What difficulty you usually play games on Sup Forums?
What difficulty you usually play games on Sup Forums?
Usually Easy, then I'll go to a harder difficulty if I like the game.
>Usually Easy
Normal, then hardest
always the highest difficulty available. if i can't beat it then i consider myself defeated and i stop playing. the thought of lowering the difficulty never crosses my mind.
>Playing a King's Bounty game on anything other than normal
I just can't do it, I get wrecked
Stealth games I play on Easy because it's just not fun having to continuously reload a save because you got spotted while trying to get a ghosting achievement.
RPGs are usually the average setting because being an autistic munchkin doesn't equate to fun, but if everything dies to two hits there's no real sense of accomplishment.
Everything else I usually go straight to the hardest setting so it feels like I'm actually doing something.
Normal. Then hard on every consecutive playthrough.
I'll say, it was a bit of a jump in Dead Space 2 when Necromorphs began one-shotting me in Chapter 1.
Play Normal for a little to get a grasp of the game and then start over on Hard or higher.
Usually normal since harder difficulties are just flat percentage changes, if content is locked behind harder modes I'll default to them.
Repeat playthroughs are usually on hardest setting.
The new Wolfenstein was the last game I tried on the hardest difficulty from the get go, made me hate most of it.
Highest is the gameplay is affected in any meaningful way, easy or normal if it's just numbers scaling.
The hardest difficulty if mastering the battle system is enjoyable. If the gameplay isn't fun, then I just won't play the game.
Normal, since that's what most developers have in mind when creating the game.
If there is a good reason to (unlocks, alternative endings etc.) I'll play another run in hardmode, provided it's not bullshit (like Total War on higher difficulties).
I always play on easy. Video games are about fun, and I have never had fun playing difficult games. As a kid I would get really mad and end up just turning it off.
I rarely go harder or easier than standard hard. Usually seems like the ideal difficulty.
Unless the game has a lot of shitty grinding, in which case I might go Easy or Normal.
I also go Easy or Normal on a lot of games with shooting mechanics because my aim is fucking garbage.
Usually the hardest, because it's more fun.
However, certain high difficulties (1 life in Divinity Original Sin, FE:A Insane, 3 saves in Dead Space)
are just not meant to be used for your first playthrough, so I tend to keep those for dedicated second runs of a game.
Also, I feel like Nightmare in Doom deserves a special mention, because fuck that stupid speedrunbait.
If it's a genre or type of game I'm used to and good at, Hard. If not then normal.
Have you ever gotten completely fucked by starting with the hardest difficulty?
>Rocket Knight Adventures
>Everything kills you in one hit
>Basically unplayable first time through
>Kingdom Hearts BBS Critical mode
>Don't know how to grind up all the broken shit
>Bosses take ten million hits and kill you in one hit
Usually hard, but not the hardest.
Picked Ultra-Violence in DOOM and it feels like optimal for me, was about to go Nightmare but I doubt I'd have enjoyed it at all
>Hardest difficulty
>Nothing about the enemy behavior changes, they just have higher health and do more damage to you
If this applies to your game then fuck off
Usually the difficulty below the hardest one, or if theres only easy medium hard, ill go hard. Challenging games hold my interest more and I LOVE the feeling of being low on resources and having to use money wisely
So if the game is balanced to be challenging but beatable on the hardest difficulty and the lower difficulties just have their numbers scaled down (ruining the balance and making the game more shallow) you'll play on normal? This applies to most games.
>The new Wolfenstein was the last game I tried on the hardest difficulty from the get go, made me hate most of it.
Über felt like what Normal should be, what was so hard about it?
I started Zone of the Enders 2 on Hard and got my ass kicked by the second boss. Also just seems like a really tedious fight.
I'll get back to it one day, it was a pretty fun game.
Depends on how familiar I am with the genre and the series. If I've played the previous games, then I'll go with hard.
If I'm really out of my element I'll go with normal.
