell you what Nintendo released that year.
I've not played those games mentioned, so what's actually bad about them?
>Yes despite people repeatedly proving they own
Such as?
The bigger insult was the minimal multiplayer, forced linearity in the beginning, gyrocopter being completely pointless... and the lack of a secret ending
Also it's a retcon.
That's because the Wii U was sold at a loss at launch, similar to what happened during the PS3's launch (which was also sold at a loss in its first year)
>Such as?
Many people proved that they own the game and say it sucks yet nintenyearolds claim they didn't give it a chance or "git gud" at the controls
The PS4 is selling more per year than the 3DS is now, however the 3DS is 5 years old. However the 3DS was originally selling about 15 million per year for the 1st three years which is around what the PS4 is doing.
Whether the PS4 outsells the 3DS or not remains to be seen. But considering the 3DS at one point was doing as well as the PS4 every year and was a "disappointment" is a show of how well Nintendo typically do in the handheld market.
The way Sup Forums works in general is that anyone can post any image, regardless of whether or not it's a legitimate image, one that they actually took.
For example, take this guy. According to him, this is the image he took during his playthrough of the game which he is using to back up his claim that the controls aren't that great. Which, for someone who actually HAS played through the game, is laughable considering the kind of gymnastics shit you have to pull using the control scheme to even finish the game, let alone complete it that quickly.
You don't have this problem with Miiverse, which is why it is objectively the superior service. There is no 'I love complaining about games I've never played!' there.
Can you give me some examples?
His 'examples' are people claiming they owned the game on Sup Forums. They're just shitposters.
They should've made an Assault sequel.
I know that, I just wanted to see what excuses he'd come up with, and whether he'll choose to dig himself a deeper hole.
Oh sure people who has posted pics of themselves with an actual copy of the game just did it so they can shitpost
I swear a Nintendo containment board can't come soon enough
Did you not read what I posted? It was a business meeting held on April 2012. The Wii U wasn't but another half a year away. Nintendo was still months away from feeling that kitty's bite.
>unironically having a WiiU anyway
You all deserve what you got
>guy posted a pic of his completed game
This is some next level damage control right here
>Did you not read what I posted?
Your post didn't actually say the month, and I don't remember the exact month the Wii U released anyway. I'm not that sure why you're bringing this up at all in the first place. This isn't /biz/, the worth of a publisher doesn't impact game quality.
He posted someone else's completion screen. Probably from a speed run, considering the time it took.
>You all deserve what you got
Good games that I've spent hundreds of hours in?
go back to miiverse, Cody.
My mistake. I was under the impression that most people knew when fiscal years begin and end.
Like I said, this isn't /biz/. It's not a topic most here care about.
Those gross out wojaks almost make me miss the fedora tipping meme.
Seriously, what drives people to make more of these?
where's Cody?
i need his head
Things may be different in your country, but where I'm from we don't lie.
Here's where I'm at now, after playing around with the unlockable Arwings. an extra hour and a half, a few new scores, but no doubt genuine. That image is mine. I don't pull that shit.
Sonyggers have to fill their playstation 3-year long "launch droughts" with something.
>its a speedrun!
No my dear nintentard the average speedrun for this, as in ALL levels completed in one ruin, it's 3 hours but I'm sure you'll come up with another excuse to defend this garbage game
I think you mean shit controls
You could pretty easily prove it's you either via timestamp or linking your NNID.
Just like nintoddlers have to fill their 3 year "post launch droughts" with threads like these?
>the average speedrun for this, as in ALL levels completed in one ruin, it's 3 hours
Where did you get this from?
OP is a falseflagger that wanted this exact thread as a result. Also it's just 1 year of drought for us ;^)
It's all in YouTube
>inb4 that doesn't count!
Keep in mind you need more than one example for it to be the "average" time.
>all routes and missions
>any % speedrun
>same MD5
>same filename
>same posting pattern
you're really tiresome, Cody. when will mods finally ban your underage ass?
Playing through all of the levels once takes about three hours.
However, you aren't meant to do that. The appeal behind this game is trying to get all of the medals. Simply 'beating' it really is only the beginning.
I've heard of people taking fifty hours to find all of the medals. It is NOT an easy thing to do, at least not without a guide.
Krystal is cute