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They haven't even mentioned Zarya. They've only mentioned buffing Zenyatta and D.Va.
She will win ANY 1v1 or 2v2
It is pretty fucking broken
Literally just go Pharah.
Have you tried shooting at her when her shields are down?
the heck. Literally every other tank beats her 1v1 as long as they don't shoot her shield or she's at low enough charge.
That's completely wrong
>don't shoot her shield
which gives her a few seconds to deal alot of damage with no retaliation
>alot of damage
only if she has high charge. High charge is gained from people shooting at her shields. Her entire class revolves around her shields and people shooting at them.
It's not complicated.
>eat 3 seconds of a laser at 0-30% charge
then you kill her.
Watchu talkin' 'bout, user?
Avoid it.
Roadhog is the only tank i have trouble with.
I like playing extremely aggressively, how do i kill everyone with reinhardt?
I hope so, he's currently my best character, thew only sad thing is that there will be more of him around.
you wait until the right moment. Basically any time you can kill someone with a charge is often going to be worth it as it costs a player + forces the enemy team to split their attention giving your team and opening (hopefully) Also when a bunch of squishes are bunched up don't be afraid to just wail your hammer around.
Charge into healer, congratulations you have now flanked the enemy team. Ult their whole team now that you're behind them, e through them all while they're down, hold down mouse1 as you walk into them.
You won!
>playing as an ugly dyke
>not running 2 zarya in comp for easy wins
No she won't. Not even close. Every other tank will eat her alive except maybe winston. And most other characters can outdps her, at least if they stay mobile. Her laser is near impossible to keep on evasive targets and her RMB does garbage damage outside full charge and even then has a fucking tiny AOE.
I swear to god you people are so fucking bad at video games
Once you get past the hair, she's a cute muscle girl. They should have a cosmetic of her wearing a dress.
Is it surprising?
I'm pretty bummed out over this shit. Widow and McCree were legitimately broken and Blizz listened to the community. Roadhog and Zarya are fine but all the shitters keep crying about and they're probably going to get shitcanned. Is this what LoL balancing is like? Just whine a lot and the devs give in?
This was foreshadowed by the Tracer butt debacle.
You shouldn't be surprised now.
I still don't really see the point of Zarya. Even at 100% charge (which you're probably never going to get, and you'll be more around 30-60 for most of the match), her damage is still kind of shitty. Her shield is cute, but its incredibly short duration means it has nowhere near the application of a Rein shield - or hell, even a Winston's.
I don't think she's a bad character, but I really don't understand her role in competitive. Is it just a case that she's more than the sum of her parts, sort of like a 76 pick? She can deal moderate damage, absorb moderate damage, has a very friendly ult and has average synergy with everyone else, so she's just an okay tank to throw into any comp?
Honestly, if I see a Zarya, I tend to just ignore them if it's in the middle of a fight. If it's not, just fire at her once, get a panic bubble, wait a second, then kill her.
Zarya is amazing. 100% charge is easy as fuck to get, and when she's there she just melts everybody. And her ult is OP as hell.
>a few seconds
Two seconds. Even if she holds 100% sustained fire on you for that entire duration (which she won't) she'd still only deal 95 damage.
Her shields effectively nullify the first ability used on them. Very useful for protecting healers from getting snatched by hooks or oneshot by snipers.
does zaryas alt fire explosion get bigger when she is at higher charge?
I hate playing zarya. Literally the only good thing about her is her ult which takes forever to charge.
>want to play as roadhog, do good as roadhog, actually able to kill people and stay on the point
>hurrrr switch to a REAL tank fucking faggot
>have to play zarya, essentially play just to use her ult when other teammates have ults
I fucking hate playing as her. Used to like her but the more I play the less I like her.
She's best combined with another tank and when you git gud
She's literally only useful for her shield. Against a competent team they won't ever let her get full or close to full charges with her shield. She's like bastion in the sense that she can wreck babies but isn't as useful against smarter people.
