Wtf I hate Zenyatta now

wtf I hate Zenyatta now

Discord needs a nerf. A support shouldn't be able to take down a tank that quickly.

Why do people want this dude buffed?

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Stop being shit and actually try to shoot him.

Roadhog was just retarded there and couldn't land the hit when they hooked the zen. The robot dies when anyone on the map sneezes, he just gets the bonus of bonus damage/LoS healing. He can't go off on his own or he'd get fucked hard by literally anything

killing half the enemy team as Zen is fun as fuck, especially if you finish them off with melee
can't image the buttmad some people must feel when I just kick them to death with one of the weakest heroes in the game

>Play Zenyatta
>Get killed from a single stray bullet


150 health is way too little, a gentle breeze makes him explode.

He needs his old 200 health back from the beta atleast.

>I'm big and have lotsa hp, why'd I still die????

If that dumbass Streetpig had bothered to reload before hooking Zenyatta (who has terrible mobility, making him an easy target) that would've been free.

That chain is instant death for Zen. That Roadhog was just really bad.

>Why do people want this dude buffed?
He was the only hero that went completely unplayed during the last pro tournament. Not one person ever chose him out of the hundreds of opportunities.

that roadhog was just bad at the game

>hooked him and couldnt kill him


>Got somewhat good enough with Zen to sometimes kill Tracer/Genji bullying me


even after he missed the hook a single M2 should've finished off the zenyatta easy

>That feeling when you get POTG as Zenyatta

All of his highlight animations are great, shame it happens so rarely

I only seem to get PotG as Zenyatta if I pop my ult when another is spraying bullets or an ult that can spray bullets is used. I saved 4 teammates from a Hanzo ult with Zenyatta's ult and the PotG went to a 76 with two kills defending the objective.

>9 attacks and a melee

maybe you should try playing a character before you bitch about them you fucking rank 30 level 29

What people dont know playing Roadhog is that you can buffer up a shot just by holding down the left click when you hooked someone

Yeah but then you can't make that extra step towards the guy you just hooked to make sure the maximum amount of pellets will fuck him up.

I hold the shot for heroes like Zarya/Genji/Tracer with an escape button so they have less chance to react, but for heroes like 76 or Zen, who have no particular skill that could save them, I don't.

>lowest HP
>slowest movement
>lowest healing output
>wide hitbox
>debuff requires him to put his slow ass squishy self into line of sight to maintain
>but he hits hard though

I don't know how anyone can say that Zenyatta doesn't need a buff.

>Why do people want this dude buffed?

The orbs disappear after 3 seconds
Tied for lowest health in the game
No mobility options like Lucio or Mercy
His alt fire is garbage
So is his ultimate

>slowest movement
everyone moves the same speed, idiot

if the tank was non retarded he would have just hit zenyatta and killed him in one shot where half the shotgun shells miss

Same thing happens with Mei but you don't see anyone on Sup Forums calling to have her buffed.

Wrong. She is in the 1-20% category, so someone somewhere used her at least one time.


Slowest = least mobility in the game
Zenyatta has none. Even Mei can use her wall to escape.

Street pig fucking disgusts me.

hurr 600 health One hit kill combo herp instant self heal through Ults derp.

characters that can afk and get potg need nurfs

It's worse when you look at the other two healers. Lucio can wall ride and speed boost and Marcy can fly to teammates. Zenyatta has nothing.

Even worse his play style is about hanging back, but his ultimate requires him to be in the middle of a team fight. He has zero ability to safely get in or out of that situation like the two healers pro players actually pick

Plus his ult is basically a death sentence unless your team can eliminate all opposition before it ends.


what mobility in combat do roadhog, zarya, mccree, bastion, torbjorn and symettra have? or are you going to say other things that aren't mobility count as mobility because you can't admit you said something stupid and wrong?
>I-I meant mobility...
>I didn't m-mean slowest, just tied..
>T-technically these abilities are mobilities...

What you need to do is to stop ignoring her 1hp sentries. Winston makes those completely useless.

>playing Winston

I don't care if he's one of the top picks in the meta at the moment, he's boring as fuck to play.

I dont play overwatch but whats the point of not playing buddhist robot when hes the coolest looking character in the game.

I don't get it, it's not like he can be killed during his ult unless you push him off the map

The moment his ultimate is over, you're dead as a doornail

Make the healing ball non-line of sight and +25 health.


I like how you're upset at the literal definition of mobility when you know what the user and the person you're replying to meant.

If everyone's the same speed, mobility would include being able to move with ease with general protections.

