Whoa, calm down I play for fun

>Whoa, calm down I play for fun.

Then what the hell are you doing playing a competitive online team based video game? To drag me down and then justify your bad performance with "Well, I'm just having fun!"

No, you're not having fun. Winning is fun. Losing is not fun. Nobody joins the Olympic Games just to "play for fun". They're there to win. Fun isn't relative, it's objective. Losing is never fun. Winning is always fun. Now either change your defeatist attitude or just quit playing video games entirely.

What a fucking autist. One of those fuckers who whines down their mic like a bitch. People playing a videogame for fun?!?! Wonders will never cease! Cunt.

No need to sperg out, sempai.

Not everyone is a tryhard edgelord. And anyways, if you get matched with people who play for fun while you play competetively, then you need to assess your skills, because you must not be very good if your competetive play is on the same level as someone's non serious "for fun" play.

>"hey bro its just a game chill out"
>get reported

>he posted it AGAIN

Warning for false flag bait

Casuals summerfags detected.
I wish Sup Forums would get back to its roots.

Why do you shitpost like this? What do you get out of it? What went wrong in your life for you to spend your time this way?

It's fun to see Overwatch fags re-enact the same discussions that the Dota community has solved 10 YEARS AGO.

Like quit the game and play something better?

whats the solution ?

Settle down, ok?

>Nobody joins the Olympic Games just to "play for fun"
Eddie the Eagle did.

>video game players comparing themselves to olympic atheletes

Buttmad about Overwatch? You are the problem, not them. I bet you're one of those niggas who tells everyone to switch and who to switch to, but won't switch yourself because you're playing the "right" character. Do you bitch over voice chat every time you see someone miss an ultimate? You're cancer, sorry. You're probably the one dragging down your teams.

stack with friends

My fun is making people who play competitive shit seriously get butthurt enough to rage and post rants like this on here. You don't get better quality tears in vidya than espurts wannabes.


Amen brother!

>thinking you can play competitively outside a structured tournament

>Google Eddie the Eagle
>first British skier in Olympics
Wtf am I learning?

>Fun isn't relative, it's objective

way to be bad at the game, maby if you wasted less time in chat and tried to win harder you would be doing better

a hard truth


relative or not i'm going to call you a retard if your idea of fun is getting shit on by the enemy team.

>Daniel has H3H3productions in his recommended channels

Existing must suck for you.

>go on online games
>be shit on purpose
>literally nothing you can do about it
top kek

Fun is a process. Outcome doesn't determine whether something is fun or not.

Threadly reminder

I still think this is correct

Yes, let me play with only carebear retards while I rank down to play with more lowranks carebears while all the tryhards are on the top. It will sure let me play with tryhards in low ranks.

You posted the same thread today, so I guess I'll say the same thing.
Maybe it's because we like pissing you off, and that we're all merely pretending.
Why do you have to treat every single team-based game you play like a fucking esport? Why not have fun for a change and not be such a whiny bitch about it? You're not getting anything out of it, you're literally doing it for free.

Actually, now that I think about it, you're paying to get angry at nothing, thanks to the internet and electrical bill. Why should you pay to be furious at a video game? Where is the enjoyment? Either you're a masochist, or you're fucking stupid.

Fuck off.

>Fun isn't relative, it's objective.