OW competitive

Is there any reason why comp is 1 step forward 18 steps back? I don't really give a shit about my ranking, because in the long run it doesn't even matter unless you're top 500. But it's kind of Irksome that I dropped from 51 to 48 after a loss streak from soloing and there's no way to climb back up since winning only gives 1/8th a bar.


Ryo is usually god tier but this picture is awful.

because it's stupid ass backwards joke of a metric that guarantees 66% of players will always be around lvl 50

Competitive is a joke, and should not be taken seriously in the slightest. This has been made abundantly clear.

I wish I could practice what I preach though because comp makes me so fucking mad

This game should not be taken seriously, it's not a competitive game.
Just like any recent blizzard title it's to fuck around with friends, but it sure as fucking shit not a competitive shooter.


I don't take it seriously I just like the format of the modes in comp better than in quick. Except for KoTH that takes too long. I was just honestly curious about why the ranks are scaled like that.

I recognize that bulge.

Oh, well the ranks scale like that to piss people off

Why? Those thighs are quite delicious.

I recognize that meme.

They said the leaver bug, which gimps winner points while leaving losers with a large loss, is at the top of the fix-list. That should be the last bug causing rank deflation.

i was placed at 56 rank and scored 57 after a win and since then i started playing with worst dogshit players i could ever meet, i have now like 20% winrate and no longer give a fuck about overwatch i already uninstalled it since game gives me cancer. I had like 8 lose streak then 1 win, 1 lose, 1 win and again 6 lose fucking streak. Seriously fuck this game, i don't know how but blizz made ranked worse than csgo/dota 2/lol combined. Also nerf op genji and zarya since they are abused a lot and they don't have any strong counters.

Basically everyone is ranked 40-55 ish?

I do know a guy who is ranked 34, so idk what the fuck is up with that, and a guy who is ranked 60.

But the vast majority of people are within 40-55.

So I guess despite all the bitching, it's working as intended?

It's called a normal distribution. The simple fact of the matter is that the majority of players tend to be within 1 standard deviation of the average skill level.


That face is terrible though.

I really really need a group of people I can count on instead of these fucking mouth breathers and people who were raised in a cave.

My friends don't play Overwatch, where do I get new friends?

>No strong counters

Try shooting him when he isn't deflecting

Not here, you ugly sack of shit.

After my 10 matches I placed 55 and haven't touched competitive since. I imagine the majority of players are like me, just sitting where they were placed, which is always going to be close to 50.

Really just waiting for Season 2, the current sudden death coinflip mechanic is horrendous.

after an abysmal set of matches in placement, I ranked 36.

been hovering back and forth between 34 and 36 ever since.

teams need to coordinate, since thats when I usually win. when people are actually talking to each other.

>But it's kind of Irksome that I dropped from 51 to 48 after a loss streak from soloing and there's no way to climb back up since winning only gives 1/8th a bar.
Matchmaking affects everyone in the same way.

If what you're saying is true then everyone else in 51 is dropping to 48 too, so 48 is the rank where all people with skill level equal to yours endup being.

What's the problem again?

good luck trying to shoot him while he can

a) double jump
b) shift at you + lmb and you are almost dead
c) can keep harassing you from distance and finish you easily with shift

he need damage nerf on his lmb, range and damage nerf on shift, also people abusing jumping so from now on jumping should reduce moving speed


I tried playing Comp with my friends and it was just a fucking disaster.
I swear to God the enemy team were pros, it was like they were a hivemind because they knew exactly what one another would do and how to help eachother.

Needless to say we got fucked and my friends started getting pissed at eachother, they shit talked for a good 5 mins and everyone left the party, I was left alone.

Why does this happen everytime Sup Forums?

That´s not a bulge, that is a clear outline of a penis.
A bulge is ambiguous.
It could be a weasel, could be penis.
That´s why a bulge is comically valuable, a penis, on the other hand, is not.

Maybe the system placed you in a rank higher than you should be and you FUCKING SUCK.

>me OOGA, team BOOGA

>my friends started getting pissed at eachother, they shit talked for a good 5 mins and everyone left the party,

lol your friends suck

Yea, but I've been rolling with these niggas since like the 9th grade

>Win all ten placement matches with two friends and three fairly competent randoms each time
>Place 59
>Every match since then has teamed us up with idiots who get nothing done so we're fighting 3v6 most of the time
>Friends try to rally the randoms, but the randoms just shit talk, causing friends to shit talk them back and nothing gets done
>We haven't won a game since
>I'm all the way down to 52

Despite that, the two friends just want to play that godawful Competitive mode with its asinine Sudden Death and long as fuck 3/5 Control map rules.
Meanwhile I'm playing Quick Play alone and enjoying the fuck out of the game.

Support-Only Brawl is shit, too.

I wish I still had friends.

they all got married or moved away, and when they're online they're just on netflix.

I should really join a club or go to communtiy college or something.

