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I am at a loss for words for this
Name me a better homosexual character in video games.
Was Ocelot power top or power bottom?
I don't why I fucking love this Gay Cowboy thing.
Just as a character, him being gay is one of the few cases where it wouldn't feel forced or anything.
His whole entire reason for existing is so that he can be completely anally savaged by Big Boss desu.
I haven't even played a Metal Gear Solid game.
Would playing them ruin or improve the badass gay cowboy image I have?
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Watch this video and then decide for yourself.
>your face when that is the noise he makes during sex
The bionic arm is on the wrong side.
>anthropomorphic furry art of a pokemon getting his ass eaten out and balls fondled by a pseudo-child version of himself
what did the artist intend to invoke with this piece?
Gay cowboys¿
In my tactical espionage game¿
Is Big Boss bisexual?
desu that's kind of cute
>only possibility we have of seeing older Ocelot in glorious Fox Engine is on a future pachinko machine
it hurts
I never understood why he was wearing a panty house over his head
>Fox Engine is doomed to be only used to promote Pachinko shit
I know this feel
Don't worry, it'll also be used in annual Divegrass simulators!
Vete al carajo, Jaime.
Thats what growing old is, look forward to it, you may not look as good as ocelot.
the potential we've lost, the IP we've lost
sh-shut up
he looked better in later games though, if you eat right, exercise, and be sneaky enough, you too can become a /fit/ cowboy
No, he's just ammosexual.
No, but Ocelot looks a lot like his mom from behind.
Kaz > Ocelot
Big Boss agrees.
>we will never get more young Ocelot
he's cute desu, but Ocelot's less of a downer
They're not using a game engine to render CG you stupid cunt.
Dude looks like Eva Xephon.
>tfw MGSV ruined Ocelots character than MGS1 and 2 built
I just want my crazy, old, psychopathic, spaghetti western Russian guy back; not this sexy, gay, American cowboy.
To this?
Can't fucking unsee
It didn't ruin his character. They just did absolutely nothing with him.
I love Adamska.
>not wanting a sexy gay American cowboy
You lost me.
So how "big" is Big Boss?
he's a really big guy
For you.
No but for real though I think at least like eleven inches with a six inch girth. He is also uncircumcised where as Venom isn't, and that is the only real way to tell them apart.
Kaz is cute!
>eleven inches
>six inch girth
sounds like you wouldn't be walking the next day
That wouldn't stop me from trying.
Stop trying to make the best character in Phantom Pain a faggot.
>Inb4 Peace Walker
They could've essentially replaced Ocelot with any character and nothing would've changed. He also played good cop with Kaz's bad cop zzzz....
wouldn't stop me either tbqh
i feel like he'd be the roughest character other than Ocelot, but that's only because Ocelot wouldn't be able to get it up unless you're in a significant amount of pain