Always the hardest because I want to impress people on the Internet
Normal, but I'll restart on a harder difficulty if I especially steamroll through the first hour. I started Furi recently, and the fact it locks off hard on the first run while also really mocking easy mode players is gr8
Overall I much prefer if there are no difficulty options available to the player since many games poorly handle them by simply adding enemies or inflating health rather than cool shit like giving enemies new capabilities
Witcher 3, though you could lower it I think
>start on DM
>not experienced with combat yet
>get killed by literally fucking everything in 1-2 hits
>don't really enjoy it at all at first
If it's a familiar format like a shooter then I'll usually do second-to-hardest (UltraViolence in Doom, Heroic in Halo, etc).
Difficult enough that the mechanics are in full swing and mistakes still get firmly punished, but not difficult to the point where death comes so quickly that you barely get to experiment or learn from mistakes.
If it's a worthy game, I'll go back and clear it on absolute hardest afterward.
it's just an excuse that bads use to justify playing on normal or easy. they think that developers should create terminator AI that adapts to your playstyle and uses highly intelligent tactics when that is just not realistically achievable.
It wasn't so much hard just annoying when they start dumping those shotgun guys with ricochet ammo in tiny rooms with no cover. Also respawning was pretty glitchy with either weapons and ammo disappearing or on a few instances the enemies themselves vanishing instead.
I am a real man, so I play on the hardest difficulty while executing the gameplay flawlessly and complaining the game is too easy.
I don't answer questions
Normal usually because first time playthroughs need a grasp of the mechanics to play, and usually hard modes are only just number changes
Normal if I just got the game. Hard if I played a lot of the franchise of the game. Easy if I just wanna enjoy it. Impossible if I played through the game multiple times.
Thing is there's smarter ways to do it. Look at Metro for instance, you die easier but so does everything. You get less bullets to shoot with, less filters and less HUD or none at all.
Then there's Skyrim where you have to whack enemies a little longer and that's it.
It depends of the game and what does changes the difficult settings, if it only makes the enemies hit sponges then it's not worth it, but if it makes them more smart in therms of AI and etc, then hard is the way to go.
DMC4 changes enemy groups and when they appear based on your difficulty choice. I think that's a fair compromise.
kill self filthy casul
Depends on the game
Some games are better on normal because higher difficulties just make it less fair. Some games like the STALKER series are better on max difficulty because it's just more realistic. If it's like Terraria's expert mode where it actually has changes to AI patterns and loot I'll play normal first so I can appreciate the changes more
Ultra-Violence was just about perfect for the gradual difficulty curve that took place throughout the whole game.
Early areas were low-stress but still required full-time management in order to not die, mid game started to pile on the deaths, and the arena fights in the last third of the game would sometimes take 10 lives or so to successfully clear.
Nightmare behaves the same in every way except numerically, glory kills, armor and health kits yield at most 1/4 of what they normally do and even an imp can blink your entire health bar out of existence if he connects two fireballs.
I just made it out of Foundry on nightmare and it's still fun and worth playing but death gets imparted on you so frequently from off-screen (and usually adds a good 30 seconds of walk-back time from the checkpoint) that about only half the time spent in-game is for fighting and breaks the flow a bit.
Nightmare's doable but anybody who does their first playthrough on it has a good chance of hating the game altogether.
The one before the hardest difficulty. Its usually the hardest mode without the game being to cheesy.
This man gets it, he is awesome.
Changing enemy group composition and AI patterns is the correct way to do it.
It's just a lot more work for the developer so most of the time you get broad-strokes changes to the metrics and that's it.
hard if I enjoy the game
if I don't really care about a game, or if its just some casual chasecam garbage like god of war, I play it on normal
if I hate it, I put it on maximum easiness and cheat if possible
I start at normal every time. if I feel like the game is too easy, I'll turn the difficulty up, which is why I appreciate games that let you change difficulty without starting a new game.
If I want to replay a game, I'll play it at a higher difficulty than I did the last time since now I know how to beat it at that difficulty.
The exception are games by big publishers like ubisoft, Activision or EA, where the devs are forced to make the games incredibly casual friendly to APPEAL TO A WIDER AUDIENCE - only the highest difficulty may possibly be challenging in any way, so that's what I play.
