Why is it hated? Why does no one here ever talk about it?
It's legitimately the best MMO out there right now and it has no sub fees.
Why is it hated? Why does no one here ever talk about it?
It's legitimately the best MMO out there right now and it has no sub fees.
Sell me on it.
It looks like Skyrim with even less to do, with needless MMO tropes superimposed instead of creativity.
I can't fill a house full of sweetrolls.
They dropped the ball on that key feature.
It's an MMO first, so stop expecting Skyrim 2: Online Edition
>Comes closest to replicating the feeling of a Single player RPG without sacrificing MMO elements
>No Auction houses, guilds have to work to hire NPC merchants who sell the goods guild memebers list, any player can buy from these merchants
>TESO style skills and levelling in an MMO
>Crafting is actually extremely important and useful
>World full of content that's actually worth fully exploring
>Great 3 way Open-world PVP
>Crime system like TESO
>Great group content
>Content that requires grouping outside of instanced stuff
My only real souring point is the action combat, but even that is better done than say GW2 or Wiildstar
>action combat
This was what I meant and all I had to go by from youtube videos. Looked indistinguishable from GW2 or other games and lacked soul, but I guess it's worth a try.
It seems pretty great for a mmo. Not even memeing
Well some points on the action combat:
>There's way more skills than GW2 and you can slot them freely
>Every character can bash to interrupt spell casting
>There's still the holy trinity with DPS, Healer, and Tank
>Stamina limits the spaminess and clusterfuckery of games like GW2
The skill system is interesting two. There for classes, each with 3 skill lines. After that choice, it's like every other TES game with tones of other skills to level like archery, alchemy, ETC. Every spec can do every roll, basically. It gives you a lot of choice.
It's cheap, I'm not even that big of a fan but I still logged about 100 hours on it and had some fun.
played on beta and it was alright when questing and exploring but pvp was so depressing it made me uninstall and never touch it again.
I tried the beta way back when, and I realized that it was still generic mmo combat hidden behind a thin facade of elder scrolls combat, so I dropped it.
What made me realize this was the bow combat, which has an arbitrary range limit, and does not actually matter where you shoot, so long as you shoot in the enemy's general direction.
I play it and it's ok. It always seems so quiet, I never see people talking.
There is an esog but it always turns into waifu pics and feet like always
How's the lore?
Butchered in some spots, interesting in others.
There's a teory that the game is actually an illusion created by Molag-Bal rather than a period in Tamriel's history, considering the time discrepancies and the fact that no one ever mentioned the time when Molag-Bal tried to suck the world into Oblivion in the other games.
How could that even happen? The Dragon Fires sealed Tamriel off from Oblivion being able to creep in and take over. The only reason why the Oblivion Crisis happened in IV was the fact they went out when the Emperor died and then the seal was made permanent when Martin shattered the Amulet of Kings and became an aspect of Akotosh who then exploded, creating the new barrier.
A similar thing happens in TESO, if I remember right. There is no emperor, hence why there's multiple factions vying for the Imperial City in PVP and why players can claim the title for themselves.
Is there an end game?
The emperors after Martin aren't dragonborn and the dragonfires were gone because the barrier was now permanent.
Combat is fucking terrible, I started and played with magic and summoning and the spells are SHIT
casual garbage. played the beta and that was enough. pvp is shit too
exactly what I did and felt.
what's wrong with pvp
is it just empty
Me and a friend who have never played an MMO (he's never played an Elder Scrolls) just bought this yesterday. What are we in for?