Remasters/rereleases you want

Post 'em

I'll start



How to boost the ps3 sales:

1. Remaster the game for current gen

2. Don't include any dlc and never release it for the ps4.

3. ????

4. Profit

only if they fix the garbage controls. at least put it as an option

>original shit controls
>good controls

Why does that look like a Berserk ripoff? The art style in that pic reeks of Berserk ripoff in general.

So what exactly is this game about? I've briefly seen some gameplay and it just looked like a guy screaming constantly

Asian version of God of War, literally.

Fucking Nier.

>only on PS3/360
>only own a PS3
>no copies for either console in my town nor any nearby towns
>not available digitally
>buy from ebay
>spend ridiculous amount because it is tagged as "rare"

With the sequel coming to PS4 next year it would be nice to have a rerelease of the first, even if it is only digital.

Here's your (you). You didn't really deserve it, but I'll be generous today.

I wouldn't be surprised if they did a Bayonetta on this one

Not many have played the first Neir so release a port alongside it would be wise

It's basically that and . It's 90% movie with playable parts and it's pretty enjoyable.

I agree man.

But sadly, there isn't a plot that would work. He destroyed the strongest being in the universe.

But implmenting this idea with another pantheon would be sick.

He's looking for a remaster/rerelease, not a sequel.

I'd like a PC version. I mean I can pirate it on my jailbroken PS3 whenever, but it's a hassle.

>Why does that look like a Berserk ripoff? The art style in that pic reeks of Berserk ripoff in general.
Don't be fucking stupid

it's literally just a QTE movie bossfight, dunno why Sup Forums likes it so much.

>it's okay when a japanese dev does it

Persona 2

Fuck you too?


So if a guy has a manly face and short spiky hair and a mad-on, it's a berserk ripoff?


I main appeal of godhand isn't the tank controls.

you like it in spite of its flaws.

but whatever. act like an autist.

They already did Jet Set Radio HD, now just do Future

It's nothing like Berserk's.

>Wasn't in Mvc3
>Game was critically panned
>Sequel never since the story wraps up

Last time will probably ever see Asura

this one right here.

I want an 8th gen katamari. I don't care if it's a remaster of We

>Ace Combat 4, 5, 0, 6 HD
>Ninja Gaiden Xbox duology HD
>Onimusha 1-4 HD
>Metroid Prime Trilogy HD

Condemned: Criminal Orgins
F.E.A.R 1 and 2
Dead Space 1 and 2
Bully (I know they already did but they could do more now)

>Condemned: Criminal Orgins
Mah nigga

stfu virgin

I'd get it again.

I got it for £20 this year, imported from Burgerland, since the ps3 isn't region locked it shouldn't have been that much, should it?