>Support-Only Brawl is shit, too.
Yup, if both of the people who pick Symmetra are shit you team is gimped to fuck.
Same with Zenyatta

I just really want a golden gun.

Fucking Blizzard expecting you to clock in 600 games for a single gun, though it's better than Valve's "fuck you pay me" scheme

I think its because ranked feel like you're progressing to a goal.

what is the goal though? 100 rank?

Just post the porn already

How is it possible to have no friends?
Do you just not go outside?

It's a meme you dip

ranked is good because faggots get punished for leaving the game, and it doesn't put you in a game that has already started

It's a children's game, stop being fags.

>game with guns
Okay sure whatever you say

I think its common knowledge that ranked game modes are about how much you can carry team mates, not working together with players of your skill level

Swedcuck please.

I don't go to social event s and don't really ahev much in common with people.

Where I live everyone is either old, married, too damn young, ghetto as fuck and would bring problems into my life, young but just like to go to bars and drink for fun (I hate alcohol) and its boring just sitting around doing nothing

Its funny becasue I like to travel and meet nice people out there but where I live has a bunch of shit people I don't trust.

I rather just have nice gf that I could go to disneyworld/land with. just good family fun.

maybe its a big reason no one on my friends list got overwatch. it looks too kiddy for them.
they used to beg me to get the division.

His lmb is impossible to land consistently, the damage potential is there but the trajectory is a piece of shit no one ever lands 3 stars on a moving target. His shift is fucking 50 damage, its basically a slightly stronger melee . Just pick mei or zarya or symmetra and lmb his shit up

i don't follow care to give an example?

This desu

You can easily carry games, if you are good, until the mid 60's; after that you better get yourself a team because most of your games are going to be agaisnt 3-4-5-6 stacks with a mix of 60s,70s and the rare 80

What's the best hero for carrying a team?

Boohoo faggot

>1/8th of a bar
The system calculates and gives you points based on your individual performance - therefore
>win, lots of medals, lots of points
>win, not a lot of medals, not a lot of points
>lose, lots of medals, dont lose as many points
>lose, not a lot of medals, lose many points

You done goofed, OP.

I'm having buyers' remorse. One, because competitive clearly and once and for all demonstrated to me that I will never be good at the game, because I physically can't aim well enough, and two, because competitive is obviously the last big content update in a while, and I'm already bored of the same maps, with the same chokepoints, every time.

Would refund if I could.

I've been using Reaper. Shits on everyone close range, you can reposition with both abilities, heal on kill, a biggie is the teleport though. If you can teleport worth a damn you can sneak through the back line and eliminate problems.

You live somewherr in Flordia im guessing?
I dont know man, just throw yourself out there, im sure you'll click with someone.

Better than being alone.
Roadhog and Widow

That sounds like any other ranked ELO Fucking system.

You hit a certain point where your teams just fucking fail game after game.

And I'm not about carrying a fucking team all the time. Even when I'm playing off-role characters. Fuck that horeseshit.

I've heard this been said and I've found it to be untrue

Ranking is all relative. The highest ranks I think that exist are in the 70s, and the lowest ranks were 30s and 40s. Everyone is placed around the average of 50. To get any higher or lower would require extreme effort or a ton of grinding either way.

There is no true goal for 99% of the people playing Competitive except to pretend they're playing "seriously". It's a super meaningless value because unless you have a solid team of six, your success and Rank will be partially determined by things out of your control - other random players.

Honestly, if you aren't in a Group of six, don't go there. Competitive is not where individuals belong.
Actually, I'm enjoying that the many wannabe serious shit talking self assured loner "pro" players are flocking to Competitive matchmaking, it's made Quick Play a much more pleasant place.


>just throw yourself out there, im sure you'll click with someone.

true, not going to give up. just have to weed out the weed heads for people that are actually about something.

If you are good with the bow (and I mean real good) use Hanzo. Don't believe the memes. Lucio can also carry baddies. A good Tracer shits on everyone right now. McCree nerf was a mistake.

Must be coincidence that when I do an average game (20k damage, 30 elims) I get less points than in a game I do 35k and 50 elims.

Whatever you're good with solo prob

>mei spamming trumpshit memes and walling entire team in rank 60
how underage and cuckolded do you have to be to do shit

>"ist just a game! xdd"

It probably is a coincidence then, I've gotten 3 or 4 gold medals and still get shit exp.
And if what you're saying is true to the letter then Blizz is fucking over teams that want to run support because they won't get shit.


>I deserve a way higher score than I got
>I am the one carrying the team, I do no wrong
>9 losses in a row? Nothing to do with me of course

>hes a trumpcuck
no wonder why you're shit

I don't think anyone is questioning their losses, I think the question was why you can't climb back without a winrate of 80 - 100%

I'm not actually, I just saved that from Sup Forums because she's qt and got doxxed and shit

Also not shit, I went from 45 to 57 because I'm now adopted into a solid team who works together

>posting a trap
My sides

Pic related, you

>not shit
>rank 50

Is she a robot?

