Pokémon GO General /pgg/

Found this gem of a story last thread:

>pull over during lunch break at a park
>walking in Park to a bench that has a "dedicated to" monument as a pokestop
>decide to sit after claiming it
>within 60 seconds 2 Asian teenage boys fly up to me on bicycles
>stair at each other then at me
>turn My phone screen to them to show them I'm a "Go-er"
>their slit eyes turn round from shock and start gooking out in gibberish
>they hop on their bikes and fly off to the gym that's in the center of the same Park
>I'm in my full work uniform with my branded company car parked across the street
>I start running after them

Post your stories/cool stories nao

Sheeeiit what am I going to find.. There's a grass patch here but I have to get out and cross the road...

Fuuuuuck it's in a children's playground...

Legendaries where?

You know you could grab it from the street if youre close enough. Your characters radius is pretty large

Yes... I tried I'm just like probably a few yards out from registering though... There are children at play and I'm wearing this...


buy a dog and go for a walk


>An error occurred. Try another name
>That name is unavailable
what the fuck pokemon go which names can I use?

this is a general now?

Whole world logged in, fucked the servers and are grabbing names and making new accounts to log in

Just keep trying

Good plan!!!... But I'm slowly sneaking in

Where can I find a snorlax

If you want me to leave, then you'll have to learn how to talk about video games instead of talking about console wars, Jimmy. Pokemon GO will turn you into a man.

>RiversCuomo is taken
I am sad anons

That's a sexy cloaka

>mirrored gloryhole maze

Also, can you FUCKING BATTLE in this shitty game?

Its full of Machokes.

>mirrored gloryhole maze
I honestly am curious if its exactly what i'm expecting.

>turn on pokemon go
>Immediately find a tentacool in my room
>"Oh sweet. I guess the servers are fixed."
>Get my shit together and walk down to the local field to hit up the pokespot
>Server crashes again right when I get there.
>Currently sitting in the middle of a field waiting for them to kick-in again so I can claim it.

literally a gay sex club with Hollister lighting and dead ends will have a hole you stick your dick into for a blowie from some fat cuck

>mfw my six letter online name was free

Feels real good man


>batteries go from 50 to 0 the first time i get to a pokestop
I need a new phone.

>really want this pokemon
>only place in the city to have one is a sex warehouse

what do Sup Forums?

>Nintendo makes an abandoned, closed off baseball field a gym.
>Only unclaimed gym in my town.
>Ride up to the locked gate to try to take over. Not close enough.
>Trespass to get gym at 4 in the morning.
>Game crashes.
>Don't get the gym.
>Dip back to the car.
>Reverse down to the base of the hill.
>Finds pic related in the middle of the road.

Oh shit, what's up with those petals over there? Also the servers are constantly crashing for everyone else right?

>No STAB moves

How do I find pokemon that are three footprints away from me?

Pick a direction and walk

Top kek!

yes servers die every 3 minutes

if the spinning pokeball in the upper left corner does not disappear every few seconds it's broken

thank you user here's an OC I made that doesn't relate to pokeymans but its for you

How do you exit the app? I keep having to force close since my back button doesnt exit

>walking down the riverbank
>Three clicks into the ball. It's as good mine.
>Servers freeze.

Never seen those petals man, go there
Also yeah servers are ded, it just won't let me log in

>banging out

How the fuck are you guys even playing this out on the go. Every time I try to get out of my house to go to stops or gyms the game freezes or won't connect to the server.

I was capable of getting a few stops at 6 am this morning. But since then, nothing. Even tried using free wifi from places, because it seems to work fine with the wifi at my house. But God damnit I'm almost out of pokeballs.

>Gym was claimed by Red/Valor last night
>Choose Blue/Mystic and head back to take it over today
>Beat to the punch by another team Mystic member
>Tfw it's just like my Japanese animes

