Post goty

Post goty

Will this have denuvo

>Spore 2.0


This game is going to be freaking rad

Do people still fall for the BILLIONS OF RANDOMLY GENERATED SAMEY THINGS meme?

>implying people will even care enough to explore a giant, boring, empty, generated universe

But what do you do in it?

Last time I checked people still haven't fully explored the world of Daggerfall even though it was released on 1996. Hell the game itself is officially free.

Unless there is a reason to explore people just won't do it. You don't see me playing Sesame Street games for the NES just because I can. There are simply better things to do.

i spent hundreds of hours in space engine


Craft. build, trade, encounter alien races, discover planets animals, there's different classes, you can upgrade your ship, the list goes on

so is this like a new noctis or what. i wasn't paying attention


>the list goes on
so nothing else, ok.

Thats cool and everything, but did they show anything new? Any new gameplay videos?

The only thing we gotten was a update on the delay and nothing else

since it's obvious this will be the new TORtanic, what name can we give it? No Man's Lie?

The list actually stops there.

Nothing that they've ever shown suspiciously.

>b-but you can do it the devs said it!


1.0 July 22nd, please look forward to it.

not even trying to bait, thats how bad this year has been

You are just desperate pokedrones. You aren't genuinely baiting, just brainwashed.

If it's GOTY I'll just wait for the goty edition to come out before I even think of buying it.


Time to do the safety pirate before buy then

It's scary to see that a large chunk of people doesn't instantly know this is going to be a massive disappointment.

Makes you wonder why would anyone bother to make a good game when you can just hype vaporware and still get a good week one sales figure on promises alone.

It's on GoG, so no

They've gone gold a couple days ago, hence the threads

Remember guys:

>a gorillion planets
>you will literally never get bored

This game sounds so boring. It's selling point is the reason I don't play open world games.

There's a difference between open world games and games with a randomly generated universe.

Space Engine would probably take until the end of the universe to fully explore
What your point exactly?

seems like the main target for this game is youtubers


>single player game
>limitless possibilities

These are polar concepts.

I can already imagine pewdiepie screaming those things like an autist.

There isn't. Modern open world games are so anonymous they might as well been randomly generated. You just move from point A to point B into a sameish flat zone. MGSV and TW3's map could have been random generated it doesn't make a difference.

I want to beat up Ty

It's only a disappointment if you expect it to dethrone triple A games, it's supposed to be a very complex INDIE game, with lot of potential for exploration.

Something you maybe play for 8-10 hours and shelf it.

It's not competing in the same league as popular major release, that's a point to remember.

And you are a faggot

guys it's SUPPOSED to be indie shit

Exactly what I thought. 10/10 post.

>it's supposed to be a very complex INDIE game,

Isn't it like full price though?

Just saying what would help YOU with disappointment -if you fell for the marketing,

They're jewish as fuck for pricing it at $60 though.

Then why is it priced like a AAA game?

If it didn't want to compete in the arena of triple A then it shouldn't have priced itself like one.

Your argument is completely invalid, it is clearly competing in the same ring as other large, full priced games, shut up.

You can't charge triple A prices then not expect triple A expectations. Just like I can't open a theme park in my back yard and charge Disneyland prices then act like people shouldn't be expecting my theme park to be better than it is for the price they're paying.

Blue planet with red dinosaur and then red planet with blue dinosaur, sometimes green

How is this not incredibly complex? It's just like real life

>60 dollarydoos for a procedurally generated indie spore simulator.

>INDIE game
>very complex
Pick one

Get the feeling everyone forgot it came out this year because it was released in Feb.

Its always online anyway

When you see scammy marketing, you don't knowingly defend it nor you propose solutions to alleviate the misinformation.
You either don't buy it / don't recommend it to others, you god damn shill.

It's a good game but yeah everyone pretty much forgot about it, myself included.

No idea why though.


>procedural generation


Why? You live in space, you would just order what you want of space ebay and it would be cheaper and faster then gathering the materials yourself ever would be
Why? Its not like the building itself will do anything other then be stroage and just stand there, maybe a respawn point

Why? In space super corporations would outproduce anything you could make yourself or even in a small group. Even then the game won't have anything on the EVE economy, hell it won't even be as good as elite dangerous

>encounter alien races, discover planets >animals,
Why? Its not like the animals are going to do anything other than be a resource to increase your numbers, and aI bot ships to shoot down that have the AI of a fly. Whoopie

>there's different classes,
So I get to have content gated behind an arbitrary gameplay barrier because the game is shallow as fuck and it would be harder to fool you if you got all the toys right away?

Shit game is shit



Except you cant craft, cant build, cant trade and there are no classes. upgrading your ship is pointless because it doesnt do anything.

>gameplay videos

Cant show what you dont have.

