So let me get this straight. The Institute has found the cure to aging and yet Shaun is still very old. Shaun still has cancer while the Institute has somehow managed to get their hands on FEV and created Super Mutants that cannot have cancer or pretty much age. Then you have that one intelligent Super Mutant scientist guy Virgil trying to work on a cure for the Super Mutant mutation.
Xavier Howard
>The Institute has found the cure to aging wut? When was this stated? >the Institute has somehow managed to get their hands on FEV and created Super Mutants that cannot have cancer or pretty much age This is what the FEV in general does, the Institute didn't contribute anything to it. The downside being that 99% of super mutants end up retarded and all their experiments on that topic failed.
Nathaniel White
wow pay attention to the fucking game moar faggit. op sucks cox
Gabriel Robinson
I think he means turning into a Super Mutant is the cure for aging, but that's a pretty significant side effect, even if you don't turn retarded. I suppose technically it could work, or at least keep him alive until they could work out a treatment for his cancer, but I think its more a case of him feeling it was his time and passing on with dignity rather than some Bethesda plot hole. Hell, if he really wanted to preserve himself until he could be cured he would just go back to vault 111 and freeze himself.
Easton Parker
Because they were going for an emotional death scene even though you've only known him for a grand total of 10 minutes before he's a boring scientist sending you to do shit.
Michael Myers
No, because Kellogg is old as fuck, and technology kept him alive for a damn long time. How do you think he kidnapped Shaun as a child, yet is still holds the same appearance when you interrogate him? He ain't a synth.
Daniel Cooper
>Hell, if he really wanted to preserve himself until he could be cured he would just go back to vault 111 and freeze himself but didn't Kellogg and his men totally trash the place?
And what was the deal with the Institute trying to find a pure non-irradiated infant when Shaun obviously was?
Luke Thomas
Cancer can also be cured, however Shauns a fucking buzzkill and wants to die naturally or some shit
Blake Johnson
Probably similar to how that guy in the Pitt used his baby as a cure for Rads or something, the blood or cells maybe have some importance? not a clue
James Ortiz
He's got implants, you can take them from his corpse. It's horribly retarded that he didn't get those too but maybe he's a naturalist or his body can't take the implants or some bullshit like that.
Nicholas James
if they had the technology to improve human life via cybernetics, then why did The Institute create Synths and artificial life and try to kill people and have the Synths take their place?
Tyler Gonzalez
They wanted to use them as slaves and machines, so they could still advance themselves, just get robots doing the chores.
Mason Hall
but didn't Pre-War robots already do this? They don't have AI, just pre-recorded messages and they are programmed not to think and follow orders. Giving them AI is giving them an excuse to rebel.
Michael Collins
You actually find the answer to all this on a terminal in the institute. Warning: it's retarded.
>I'm told Kellogg has gone offline. Strangely, I find myself thinking of Dr. Walker. He had such high hopes for Kellogg. Such faith in the implants, and what they could mean. I still regret eliminating that project, but I know where it would have led us. Walker was never shy about his goals, and too many others were starting to listen. In the end, I believe I was justified. The Institute is about preserving humanity, not some bizarre amalgamation of biology and technology.
In other words: instead of wanting to turn humanity into cyborgs, Father decided it would be better for humanity if he just flat out replaced them with synths.
Tyler Hall
Good point. I don't have a retort
Charles Baker
Hunter Lopez
Dropped the game as soon as I got to the Institute and didn't look back. Just terrible art direction and the already dogshit story just totally went off the rails.
Just do what I did and stop worrying. It's a shit game. Seriously a 4/10.
Julian Gonzalez
>Replace humanity with Synths. Father is retarded. That's why I go full Grognak on that bitch every time.
Jeremiah King
Just put his brain in a synth body and be done with it.
Lucas Thompson
It is not impossible to assume that Father was a human purist.
Luke Torres
>Dying of an abnormality in cells getting out of control is "natural". Bethesda tier writing.
Kevin Foster
The Institute's aim is to literally replace mankind with synths, eventually.
That's why they wanted Shaun in the first place, to have pure untainted DNA as a baseline to create synths that are essential humans. They succeeded with 3rd generation synths.
The lesser synths are used as fighters and laborers.
Christopher Anderson
Oh damn, that's right. I don't know, I kinda remember some explanation where Shawn or the rest of the Institute were really unsure about implants and Kellogg was a special case, even though other places from past games seem to be fine with them.
I figure the Institute of all people would be able to get them running again, or even replicate some of their own. In fact, they probably should have done that for the sake of storage instead of murdering everyone they replaced and they stick back the real person when they're done with their experiments or secret influencing. Would have made them just slightly less evil.
Daniel Perry
>People honestly try to whitewash the Institute >People even consider them to be a "good" faction >Institute has been kidnapping people and turning them into super mutants for over 100 years for no goddamn reason >Kidnaps people, rapes them to death, and replace with synths for no goddamn reason >You can never call them out on their stupid shit
Mobius was right. You have to keep retarded scientists on lockdown or else they ruin everything for no reason at all
Beth literally combined the Master and the Think Tank and played it straight and expect us to be sympathetic to their "cause"
Jaxson Collins
But that's fucking stupid. Why would they do that?
John Davis
Because the writing in FO4 is abysmal and everyone is retarded.
Camden Roberts
>institute still hasn't perfected uploading consciousness to synthetic bodies
its their fault for not focusing their research
Bentley Jones
Everyone was horribly retarded. BoS gets instantly butthurt at anything to do with synths and ghouls, this leads to them nuking the Institute even when there was nobody in there and they could've taken a shitload of tech. Hell, they ask you to shoot one of their best soldiers for being a synth and he's alright about it. Railroad has no sort of long-term plan and doesn't even bother to rewrite synths instead of letting shit like Libertalia happen. That and their best defense is squatting somewhere and hoping the Institute doesn't look in that general direction.