fuck this piece of shit game I swear to god
>go outside for the first time in fucking ages
>hot as fuck, nearly 90 degrees outside
>decide to go to the park because items and stuff
>get there and touch item thing
>sit there rubbing my phone like a fucking idiot for 5 minutes
>I'm sorry please try again later
>since I'm out I guess I'll use my incense
>get a rattata immediately but nothing for another 15 minutes
>Phone starts to over heat because you have to leave the screen on or it won't work
>or you can pay 35 fucking dollars for it to work in the background LOL
>find a beedrill and throw like 20 pokeballs at it but it keeps braking out
>finally get one that looks like it's going to catch it
>the game freezes
>just sit there for awhile looking around hoping it will work eventually
>police officer comes up to me and asks me what i'm doing
>someone called the cops because of a suspicous white male alone at the park
>j-just trying to catch pokemon officer
>good thing I just took off my phones lolita styled casing
>later walking back and check phone again
>by now I'm sweaty as fuck and stink even though I used my moms deodorant
>some teenagers ride up next to me and start making fun of my weight
>one of them smacks my phone to the ground and now it has big crack in it because I had to take it's case off to cool it off
>at least I get gbp for going outside
>battery dies because game is a resource hog
>miss mom's call so I don't even get to ask for tendies for din dins.
Things I learned today
>Phone games.
Not even once
>Normie shit
Not even once
>Going out side
Not. Even. Fucking. Once.

>tfw still not out on iOS here

really not feeling this game until the severs get stable. walked 20 minutes to claim a gym. get there and cant connect. found a few pokemon on the way but it froze when i tapped them or after they got in the ball. even the egg i was trying to hatch glitched out and didnt count anything.

send pokemon please


Autism the thread

cant wait to hear about you on the news

yeah it sucks like this

went out twice on my bike, arrived at the park, nothing works

Take your fucking furfag autism to /vp/

you have a board for a reason, you manchild

>guy just dicking on his phone slowly creeping up

is this real?

Fuck these shitty servers

>Already lost my wallet for a bit and almost got run down by a bus on while walking on a crosswalk
Outside is fucking scary man

Found waldo

So question, i always rename all my pokemon. Do you guys do this or am i a weird fuck?

Whats the cheapest prepaid phone I can play poke go on?


>"banging out"
what the fuck. is that black people shooting or banging each other?

>use incense
>this bullshit pops up
>log back in and the duration ran out
cool game

Sorry fuckboi, but I have immunity cat.

>There are children at play

To people that always go into threads to direct to other boards, why don't you just filter the threads? Serious question, do you just like pointing people to other boards and playing backseat mods or what?



tfw live in country side
tfw nothing

1. They're newfags who can't filter
2. They think they have a say of what goes on in an anonymous board since they have been here for awhile
Tak your pick

>mfw Mexican with IOS

Denny's twitter is a treat

I can already imagine thousands of neckbeards now on the street on their smartphone. Is this how animal observers feel when it's mating season?

Dude wash your fucking car. Disgusting fuck, you're only embarrassing yourself

Ah shit!!!

To any of you f aggies who don't actually walk to the monument on the map you are missing out on half the fun of the game which is finding shit you didn't even know was there and getting to experience the world around you

>Download Pokemon Go
>Our servers are experiencing issues. Please come back later

Are you saying if I look out the window right now I'll be seeing confused autists moving around like they're trying to walk their phone?

Temporary company car, they can deal with it if they gave it to me this way

>download game
>pick best boy charmander
>hmm, how do I catch more pokemon?
>have to go outside

that was close. deleted this shit right off my phone.

every time

Fu m8


Try at awkward times when the servers are under less tress.

Everyones trying to connect worldwide

fuck you

>show them I'm a "Go-er"
Congratulations on worst thread of 2016

>He doesnt know




>find a Snorlax while out on delivery
>try to grab that fucker as fast as I can
>he breaks out of all six balls I use and runs away

petals mean somebody uses used the location incense thing whatever on that spot. pokemon attracted to that spot increased for 20 mins for 'errone.

>out on delivery

did the snorlax atleast leave tip?

Security just pulled me aside and asked me why I was trying to secretly film people


There is no saving you

man, what a bunch of presumptuous fucking idiots. Probably old as fuck

they need to show other active users on the map that way you can confront people IRL.

Ive seen atleast 20 people today playing and they refuse to keep enjoying the game they try to act like they are just texting or something when they see me staring.

i dont want anybody to be able to have a fucking excuse I SEE YOU ON THE MAP!

I don't need tips, I get $12 an hour at 40 hours a week. There are delivery jobs that don't revolve around fast food, user.

take the gym with him and back him up faggot

fucking newfag.

Im guessing my Galaxy S3 won't run this when it releases in the UK?

I'm sorry I don't meme as hard as you

well, thank you for atleast apologizing.

I was going to but the servers kept crashing and it was hot, I hope everything is fixed by tommorow

>Pokémon GO General /pgg/
jesus fuck
you people have no shame

How long until people start taking dick pictures with this service?