Why so many people here dislike Spore?

Why so many people here dislike Spore?

It was one of my favorite games when it released, and it still is. The gameplay was so nice and everything felt so huge. Each of the evolution stages felt like a single game itself, from cell to space stage. Space felt enormous, with so many possibilities. Sure, the conversations with aliens quickly got boring, but everything else compensated, such as terraforming.

We where promised much much more. It was dumbed down and cazualized somewhere between beta and release

Yeah, but there is no way it could deliver all it promised. It was too much for that time

Everything after the creature stage was shit.

Did you actually read? All the extra shit was in the BETA, they literally got rid of tons of content like evolutionary stages for absolutely no reason before releasing the turd we got

oh look its this thread again

Fuck you I actually enjoyed it.


>months or two ago decide to play spore again for some godforsaken reason
> have fun in the cell stage
>mfw I reach the next stage and remember how shit the game is from there on out
never again

The second stage was nice but could have been better. The space stage was a lot of fun and felt huge.
The cell, tribe and civilization stages felt rushed.

Overall decent game.

Space > Creature > Cell > Civ > cancer > aids > death > Tribal

The stuff that was promised was already done and shown live at a conference in like 2005. EA had them take out several stages.

I had fun with all stages, no exception. The best were Space and Civ

Even the Aquatic Stage?

How do you even play that? I saw some youtube video like back in 2009 but no real tutorial how to do it

Sup Forums hates it because they are butthurt it wasn't as good as it should have been.

Not because it's actually a bad game (since it's not).

Other examples of this happening are MGS V and Mighty no 9

Cell > Creature > Space >Civ > Tribal

The best part was just fucking around in the creators, though

It was cut, as was a lot of Spore. You probably saw a bug where the oceans and landmass got reversed so it looked undwerwater

if it was "too much" for that time, it shouldn't have been promised, they shot themselves in the foot for doing so.

>people STILL confused over this

Half the dev team thought that it being so hard sciency would isolate too many players and they wanted to make it more cartoony. This divided the devs, creating issues, and they eventually met like at the 75% point towards cartoony.

No im pretty sure he was playing as a fish creature, not a cell.
It was like creature phase but underwater with swim animations n shiet

It must be nostalgia glasses but I fucking love it.

>made shark race
>have fun with the game
>not the best game but enjoyable
>reach space era, do shit and enjoy it

it was a nice experience but it's still empty

>reach space age
>each colony is just hab-spires
Who else did this?

You're wrong, it's Creature > Cell > Space > Tribal > Civ

>That ass

Cell > Literal shit = every other stage

What a fucking awful game. I have never once paid 60$ for a game on release, I learned my lesson.

*never once afterwards

They showed footage of that before release but it was cut.

I'll always respect the space stage because, while those little blue fuckers were relentless, it is one of the few games I can play to use spice trade.

this game started a lifelong hatred of big business, thanks EA
my little child heart was so excited for this game i couldn't stand it
you might not consider it a bad game (it is though) but what happened to it is utterly unforgivable

>Yeah, but there is no way it could deliver all it promised
They could. The heads of EA decided it would make the game too niche and took out a bunch of stuff and made the game look like a cartoon. They shit on a good game idea just to try to appeal to the largest possible audience.