Also every time a developer describes any difficulty that isn't normal as "this is how the game was meant to be played", I die a lottle inside.
pssshh... nothin personnel kid
>Playing games you hate
Are you autistic?
usually just hard
hardest in fps
normal in most others
give me full on sandbox mode for rts though cause i ain't got any of those skills
The AI isn't that different, it's just more aggressive. Having some kind of adaptive AI is just a meme, like that one guy said earlier.
Depends on the game. If its only 3 then usually the hardest. If its like 6+ with the hardest being xXxULTRADANTEINFERNOFRIEDPORKxXx then usually the one below that because then the hardest one more often than not is just everything one shotting which is kinda retarded if you dont know shit about the game yet.
you mean like everyone on this board
any time you hear the word 'backlog' they are talking about games that they are not actually interesting in playing, ie, games they hate
Depends on the genre.
For FPS and Stealth games I play on the hardest difficulty avaliable and often put some additional constrants on myself like not abusing an op weapon or doing a pacifist/ghost run.
For action games I play on the second hardest difficulty.
RPGS I either play on whatever is one step above the normal difficulty or normal, depending on if the only difference between those two is having to grind more.
Normal unless the devs did difficulty right and not just add damage/health modifiers.
Viewtiful Joe.
I had no idea what the difference between the modes were and quickly got ass fucked by it.
La Mulana.
The first time I hit it I got the warning and said cool, I'm not gonna push it. I came back to the area hours later trying to see if I missed any puzzles and forgot about it. No more warning this time.
And I didn't finish the game because of it. Was very far in the game too. Probably could have powered through, but it got too frustrating.
Hardest one as long as it's balanced and not bullet sponge bullshit
depends entirely on what higher difficulty entails. like in Dragon Age Inquisiton it just means you have to sit there for another 50 minutes every battle, and that sucks ass
>Sandbox RTS
God yes please
I love building bases and moving huge armies around but every mission either has a bullshit win condition, a timer or the enemy failing to upgrade so you stomp them.
I loved playing sandbox in Stronghold. Arranging huge battles and sending my king bear hunting on his own.
Truly the best time
Backlog are for games that you want to play but you are too busy finishing others.
Who is autistic enough to play something you hate? At least yo do for a bit then you realize you hate it for a number of reasons then you leave it, why would you play a game that you hate from the start? To prove you Wrong? or to see if you were right? If so, damn you have a Lot of free time in your hands, pal.
Oh god, don't remind me.
>I need to aggrandize myself by devaluing other people who don´t play as high a difficulty as I, because my life is devoid of other achievements
You better have picked Impossible, OP. King's Bounty series is about restricting your losses to as few as possible. Having one bubillion gold and steamrolling enemy parties with small leadership values just isn't a game worth playing.
The difficulty between normal and hard is always the best choice.
Other then some of the Halo games, I don't know any game that doesn't do that
Is it a new game I'm unsure of?
Is it a game in a genre I'm confident in and/or a sequel to a game I've played?
No excuse for easy. Ever.
CoD on easy, everything else on normal/hard and very rare on hardest difficulty.
Always hardest. Not to be edgy or hardcore or any of that shit. It honestly just feels like the way most games should be played. Games are far too casual and easy these days, and I love the feeling of being challenged. Plus you never get better playing easy mode.
I specifically love playing a lot of the modern RPG's this way, as it really makes you have to stop and think sometimes. Divinity: Original Sin and The Witcher 3 are immeasurably better when played on the hardest difficulty.
FPS and stealth games always on hardest.
Everything else on normal.
do you play Call of Duty for the story?
Whatever the highest difficulty is, unless it's explicitly stated that the game wasn't designed to be played on the highest difficulty.
>I ruin games for myself because of meaningless achievements
lol fuck you are dumb af dude
>CoD on easy
I understand your reasoning
I don't
depends,i will enjoy the game? (can know from trailers)
>yes : highest difficulty unless its bullshit difficulty (enemies sponges annoying/boring grinding and retarded things)
>no: normal or easy
And that doesn't mean it follows different patterns?
I actually don't even know why do i play it. The last one i enjoyed was BO. And i dropped the BO3 at second level.
