>Still no ETA of the update
don't you remember the soldier vs demo update desu
They mean it's both that will be changed but want people to think they have a choice on the matter
>Heavy: Extremely rich man with the best of intentions, with not seemingly the most cunning wits but on the inside has a mind of steel
>Pyro: Psychopathic female with the intent of burning everything
Hmmm... really makes you think...
Vote Hillary.
...I mean Pyro! first female president!
>theyre trying to keep a dead game alive
Make pyro great again
New comic finally
>Psychopathic female
Why isn't this allowed? I like to think that since there's always one notable woman in every Valve game (Rochelle, Zoey, Alyx, etc), It's very likely that Pyro is, in fact, a tranny.
>Heavy: Woefully underpowered class that's only fun & playable with a medic shoved up his ass
>Pyro: Jack of all trades who can fuck you up even when you can't see him
Make 2Fort great again
>pyro jack of all trades
t. iron player
Heavy is in the Defense category for a fucking reason.
It's great that Valve devs were actually smart unlike most multiplayer games devs.
the reason being you're an iron shitter?
i'm sure you're gold or higher right?
>Wanting more pyro shit
Team heavy all the way, he's boring as fuck
>Pyro mains
Fuck those cunts, Team Heavy it is.
Why aren't they reworking both?
Just bought LMAOBOX Premium
Thanks valve, can't wait to cheat in your competitive mode ;)
>using drumpf propoganda
no wonder tf2 is dead
They are
>But! Okay, both of them might get new Class Updates at some point. In fact, it's highly likely they both will.
>But! Only one of them will get it first.
>he don't know
I dony care as the much more superior game, Overwatch, is way more fun.
I don't play anymore, but yes?
>Two classes in dire need of assistance
>Help only one
>Engineer not even mentioned
Purely a promotional event. Valve could not give a fuck about this game.
What do you mean user?
>both classes need tuning to be competitively viable
>we're only going to fix one ;'^)
wow fuck valve
>two classes need reworks
>but fuck you we're not going to do both
What's your business? Calm your autismo
and stay there faggot
I love Pyro, but Heavy will probably win this.
That doesn't fucking matter. They have both reworks done already and they aren't going to release them because they are retarded
my business is calling out dumb posts on shit people don't know about, and business is good
BASED valve supporting Trump and aligning themselves with the right side of history
stay triggered
>Hey guys we're finally showing you what's in this update that we skipped halloween for!
>Oh yea we don't know when we're releasing it
Fuck off valve, either release that shit with the fucking notes or give us a fucking date
they didn't skip halloween, they just made it shitty
>reworks done already
that quote implies the exact opposite.
It's pretty much saying
>we don't actually have changes ready, but the community can pick which we plan to change first
It's a load of horseshit
Why is it so hard for people to read
How long has it been since they released new weapons? Do they really not have shit prepared for the two of them yet? Are they really only asking people who they should prioritize now?
What a retarded business.
I wanted you to argue, but OK then, let's keep going with our respective businesses. :^)
It's releasing tonight, right? They wouldn't make us wait another week to release it after hyping it up... RIGHT?
valve is such a fucking joke
absolutely based
after all this clinton email stuff thats coming out today Trump is 110% the next president now
Why is heavy so goddamn handsome in the comics?
is yours posting about shit you know nothing about? cy@
you mean shit nobody cared about when it actually happened forever ago?
I'm sure the FBI telling people they shouldn't hold her accountable for these things is really going to sway people against her
sage for not video games
>nobody cared about
the fbi just spent 7 million dollars in a 3 year investigation
this email thing has single handedly lost clinton the election
i was a dem before all this but it makes her look so fucking bad
people voting for her at all should tell you that nobody cares.
Two men enter! One man leaves! Followed shortly after by the other man, also leaving!
So it's basically a splatfest?
Trump actually supports LGBT and the LGBT support him, so I don't understand why you would say that.
If you're trying to be a Sup Forumslock and hate gays you should be voting for Hilary.
What did Valve mean by this?
Fucking beaners
it's a reference to Jill (a Valve employee) calling the update "cool beans", I think
>literally triggered normalfag using facebook memes
lmaoing at ur life
i'm sure you were
>there a re fags that won't read the comiic and will pick heavy
Pyro was first, pyro is best
Pyro 2016
giant man >>>>> baby man
>robot pyromancer >>>>> giant man
>half of the tf2 population are mlp shitters
>there is a "pony" in pyro related items
i wonder who will win this
>there are people on Sup Forums that will pick a side based on fucking comics instead of gameplay
heavy got nerfed for no reason retards
haven't played tf2 in eons, but i remember all the pyro weapons either being boring or nerfed to fuck. i love the degreaser/axtinguisher until it got nerfed to shit.
isn't it kinda lame that's vs the heavy, who has always had a wide range of weapons?
>when libcucks feel the need to bring up Trump in everything they say
He's been getting nothing but buffs as of recent.
>love the degreaser/axtinguisher
honestly they've nerfed and buffed that shit so many times that every time I come back after a 6 month or so break its always different.
Pyro has been getting shit on in updates since Axstingisher was nerfed.
You want to talk about unfairly nerfed look at every single on of Pyro changes.
>Day 1
>Day 2
No, they're going to pull a Half Life 3 with the update.
Can the Engineer get some cool shit at some point too?
it's the small dick syndrome they all have
We can assume all of classes are getting fixed.
Hell Engie and Spy got fixed a little already.
>pic related
Lmao at the girl in the green hat.
>Pyro infiltrated 3 minutes before Heavy
Fun fact
Pyro is voiced by the same voice actor as the spy.
I mean all they did was stuff a sock in his mouth.