>angry sassy expression
>sentence completed
>standing by
>enabling no emotion mode

Virtually any hero can carry the team, it really comes down to the enemy's composition and which map you're on.

I find that Roadhog or Reaper are the most common carry heroes for most situations since they are best at singling out the supports and the annoying Tracer and Genji opponents. Just picking them off will take a load off of your team's shoulders.

76 works sometimes, since his versatility can make up for weakness in an aspect of the team and he is one of the better non-shotgun damage dealers.

If you're all alone and it's a Control map, then you can carry on that Overtime for minutes just by repeatedly blinking and retreating to the edge of the point for as long as possible until you can land a good Pulse Bomb or your team finds their balls and gets in gear.

If there's at least one other person on your team you can count on, a solid double Tank pair can mow through the enemy lines depending on the map and game mode. Double Winston, Double Zarya, Rein+Roadhog.

thats every alt-rightest

Sir please, this is a family friendly board.

He hasn't been god tier since he started drawing shitty deviantart OCs en masse for cuckbux

>better than 86% of the population

sure senpai

>self control and keeping your emotions in check are a bad thing
Oh boy.

torb is still my fav for any match mode. you can be in two places at once and distract enemies for your team to flank.

though sometimes symettra is a better character for some maps.

She/he is a republican not an alt-rightist

Not him but I for one just have no interest in being friends with people anymore, because I'm not a person that people should bother being friends with.
I'm unfunny, uninteresting, bad at all games I play anyway, and I don't reply to chat most of the time because I have nothing to contribute.

It's weird, because some years ago when I was still enjoying WoW, I had 20 or so daily active friends and we did a ton of fun shit all the time. Had no problems finding and getting along with new friends, but now I can't fathom how it's possible to befriend another person anymore.

yeah but you'd still have some emotion in your face. it shows that you believe in your opinions.

maybe that person was parroting something they weren't really sure of.
too many people do this.

>I can make up numbers too gaiz
>look at my e-peen isn't it great?
>I can't make it to rank 60 but if I make shit up I can brag about rank 50!

>now I can't fathom how it's possible to befriend another person anymore.
I don't know if its becasue people changed or becasue were getting older and needs change, but yeah its hard keeping or having friends when you're older.

shit sucks. only real laughs I get anymore with people are here.

Seek psychiatric help desu, im worried for you.

yeah bro totally making this shit up xD

>people change
Well, yeah, you and I have at least.

I have this one friend left who I used to play with back then. He hasn't been an actual friend in at least 4 years, literally just harasses and whines at me any chance he gets, and we rarely play together these days. As of this week he's straight up suicidal, apparently because his shitty ex finally decided to tell him that they'll never get back together or something. And he takes it all out on me even though I don't respond to it.

Meh, been clinically depressed for a decade, it comes and goes though. I've started to get better I guess, but I still can't make myself really want to give new friendships a chance.
What I really want to do is delete all my 8 current "friends", only keeping my brother (the only person I still play together with anymore) and one more. The list also includes my own ex, but we're -actually- talking about getting back together and seeing each other in two weeks again.

same famalam.
I wish I could pinpoint when it happened and how I lost them all

>top 14 percent in a heavily casualised game
l o l

I'm rank 17

What does that make me?



There's a new character about to come out really soon, and there's new maps already being made, I believe 2 are pretty close to release. If you can't aim play support or Reinhardt or something

Also I've climbed from Rank 50 to 58 doing mostly solo queue, I think most people complaining just need to git gud.

fuck no wonder you're depressed and don't trust new friends. Having that type of chronic whining in your ear is no good.

best you could do for him is give him advice and let him go, since they use that as a crutch.

>also includes my own ex,
just remember why you broke up though. hope it works out for you though.


trump is a huge jew lover
you are a cuck if you love trump
dont bother arguing with a non-argument

this, playing games alone is the best

there's 1 person I consider a "friend", he sat next to me through school, haven't seen him in 2 years

I searched this entire post and couldn't find a single argument, try harder

Overwatch is a bad game.

Also I have no friends and want to kill myself every day.

not an argument

>just remember why you broke up though
My latest psychologist has suggested that I probably have aspergers. I get these AMAZING ideas that will DEFINITELY make me happier, and I go through with it until I realize that it's a fucking dumb idea. This was me breaking up with my ex just before christmas 2014 and I almost immediately regretted it, but even though I did I actually went through half-assedly with my plans and now I got a job for the first time and such, so at least I got somewhere with it.
We were together for a bit over 3 years and we only had significant fights around times where my depression sunk in deep, otherwise it has been by far the best experience of my life.
She claims that she really misses me and all that stuff, so that's a good sign. Haven't seen her for over a year because I've been tangled up in all the stuff I've had to do though - she lives 5 hours away.

You sound scarily like me other than the job part

Good luck finding some friends, although I think some of us were just born to suffer

I wish I could delete other peoples posts to spare people this asinine autism. I can't be the hero Sup Forums needs.