>upgrading your ship is pointless because it doesnt do anything
You will probably be artificially gated that way.

The closer you get to the core the more materials you need to grind in order to upgrade your warpdrive.

>Its always online anyway

But it's not

You have some good points, so, what do you think would fit a universe open world? maybe being a space pirate?

What episode is this from?

>You will probably be artificially gated that way.

There's no probably about it, that is a barrier to progression to make you work to be able to move closer to the center. You also need to upgrade your suit to support survival in more and more hostile environments the closer you are to the center

>Indie team of 15
>Delivers on everything promised

This triggers Sup Forums

>wide as an ocean deep as a pond
but taken to the fucking extreme. this game will be terrible,

>everything promised
They promised a barebones exploration game?

The more you know

i just want to be able to customize the interior of my ship and make a super fuckin comfy space cabin to rest in while taking breaks from exploring

Yeah, this game will be the culmination of pointless randomly generated content that has zero depth or point to extist the way it does.

the build and trade parts are lies. the crafting and ship upgrading are pointless because you have no goal, there are no missions, and there's nobody to fight.

and discovering aliens and animals means landing on a barren, randomly generated map and looking at the low poly mobs walking around ad infinitum

The list only goes on because it's procedurally generated by you retards.

Give me some quotes on what the devs promised you that they haven't shown

No you can't post shit from retarded fanboys who have been overhyping the game to high hell

maybe but at least I actually play games instead of looking at jpegs of pokemon on my phones camera and giving my money to cash shops

I'm not the one claiming they deliver on their promises m8.

Either find those quotes yourself or fuck off.

Are you literally retarded?

The game isn't out yet so you have no way of knowing what is or isn't in the final game.

it's a full priced release you cuck. it's being treated as a aaa release

>Talking to friend about No Man's Sky
>Tell him it'll probably get boring after a few hours since it doesn't have a lot to do other than walk around planets that'll get bland after you've visited all the biome

At least I'm not the one wasting 60 bucks.

They lack imagination and expect the game to provide it. Since it never does they have a shallow experience but consider it "good enough" for the money they spent and failed to immerse in.

That's not how burden of proof works user

You claim someone's lying about an aspect of a game that you haven't clearly defined. You need to say what that thing they're specifically decieving consumers about is

5 billion years of gameplay boys..FULL moneys worth boys LOL

the whole game is an empty grind towards nothing. the minecraft market will love it

I bet a few hours in minecraft will have more interesting randomly generated terrains to explore than literal days in NMS.

Then why the fuck are we arguing about them having lied about shit in the game?

Well? How does he not raise a good point?

Sound like you're the retarded friend.

>5 billion years to explore
>Thinks that every world will be unique and different
If you think that a game with proceduraly generated worlds is going to be good because of said trait, why not just stick to Minecraft little brother?

>kerbal space program coming out on ps4 next week on ps4. Probably half the price of NMS.

>buy NMS at $60 knowing little about it except just to planet hop and shoot killjoy police.

I think the answer is easy.

He's not wrong.

If the base gameplay is good then you'll have fun doing the same shit over and over again for hours on end.

You're an idiot.

>go explore a planet
>oh this looks pretty cool
>go explore another planet
>it's the exact same just a different color
>they're all empty as fuck
>literally nothing to do
>try to do something and space cops teleport to you
Yeah... Game of the year for sure guys haha, it's taken them so long to make surely it's going to be great, right guys? Haha...

Oh gee... samey planets ad infinitum with different color hues blocks and water.

This is just as retarded as Daggerfall fags being impressed that the world is the size of Great Britain while every town is literally just a copy paste of each other.

>Implying walking around procedurally generated worlds is fun

why are you defending a 60 dollar randomly generated indie walking sim? we know the game is barebones and is just landing, scavenging, upgrading forever towards no goal. why defend it?

>aspect not clearly defined
The promises they made for the game are not clearly defined?

If you don't want to sift through the videos to look for them fair enough, neither do I, but it's clearly defined.


If it's Overwatch I WILL kill myself

Alright, so why dont you fucking go hunt down some space pirates instead then?

Too similar to Enemy Unknown

Not that that's a bad thing, just that it doesn't leave much of a mark in the public conscious when its pretty much just XCOM:EU with some slightly different classes/maps/missions and so on


i´m getting the feel that no mans sky is gonna be like diablo 2 with one randomly generated dungeon. once you get how the dungeon works you´re gonna start experiencing same shit over and over again, then it gets old and you wanna play something else

only longterm lifeblood this has is multiplayer if they dont fuck it up

I wouldn't quite say that. The game actually sounds like something I'd enjoy wasting a few hours on some evening.

It doesn't sound like something I'd want to blow $60 on.

I think that's what he was trying to say.