I have never played a game where I wasn't able to get up to 100% charge multiple times. Her damage is insane at 100% and she can easily kill almost every character. You should check my second tip there.
Winston can, if he plays smart. It will take a while, but he can totally 1v1 her if he keeps his distance when she shields.
No. Just more damage.
Play against people that aren't level 20. She's just a walking ult that can wipe out a team if there is some form of communication. Aside from that her damage is pitiful. Even at 100% I could count the number of times I've actually died to one.
About double that. She isn't doing 47dps
I'm level 90, rank 55 and mostly play Zarya with a 58% winrate and a 3.0 k/d
A zarya that is full charged runs at you
You are playing d.va and you just exited your boost
You don't know if she activated her shield yet
what do you do
Right after this aidshole gets a nerf
E, because D.va players are retarded
free headshots because she floats like a fucking butterfly.
Dont forget to tell us about your 8x6
The only thing that needs a change is the time Mercy can get her fuckin rez.
I squat 4 plate
I think you mean buff. Her damage is shit compared to the other heroes.
Lucio + mercy is too Damn good because she can just rez everything all the time and heal up Lucio and keep everything up all the time.
>complaining about the most balanced character in the game with an actual skill ceiling
The only character that *might* need a nerf is Mercy, and even then not by much.
Right now the rosters is 70% balanced and 30% underpowered. We need buffs not nerfs you shitter faggots.
she's just fine, learn to aim.
ranked in at 59, not too bad i guess
not sure how people say they can carry though, if your team is full of shitters theres just nothing you can do
>pharah gets the jump on you
>what the hell is goin-
One of the few medium range heroes I can think of with extreme burst potential and mobility
Two direct shots will kill like 80% of heroes. Not easy to do, but its there. And her no damage falloff giving her infinite range makes her almost bullshit on certain maps. Not to mention her being able to stay high enough in the air that half the heroes in the game literally cant do anything but tickle her makes her a very strong pick against certain comps.
Reaper is the only one besides mercys ult that needs a nerf.
He fires way too fast for how much damage he does. Can kill literally everything with ease. Plus he can just get out of everything free with his edgy fly away shit. And his ult needs to be fixed because it hits out of the visible radius and hits around walls for some fucky reason.
>try playing pharah
>always throw the rockets infront of my target
They're just so weird, like direct hit was almost instant and the normal rockets were curved. Hers is like this weird middle ground.
He is limited to close range. Thats his weakness. He literally can't do shit if you are mid range or further away.
Why the fuck is every thread about this game either waifufaggotry or cries for nerfing? Before it was McRee, now that he's hot garbage you find some other character to jump on that absolutely nobody had a problem with beforehand.
It's a really shitty attitude to have.
Soldier 76's Ult is far stronger than Reaper's.
take a few steps back and when he wraith forms follow him and line up a shot before he exits.
Hes SO fucking vulnerable with wraith form, they really need to add a cancel to it.
Thank you Sup Forums browser with an actual brain
Except get away without taking any damage then literally teleport behind you and unsheathe his gun katanas.
>enemy team has 3 or more squishies
>go soldier
>team wipe everytime my ult is up
It absolutely wrecks in pubs.
you need to get the fuck good
she cant do shit at
>complains about the teleport
You are horse shit user.
Nice meme you retarded underaged faggot fuck off.
I would be more worried about teleport if it didn't take like 5 fucking seconds and make it INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS where he is going to end up.
I'm conflicted on Bastion.
On one hand he's in an annoying spot where he pubstomps but is completely ineffectual at a high rank. This is a really bad spot to be in from a character design standpoint.
On the other hand he serves a useful purpose in hard-countering faggot scout stacking.
Do you think he needs a redesign or not?
You can blame Mobas for that toxic attitude.
It's actually really fucking irritating that people that can't deal with certain characters run to here and cry for nerfs.
