He pirates

>he pirates
Why risk getting your internet dropped over some shitty game? You're breaking the law, user. Stop deleting those emails, it wont make your problem go away

>been pirating games for about 13 years
>never got a single email
>never got a single virus
>never had a bad experience

I don't get your memes

>he pirates movies, tv shows, porn, anime and music

>Why risk getting your internet dropped over some shitty game?
I'm not American.

I don't live in a country where my ISP cares about what I do.

You're small minded if you think the whole world is like that.

OP is american. He has no freedoms.

My internet people don't care about h-games I guess.

>internet dropped

fucking anglo scum

Life must suck in a "first world country" where you can't have freedom

>tfw live in mexico
>isp doesn't care at all

i've heard of people downloading cp and shit without proxy and having no problem, our authorities are way too corrupt and incompetent

>mfw americans

I've never heard of any ISP dropping a customer cuz they pirate.

The wild west of the internet is gone, owners of digital property are protecting their products from copyright infringement all around the world, not everyone lives in China. Pirating is a crime, nothing in life is free.

what's an email?

I live in a shitty country and only have money to eat, but im buying the games i like when i can.

Sharing games is illegal, not downloading them.

If you're so worried about breaking the law, just don't seed.

American reporting in. You only get dinged on obviously popular torrents (game of thrones) on retarded websites (pirate bay). Even a basic understanding of private trackers and proxy routing prevents this.

OP just experiencing retardation.

I ain't american nor european senpai. There's no way i'm getting dropped. Fuck i'm downloading VTM for the 15th time on the fucking uni bruv

So you mean they wont? Can you prove that? They would sooner drop you than get sued by the company getting pirated

>Why risk getting your internet dropped over some shitty game?

What the fuck?

That's not how it works Jimbo.

How old are you, OP?

I'm American and I never dealt with this problem. Not only that, but they don't drop your internet. OP is being a bait-fag.

> receives email explicitly stating they will drop you over copyright infringement
> lol no wont
Hmmm, Comcast's word... or your's?

Bullshit. In America, our ISPs really roll over. Just threaten to switch providers and they leave you alone.

>The wild west of the internet is gone
for you

ITT: Public tracker plebs

Not everyone in the United States has shitty Comcast. Also I never heard of anybody's internet being dropped for copyright before. Your petty fear mongering thread is not fooling anyone.

Why is there an increase of really stupid young people lately? Yes, I'm talking about you, OP.

> never heard
So it wont ever happen? This is something I doubt you'd ever understand until you paid for your own internet, it isn't cheap user. Take the life lesson already: nothing in life is free. If you didn't pay for it, it was stolen.

>>he pirates
How about you deal with it.

>Why risk getting your internet dropped over some shitty game?
My ISP doesn't care, why should I?

>You're breaking the law, user.

>Stop deleting those emails, it wont make your problem go away
Which e-mails? What problem?

>I'm an asshurt child



Because your burgerlaws have no power in my country! Stay fat american while I pirate whatever the fuck I want.

The only time I've ever had that happen to me was when i twas porn on an ISP that I no longer use, granted it was because I left it to seed, I no longer seed out of fear

Whatcha pirating, Sup Forums?

[Harunatsu] Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst + OVA

>have comcast
>pirate gigs upon gigs of games, movies, tv, music, porn
>they move to institute bandwidth caps
>call and tell them 300 gigs isn't enough, I use that much torrenting on a busy release week
>csr bumps my cap to a terabyte
ISPs give zero fucks until independent groups threaten to sue

Max Payne 3 and Mad Max 2.