Torrents when?

Torrents when?

Probably a month. Enjoy waiting

why a month and not a year?


this is the first game when i really regret that i cannot torrent it

let's actually talk about the game.
This is so much of a retread of LIMBO: a short, atmospheric puzzle game with a pricetag of $20. While the game is really fun and super well made, I was expecting a lot more, especially after that nothing ending, once again, taken from LIMBO.

Someone dies?

Looks like LIMBO and I really liked that game...


I think it needed some survival elements and maybe some crafting or something.

looks cool and has nice sound design but its easy and short as fuck

buy on steam and get a refund after 2h

can you beat it under 2h?

That's not what I was getting at. I enjoyed the game but it isn't worth $20 at all. It's way too short, and while it does iterate on LIMBO in a lot of good ways it's also kinda just whatever
That final segment with the blob monster was cool though. Did the main character die or something or was he controlling it? Why did it just stop at the end, did it die?

probably not blind

3-4 hours. Limbo had spider eggs to collect and that extremely hard blind secret section.

This game has something like the spider eggs, but as far as I can tell they do nothing and there is no secret section. Could be too early to tell, but yeah. Limbo honestly felt like it had more content and was more challenging. This game is more about the "experience" I guess.

fairly certain the boy was controlling it, because before the boy became a part of it it was just floating there more or less. The world seems to lack free will and a fight/flight instinct, which the boy does have.

yeah there's a lot of cool scenery going on but it's not really challenging or anything. while there are little secrets to find, they're a little underwhelming.

did he jumpstart it?

2-3 hours

can someone explain the ending / what's going on in general? it seems that i'm retarded. would really appreciate it.

Limbo was 2deep4u nonsense. This one is probably the same deal.

my assumption is its supposed to represent capitalisms lack of humanity, as evidenced by the death of what can only be presumed to be the CEO of the company who is engineering that blob creature. The cinematography of that scene was too designed, it was done deliberately and its my opinion that it confirms my theory. The people floating in the water tied to servers are what I assume to be human computers, much like the "final boss" of deus ex human revolution. Again, another example of capitalism sacrificing humanity. All of the zombies and general degradation of the landscape is a result from industry and capitalism.

It's supposed to be deep man. Like, whoa.

limbo was just a boy saving a girl.

This is pretentious drivel.


If you wait long enough you can let him live

thanks user

didn't even think of that. It was so obvious that the game wanted you to just splatter him I just went ahead and did it. Thought it was really cool how a few of the workers helped you out though, like the guy using the keypad for the door or the scientist activating the propulsion box.

You can but the reality is there's a few puzzles in it I think were designed specifically to waste your time and keep the game over 2 hours so people wouldn't refund it. If you know exactly what you're doing you could beat it in under 2 hours but most people wouldn't.

There's no real story, only theories because the game itself doesn't give you enough to go on. The best theory I've seen is the world is severely underpopulated so the humans who are left have created drones/zombies in those pods you see mostly in the beginning that are likely controlled via those worms that are bred in the pigs. The drones can be controlled with the helmets but to automate things they've created a hivemind (that giant mass at the end) to control everything for them; the mermaid/swimming monster girl and the other things you see suspended in water are either other hiveminds being formed or failed prototypes (because the hivemind also seems to live in water). The boy you play as is actually another drone being remotely controlled from a terminal underneath the cornfield who is trying to reach the hivemind and enter it so the hivemind itself can be controlled and escape. Too bad that theory has a billion plotholes of its own and still doesn't make a lot of sense....I would assume the reality is it's just "LE 2 DEEP IT'S WHAT U WANT IT 2 BE!!!" bullshit because it's apparently really hard to craft a solid (yet subtle) narrative in six fucking years for your 3 hour game.

seemakes a lot more sense. Don't know who had that hivemind theory but it sounds like it was formulated by a fucking child.