Well any competent reaper isn't going to teleport where people can see him. I'm just saying it's very easy for him to get anywhere he wants without risk.
She's extremely vulnerability in the air against anyone that can actually aim. Even if its not a damage buff, then at least an increase to the rate of fire or reload time. Depending on the situation, 1v1 she will lose against any competent player because she relies on predicting where you are going to move for the rocket to collide with you or near you, whereas most hero's have a weapon to directly lock on and hurt you immediately.
Her ult is also the easiest to interrupt out of all the heroes (and kill) because she is just one big ol' stationary target shooting in a small cone in front of you that does small damage unless you trigger the barrage up close.
>meh damage
>most vulnerable when using her mobility
>only 200 health
>can self damage
>her ult makes her stationary and the travel time of the rockets give people a chance to fuck her up
>her m2 is the same as her jump option, so no alt fire
>no chance at survival without a dedicated healer
Give her a pinch of armor since she's in a a suit and have her do a forward dash option to use along side of the rocket boost.
It's a stretch and possibly too OP to consider, but holding m2 to charge small rockets (maybe vague lock on targeting too) would be pretty cool. It'd make her a real glass cannon.
It even makes a loud as fuck noise, so you can't teleport anywhere near anybody.
I would even make it silent and his footsteps very quiet so he could be an actual assassin type character.
Just make her move faster in the air and give rockets a really small travel time boost
He seems so feast or famine. Either hes a massive thorn in your side as the other team or hes nothing.
Shes pretty top pick.
I know >comp but shes really strong in a good players hand. If anything they need to buff junkrat first.
they need to add more ranged characters, seriously Zarya and Pharah are only a pain because most characters need to be close to deal damage. With Zarya it puts her in range of you which is why she can be a pain, and Pharah because most characters can't even hit her when she is flying.
Most of the heroes in the game can't actually hurt her in the air because of damage falloff. If the opposing team has a good Widowmaker/76/other accurate long range hero, don't play pharah. Its that simple.
Bullshit! Ive taken players down using her with 76 and his p-shooter. Get gud
but most characters can't even damage her
>Competitive Overwatch
>Zarya is still used in Competitive
>Zarya is still effective in Competitive
Her whole gimmick is relying on the enemy team to shoot your two shields, which will give you charge. If nobody shoots them, she doesn't get any charge. If Zarya has no charge, she has no damage.
The fact that Zarya can be viable in Competitive Overwatch is fucking laughable because it basically means even "pro" players are stupid enough to shoot her shields.
>enemy Reaper ults
>kills everyone on my team and gets away
>a reaper on my team ults
>other team practically aim bots headshots and instantly kills them within 1 second
He serves a purpose and I don't think he'll be redesigned.
Pick him on defense when the enemy team is stacking hard healing hard tanking heroes.
And honestly more heroes are going to be and need to be designed like this. Make the excell in that one situation so you can actually counter it effectively.
Rework the game that hero switching is a viable tactic.
Seriously rework the game that hero switching is viable.
I just watched Luminosity dominate Nubris on a Nepal map with Seagull on Bastion. Nubris was even using the fuck you combo of 2x Lucio/Tracer/Winston.
>stupid enough
you haven't seen any comp games have you, it's not exactly something you can control when your projectile is in the air or you are trained to flinch react to someone sneaking up on you.
Realistically, giving someone several seconds of invulnerability is a huge buff. Competitive players have to weigh the value of killing the target or letting the target do whatever they want for several seconds. Its not as simple as "don't shoot the shield lmao"
Sjw pondering tumblerina powertrip characters do not get nerfed.
>invulnerability is a huge buff
it's 200 bonus health, shooting the shield is incredibly viable in certain situations.
stop making this thread retard
Play TF2
Why's that? Does every character punch for their main damage output?
She doesn't need a nerf.
Tards like you need to stop shooting her damn shields instead.
Nerf minigun Ammo
Buff assault rifle Ammo