Always hardes. If I suck I go one step lover. But usually Im gitting gut and staying on hardest.
I don't really understand all your fancy booky words but anyone who doesn't play on the hardest difficulty for their first playthrough of any game is a faggot.
Easy if its a porn game
normal if its a real game
hard if i heard the game is really easy
Xcom 2 and Xcom.
But the higher difficulties melt down to
>doubled time required to acomplish a research
>enemies have more HP/armor
>there are more enemies per mission
>lower funds
Aaaand that's it, in X-com 2 first two months boil down to flawlessing every mission else you can easily restart the campaing.
AKA autism simulator.
The game's difficulty curve usually takes the Normal difficulty into account, and I have nothing to prove to anyone. I will play subsequent playthroughs on higher difficulties if the game provides compelling enough incentives to do so (better items, alternate endings, etc.).
Normal if I'm not familiar with the genre or series. Hardest available otherwise.
What games have the most bullshit hard difficulties?
only game i can think where difficulty wasn't a 100% AI bot knowing your position all the time was ut99
>Got wan piss pirate warriors 3 during week sale.
>Hard doesn't feel that hard and I've been going through the story on it since the prologue.
I am still having a blast with it nonetheless.
>You also deal more damage to the enemy
Thx stalker, there is no disadvantage to play on master, since your fucking bullets vanish on lower difficulties.
Oh now I remember. RTS games.
>user hasn't experienced his grenade danger indicator light up on veteran.
I tend to play a game first time on its "normal" mode, after completing it or if its too easy, I'll bump it up a notch.
I don't tend to play on the hardest, as for the most part with games like cawl of duddy, doom or even halo, it becomes a cheap 1 shot fest. at times. At least STALKER and Metro give some credit to the extreme difficulties, as damage scales both ways.
One of my more casual friends for whatever reason played through the new doom on nightmare from the get-go and actually managed to finish it.
Surprised me, and now am a bit envious of him, since I've only completed it on UV so far.
i only play hard if the rewards are better or if normal mode is too easy
i dont care for epeen
Normal, unless it involves any sort of first person or third person mouse/keyboard controls. Then I select maximum difficulty.
its metro worth playing on hard ? fuck its worth playing on normal?
>cod on the highest difficultie
>infinite granades! infinite respawns till you move into the next checkpoint!
i never cared again for playing cod on any difficulty that wasn't easy
Depends on which metro it is, perpare for some info dump
Metro 2033 - Ranger hardcore
>Can fucking tear shit up with a revolver for the most part, humans and lower mutants.
>Disables some HUD elements, but the game accounts for it (Some weapons you can see how many bullets you got in a mag, can use your diary for a read out
>Stealth isn't affected by difficulty, and stealth is pretty hard anyways (usually 1 path to follow to do it
>Enemies still have infinite ammo, but you pick up like 1-3 bullets of each dude, so weapons with reusable ammo is better
Metro last light
>Further split up into Survival and Sparatn
>Besides having less ammo to go around, Survival makes it more like the older metro stealth, aka no warnings, and 0.1 second window to take out someone who sees you
>Can still tear shit up with a revolver
>Ranger hardcore takes away hud elements AND THEY DONT HAVE ANY FUCKING WAY TO COMPENSATE FOR IT
All, in all, yes it is worth it, but prepare yourself for some silly bullshit and save ammo, as mutant encounters are the same, so you'll get stand off against large waves with little ammo to spare.
Forgot to mention in Last light, that without having a hud, selecting grenades is a ball-ache, having to wiggle your mouse listening to the sounds of your grenades and hopefully you don't move it at the last moment and plant a claymore instead of chucking a knife.
impossible anything below is boring as fuck.
Normal, because hard modes are generally just shit to play with unfair modifiers boosting enemies and gimping player. However, if I know that hard is actually good (eg. in Halo heroic is the perfect difficulty), I'm going to go with it although such cases are sadly quite rare.
haven't played neither , guess i should start with the oldest one (2033)
i dont like silly bullshit stuff
i tried playing it years ago when it was released and i ran out of ammo on the first encounter with mutants (when going outside for the first time)
started monkey island and dungeons today , need to finish that and witcher first