Roadhog has health and damage so he can freely move without restrictions
Zarya has a shield that protects her
McCree has his flashbang and roll
Bastion isn't frontline, but he can heal himself and he isn't locked to a turret placement
Torb isn't frontline and he can let his turret do all the work
Symmetra isn't frontline

Zenyatta is a support forced to be frontline to use any of his abilities when he has to stay in the back to keep himself alive. He has no way to protect himself.

>Winston is boring

>Play Zenyatta
>Enemy sneezes on me
>Explode into a million pieces

>Roadhog and Zarya are tanks, don't compare them to a 150hp hero
>McCree has his roll
>You gotta be joking with Bastion
>Same with Törbjorn
>Symmetra shouldn't even be close to the battle, and has her sentries to help with flankers
Zenyatta is a healer, he can't avoid being close to the battle and is going to be focused if the enemy team has not brain damage

I agree though.
You don't have to aim, and all his skills are piss easy to use.


Every character in this casual shooter is easy, but delivering the monkey dick to those fags that sit in the back is fun as fuck

Mobas were a mistake.
ASSFAGGOTS singlehandedly ruined multiplayer communities.

Why is it so easy for Roadhog whose a tank to do the same amount of damage as a DPS? How do people not consider that overpowered?

You're a fucking mokey jumping everywhere

Yeah that's why you use it when there's at least two others guys around who can take out the threats, it's got a decent range so I typically try to find cover in the last seconds.

Of course, if it fails you're fucked.

>nerfing zenyatta
Kill yourself

Reaper outdamages Roadhog significantly

Because he's the only tank that has no way to avoid damage, only heal it. That means you're giving the enemy ult charge, so his damage is a way to compensate that.

This is what I've been thinking every time I've seen "zenyatta needs buffs" over the last week. He has crazy power and can 2 shot most squishies.

You should read the thread telling OP why he's retarded before agreeing with him

Any competent Roadhog should be able to kill a Tracer before they blink away, or a Reaper before he wraiths. The fact that this retard couldn't even finish off the most static hero in the game only shows how retarded you are for making this thread.

>The most static hero in the game
Beep bop

He is pretty fucking boring, though. He literally doesn't have to aim.

Neither does Symmetra or Hanzo, but I don't see anyone complaining

He's in an awkward spot where even the tiniest buff will make him broken as fuck. He probably needs a redesign

Roadhogs DPS is 225, Reapers is 233, not a huge difference.

The nigga's floating all day. Just remove that stupid alt attack and give him a jump or float ability or some shit. It would at least help him throw orbs at people in high areas.

Better yet, give him an ability to stock some orbs for himself that he can use to heal. Every time he throws an orb out to heal he can take it back stock it to use a percentage of how much he healed someone to heal himself. Limit it to like 1 if it'd be OP.

roadhog has more weapon spread and less ammo

It's orb of discord's fault. It's an insanely powerful ability. Think about it, every other thing in his kit is outclassed except that one stupid ability.


>roadhog can't dps down a 150hp balloon gently floating in the breeze 5 feet in front of him

Well I guess that proves it, remove him from the game.

>Implying those matter after hooking someone and oneshotting them

Reaper doesn't have an easy way to deal his close range damage.

If that was the only thing wrong with his Ult, I would be okay with it, but 100 healing/second is not a terribly impressive amount. Soldier:76's DPS outdamages Zen's Ult healing two to one even without headshots. It's like a really shitty Sound Barrier except with a very restricted range, an obnoxious graphical effect that impairs the vision of your allies within that AoE, and they are still liable to get one-shot while Sound Barrier can absorb an attack that does a bajillion damage and you won't actually take a health hit so long as there's even the tiniest sliver of it left due to how barrier properties work in OW.

yeah he does you just get close and shoot

This annoys me, game tells me that reaper is great against roadhog, any competent roadhog can kill reaper before reaper can kill him

Any competent Reaper can kill Roadhog before Roadhog can kill him

Only with the element of surprise, if they ever go head to head, the almost identical dps and the fact that Roadhog has almost triple the health...

Apart from literally turning invincible and getting as close to someone as you want?

The trick to killing roadhog as reaper is to stay inbetween the effective m1 and m2 ranges of the scrap cannon. Reaper can do consistent damage at that distance while rodahog really can't.

how do you go inbetween these?

| - - - - |
| - - - - - - - - - - |

You're fucking retarded.

>Doesn't trigger traps
>If he holds down jump for longer then he can levitate over shit

A bit of extra mobility and a few more hit points is really all he needs.

It takes literally eight seconds for that Zenyatta to kill Roadhog even with the Discord Orb. I can see a minimum of three allies just sitting there doing nothing while their tank is fighting. Similarly, that Roadhog should have easily handled Zenyatta.

Zenyatta still needs buffs. One instances of a decent Zenyatta against a shitty team and a worse Roadhog isn't exactly adequate evidence against this.