Genuine discussion here

genuine discussion here
can video games be art

Why does anyone give a fuck what constitutes "art"? Just make what you're gonna make, and don't worry about meeting some arbitrary goal.

I mean there's no supreme word-master anyway, so there can never be a true answer to that question. it can't even be considered a real debate, just a difference of interpretation.

as a talented indie game developer, your ignorance sickens me. i create challenging, interactive art. Which is even more important than music, paintings, or movies

Art is subjective, so it depends on what you think

It would be really, really hard. Art and product are exclusive concepts. There is a different between pop and art.

I don't know how many video games have been made without the purpose of providing a product. Maybe some stuff Jason Rohrer has made?

The reason "art" is so shitty now is because everyone thinks they can do it. People hate to face the music, because they think they're all so equal, but art is for the rich and privileged or the crazy. It is for those that have no duties and can dedicate their life to a craft to make someone actually worthwhile with nothing to tie them down or limit them.

Dwarf Fortress might be art? Fairly sure Toady would keep going even if he was starving.

yes. if television and film are an art, then video games are.

TV and film are barely art. They're entertainment products, just like video games.

Anything can be art if you try hard enough.

I would like to give you the reason here because that's what I think, but I'm humble enough to admit that I'm not cultured enough to give a proper objective answer to that.

Is it art bu definition? Of course. Is it GOOD art? Fuck no. Saying video games are good art because you find them fun is like thinking a paiting is good art because when you first look at it you think the colors look cool. It has to be emotionally stimulating and thought provoking to be GOOD art which video games are not. They are art by definition

They are. Games are made up of art assets and are set to provide an emotional experience of some sort.. including bliss..

You have to explain what you mean by art before anyone can answer that meaningfully.

Sure. Directing ones will into the creation of something is pretty much the definition of art.

music and paintings can also be entertainment products too faggot


Art is best defined as a tool of discovering other's inner psyche by viewing their personal interpretations of pieces. Only a foolish "artist" tries to force meaning on their work rather then leave it subjective. An inkblot test is a simple and easy to understand form of art.

So of course video games can be art, but most of them are worse at being art then any old painting and are better suited as means of entertainment for other reasons. Only idiotic self-proclaimed intellectuals who don't understand what art is try to encourage video games to be considered an art form.

But there's no discussion to be had.

Of course, even the covers are art.

holy shit lol

nice thumbnail faggot
go fuck yourself

They aren't. They're a product of different types of art made to be interactive.

Anyone who asks this question has never played the Mother series.

All games are art, but most are awful art.

Video games already are art but if you care about stupid semantics you're a genuine faggot.

opinion discarded

oh my god all of these retards buying into the "art is subjective everything is art" bullshit

Yes. Video games can be art.
Most video games are not art, however, and the games that are art are typically made out of a desire to make something artsy, thus missing the point.

There's one game I would unironically call art, and that's Drakengard 1. It's pretty clunky, rough, and thoroughly strange and dirty, but how it came to be and how it uses everything it has to try and make you not enjoy it on purpose, I feel that it's at least one of the games out there most deserving of being called art. Maybe Nier does, too.

>creator saw games glorifying huge numbers of people
>felt that was strange as doing that in real life would make you a psychopath
>felt compelled to write a scenario where you take control of psychopathic characters
>deliberately made it all as strange and what the fuck as possible
>had the music composed in a very strange way and in a manner designed to be generally unappealing or discomforting

>next game he made was after 9/11, when he was starting to get a vibe from the world around him that "it's okay to kill as long as you think you're right"
>so he made a game exploring characters that killed under the assumption that they thought they were in the right, or where everyone thinks they're right

And so on.

There isn't enough of Yoko's kind of creative madness in the industry, I feel.

Another type of way games can be related to art, is if you consider the process of making a game to be "an art", and some games as a result to be "works" of art. Also, in another way, a game that is so finely tuned and balanced, with enough mechanics to make it feel every match to be diverse and different... these sorts of games can in turn yield performances which could be considered art.

But make no mistake, just because I advocate the existence of games which are art, and are related to art, does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that I think "games are art" or "all games are art", merely that there is some potential for a game to be art

These are correct answers.

I don't know about that, but for me:

videogames > movies and tv > music > painting = sculpting = theatre = literature

>They aren't.
>[argument not provided]

On one hand I wish they were seen as art because that would mean stupid left-wing faggots couldn't get shit censored by crying about it.

On the other hand it being art invites more shitty indie "muh feels" games to be made.

But no, at the moment video games are very much a product and not art.

depends on the definition.
going with one of the first to be defined, techné, videogames can be considered art based on the level of programming alone

Your arrows basically point in the direction of maturation of taste in art, dude.

If video games are art then so are Chess, Monopoly, and Scrabble

So what is this a picture of?
Is it like a sonic screwdriver disguised as a Wiimote?

So it ranges by things you have an ability to consume at an above average rate?
>I get video games
>i get action movies and game of thrones
>i dont understand music theory at all but I like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd
>I have no idea about anything actually involving artistic ingenuity
>I have no idea what art is
>I have no appreciation for things I do not understand
>I can't into books
fucking pleb.

do you even vape bro?

I do unironically as an alternative to smoking
Didnt notice that was a vape.
bring on the (you) iron-fags.

I think it was Miyamoto who said it best. Something like - Art doesn't convey any message. It's up to the viewer to interpret for themselves if it does at all or not. Video games are a set of rules framed for an objective. By definition they are not art because there is a motive behind them.

No video games aren't art.

What about mein kraft?

>emotionally stimulating and/or thought provoking

>babbies first tarkovsky quote

I wish video games were art so all political bullshit could be excused with just that. If books and movies can get away with it for being art, so can anything.

you act as if art isn't made to be sold as a product

>on Sup Forums
>not a weeb
lmao like your opinion is valued

>I'm better at repeating what other people say rather then coming up with my own arguments then you!
this guy

No, but trolling is definitely a art.

>not 'an art'

I didn't agree, nor did I disagree.
You must have never heard of tarkovsky