>Overwatch is literally "If Disney made TF2"
>Nobody cares about Battleborn
>GW2 has been ruined by SJW
>Tribes: Ascend... FUCKING PLASMA GUN
>Tribes 2 is outdated and nobody plays anymore
>so does Ultima Online
>Planetside is (literally) dead
>Planetside 2 is reddit: the vidya
>Tree of Savior... aka Tree of Restriction is shit and ded
>Ragnarok online is filled with bots
>so does ArcheAge
>Guild wars 1 is outdated and the devs don't give zero shits about it anymore
>Elder Scrolls Online has released a patch recently but it's still shit
>Granado Espada is ded
>Orcs must die: unchained tried to compete with LoL and died
>I don't give zero shits about LoL, DOTA 2, Smite and any other "PvE, with PvP being optional"
>Battlefield and Call of Duty has been swarmed with 12 year olds
>just like Garry's mod
>and TF2
Is it me or there's, like, zero. Z.E.R.O decent vidya right now?Everything is shit desu. Literally.
Overwatch is literally "If Disney made TF2"
The animation and art style Overwatch has is more Pixar than Disney senpai.
Found your problem OP.
>I don't give zero shits about LoL, DOTA 2, Smite and any other "PvE, with PvP being optional"
your (you)
>>Planetside 2 is reddit: the vidya
this insult doesn't make sense
let planetside 2 shine as a bad game on its own merits
it's a client side hit detection fps that wanted the esports audience and tried to copy battlefield's play model instead of what planetside 1 was
>Guild Wars 1
literally never ever. holy fuck that game is dead, but so fucking GOAT. I remember DoA runs. fun shit.
>Zero decent vidya
>Only mentioned online games and MMO
There's plenty of good games out there, stop playing shitty online games.
>GW2 has been ruined by SJW
how is planetside reddit
>MMOs, free to play shooters, and king of casual shooter games
I think you are just trying out literally all the bad games in the industry right now?
Also, you should always be a bit more positive.
Overwatch, for example, has great porn.
memes > game content
Sauerbraten Cube 2, Assault Cube. Take a trip with me back to when vidya was challenging and fun. these two are free and still have people playing them.
>all shit titles
>all of them are multiplayer
There's probably a connection here.
>hey widow/hanzo, mind switching character? It's KOTH after all so you cant really reinforce the point
why are all widow/hanzo players shit?
>playing only online shooters and MMOs
With taste that shit, may as well just kill yourself
unless you're TR, in which case you brought it on yourself, i don't see what you're talking about outside of weapon attachment names
>I don't give zero shits about
So you give a shit?
Have you ever played Dark Souls or any other single player games because ALL multiplayer games are shit
Rainbow Six Siege is good
I, too, am curious about this. What made GW2 an SJW game?
I thought it died soon after release.
Writers forcing their shitty lesbian characters in the story
Why the fuck don't we have Soku threads anymore? Those were top tier video game play
>Granado Espada is ded
It's been dead for me for years. They fucking stopped updating the game for like 9 months and duping went rampant. On my server one of the guys in the guild that literally locked the rest of the server out of any end game content fucking killed a duper and got a stack of 32000 level 100 enchantment chips and the GMs said he could keep it because it was a drop. That clan already used bit families during colony wars to res their teams that weren't inside the clan (so you couldn't kill the bit families and they'd constantly ressurect instantly) and shit got completely out of control. Nobody could do anything, you couldn't even get the gear to be able to deal damage to them let alone beat them.
I fucking miss that game.
Equal rights, same sex marriage, "Hey check this out guys we've added the first gay character in a videogame!", etc.
the problem is you only play on PC and PC is really really fucking bad this year.
Thanks for posting some "good" games
I bet OP plays on console.
>multiplayer games
that's the problem faggot. Go play single players games . You have a lots of options. Bloodborne,The witcher 3, GTA, Civ5, Xcom2 etc. This days multiplayers almost 95% are SHIT and with fucking kids who give you cancer in 99% .
And the fun doesn't stop here, user!
Soon or later you will come to realize that videogames are meant for children alone, and the actual target audience nowadays is children, and will always be children and teens.
Games didn't get suddenly "swarmed" by 12 years old, you just got older and older.
And you will continue to get older, until eventually you will be completely replaced by 12 years old, as the actual audience will switch to kids and not just mixed people.
>baa there are no dcent vidya coming out >:C
Not for you and your age, at least. :^)
Unless you're an autistic manchildren who still plays Mario\Pokemon\Sonic\Splatoon in his 30s.
Time to move on and start a family, user.
>Playing online games
Dark souls has a great community and is fun to play with bros. That aside, it's way beyond tryhard for my taste.
>most of my friends quit because of FotM games like overwatch
Rainbow siege is your typical "honeymoon" game; play for a weekend, forget about it after.
>only meme games exist
Time to buy a console friendo.
>OP posts a handful of games he doesn't like.
>Gaming is dead.
Because youre in shit mmr
I'm in 64 atm. I thought that was over top 5%?
So why are you on a board about video games then? Quit trying to be so angsty, holy shit
Normies get out
>only game I wanted to play is getting DDOSed right now
I never got this.
Are you aware of how many people are on this planet currently? Trust me, the last thing OP should do is start a family.
You started strong, but you just seem jaded and old near the end.
Those Moba you listed are nowhere near PvP being optional, and it makes it seem like you have no idea what you're talking about, which makes sense considering you think ESO is still shit. The patch helped edge the game into a good MMO status. Unless you don't like MMOs, in which case why even bring it up?
There's no point being a little bitch about where vidya is going. You either like it or you don't, so move on. Or make your own vidya. No one gives a shit about your demographic. You're literally worthless.
That feel when...
>navyfield 2 died again
>WoWS that showed up to kill it turned out even more half-baked than expected and somehow got worse from closed beta
>Steel Ocean was what WoWS was supposed to be but couldn't retain playerbase due to retarded devs and outdated engine
>WT ships is going to continue the slavshittery from where WoWS left off because Gaijin has turned out to be WG.net's autistic stepbrother
I just wanted one god damn boating game that wasn't shit or ded, how hard can that be?
How overwatch is pixar tier?
no thank you, I don't want some fat tumblr whale to kiss me
>LoL, Dota 2 and every other moba
>PvE is stricly forced and (literally) consists the entire game;PvP as a "end of the match" thing just to steamroll other players
>Elder Scrolls latest patch added literally nothing, other than (the same old shit) quests and other shit I'm 100% aware about
>replies with no rebuttal/refute/counters other than a "lol, you are wrong" reply; "you have no idea what you are talking about"
I can't believe I'll have to resort to console gaming, holy shit.
Fuck man the nostalgia. That game was amazing, why the fuck did the change it completely in the second one? Like the instanced works and team composition and secondary classes and skill freedom. They took everything that made GW the best MMO by FAR and they RUINED it.
>Overwatch is literally "If Disney made TF2"
there's that word again. ESL fags need to leave. go to your own third world image boards and talk your retarded languages there
>if Disney had made TF2
It's clearly if Pixar had made TF2
Literally's definition has literally changed, old man
Salt and Sanctuary is pretty fun
Unreal Tournament 4 is good it's just poorly optimized and doesn't have many players
that is literally wrong and you're literally using it incorrectly, faggot.
>literally "I'm a nerd"; the post
I wish we got a Bad Company 3 but DICE would probably fuck that up too.
Multiplayer PC games are fucking dead. There isn't a single good one right now. Overwatch is waifu weebshit trash and also just a boring MOBA hidden behind an FPS. Nobody actually plays that game for the gameplay they play it so they can talk about waifus on the internet.
Pixar wouldn't make anything as soulless as Overwatch
Total War Warhammer was pretty good
Xcom 2 was also good
>calling someone on a video game board a nerd
oh wow user, you literally got me
OP, here. It's definitely better than overwatch, borndead and battlefield altogether, I give you that. But the cosmetics doesn't seem promising at all.
Quake was my literal (kek) first FPS game I eever played, so I -might- play it religiously. That aside... yeah I'm fucked up.
>"w-why don't you play Wii u, user?I-It's fun!"
Well, shit. Do I have a choice?
>playing mumorburgers
there's your problem, you fucking dumb fuck
Play paragon while everyone's still shit, thats some good times
never watched it, but i heard some bad things about cars 2
>Another fucking moba
Another "whack cutesy monsters as fast as the other team and don't get yourself killed while doing so" vidya, eh. No, thanks.
See and . MOBA is literally "whoever kills the most mobs, wins" vidya. And there's nothing "competitive" in that.
Plasma Gun hasn't been relevant in Tribes for years. While the game's pretty much dead, you can always find at least one full server running. It's actually pretty fun again.
actually recently got back into Planetside 2 with some friends and we've been enjoying ourselves
if you look past clientside 2 and the reddithead faggots it's a pretty good game
stop complaining about shit-tier and make your own vidya game
>MMOs and online shooters
The fuck did you expect? It's like watching only CBS sitcoms and saying TV is dead.