Camden Kelly
>Mobius was right.
Julian Fisher
Not to mention 3's was an absolute mess too.
Parker Reed
In fairness to Bethesda, there are probably a significant amount of people who think like that in the real world too.
Chase Sullivan
The Institute is fucking retarded anyway. The Think Tank figured out how to replace brains, spines and hearts, and invented easy teleportation, and how to upload their consciousness in a robot. And the Vault 81 scientists (a handful of scientists and a robot locked in a tiny room) literally found a cure for EVERY disease in existence.
The Institute can't even find a cure for cancer and struggle with cybernetic implants that seem to exist almost everywere on the West Coast.
Josiah Scott
Why are there so many scorpions in the New England coast?
Where did all the deathclaws come from? Did The Institute do FEV experiments on Jackson's Chameleons also?
How did that underground Deathclaw during that intro mission even get in there?
Are the mutant hounds also FEV experiments done by The Institute or did the super mutants themselves somehow make them?
Why Synth Gorillas? Gorillas aren't fucking native to New England.
Why Synth Gorillas?
Joseph Green
>So let me get this straight just don't even try. bethesda writing is completely fucked. fallout 3's main plot was equally terrible.
there are so many "why" questions about FO4, we could be here forever, and most of them always come back to the 200 years corner they wrote themselves into.
Josiah Adams
>No option to save the magic cure-all spooge for shawn
Joseph Lewis
Speaking of the Railroad, how do we even know they are "freeing" synths and not just reprogramming them to suit their own purpose?
Kayden Moore
>Let's just kidnap humans and replace them with exact copies of themselfs, Only that they're now Robots. >For the greater good. What did the Institute mean by this.
Juan Howard
every time i look at the hi-tech advanced weapons that The Institute has I can't help but wonder "what if this technology had already been widely available someplace else and is so common that even no-name Raiders and housewives have access to them?" And then i remember this.
Justin Wright
>Where did all the deathclaws come from? Did The Institute do FEV experiments on Jackson's Chameleons also? That, at least, is probably due in part to Deathclaws spreading up from the south (Capital Wasteland), because they were there for some reason (Enclave? Maybe?) >How did that underground Deathclaw during that intro mission even get in there? Probably entered into more open sewer/maintenance grate somewhere along the line and only popped out in Concord because it heard fighting. >Are the mutant hounds also FEV experiments done by The Institute or did the super mutants themselves somehow make them? Super Mutants in F3 seemed to figure out how to dip people, so the dogs are probably the result of that. That they -were- able to dip people is pants-on-head retarded, and furthermore ignores the existence of Centaurs.
Wyatt Lopez
Fallout 3's writing is a whole new level of nonsensical stupid.
Luis Robinson
After reviewing this thread, and a few others since the launch of FO4 I think it's safe to say that FO4 probably has the most retarded plot in vidya. One that is played dead fucking seriously, yet you could swear blind they're fucking it up for a laugh/as a reference to several things. Even the likes of DmC didn't fuck up this hard from a narrative point of view.
Congrats Beth, it's one hell of a fuck up. Just leave the FO universe to Obsidian from now on.
Joshua Jackson
>Railroad libertalia
Look, you can be angry that they're giving synthetically made humans the right to live their own lives, but being mad that someone chose to be a raider is that person's fault.
Otherwise you're actually mad at the Minutemen.
Kevin Jones
Why are the institute's weapons strictly worse than standard energy weapons?
Daniel Baker
And where the fuck are the Centaurs?
Mason Ramirez
they wanted to use cold lasers instead of hot
Caleb Long
Ryan Carter
>"Hey Father I'm just wondering, since we have all this fancy tech and the most brilliant minds in the world in this facility, why don't we try to use those skills to improve life on the surface? >"Nah fuck that shit. We need to create Synth gorillas and exchange civilians with synth doppelgangers because of reasons."
>"Hey Father, you're saying that you're dying of cancer, but how come we can't cure uncontrolled cell growth while we can create synth gorillas if gorillas aren't even native to the US? How did we even find pure, unmutated gorilla DNA?" >"I dunno lol."
Isaiah Johnson
wait if biological synths require DNA in order to make them
where did the institute get their gorilla DNA from
Wyatt Turner
>>The Institute has found the cure to aging >wut? When was this stated? Kellog is pretty old and still young
Aaron Watson
More like
>"Hey father look at all this marvelous tech that could literally uplift civilization as we know it. Let's use it to better the lives of everyone in the Commonwealth."
>"Yeah naw remember all those years back when we tried to help and they were mean? Let's just keep this giant group of passive aggressive pussies locked up here until we find someone to help us nuke the Commonwealth"
Nicholas Rivera
Fallout 4s story and lack of routes/dialogue options still annoys me a year later.
>Shoot Shaun when I see him because, well, fucking hell man he's got my kid in a glass container >Game freaks out because it didn't expect me to do it >Can't get Shaun out >No dialogue >Only option is to confusingly go back the way I came in >For some reason my character tells the Militia guys that we're at war with the Institute >Feel like I've skipped forward like 2 hours of story
Liam Edwards
So is there an ending where you DON'T nuke Boston in order to save Boston
Something tells me Beth doesn't really understand the setting
Carter Myers
The zoo I guess. But to create 3rd generation synths they needed untainted human DNA. Any gorilla who survived was with almost 100% certainty tainted with radiation. Unless the Institute conveniently had a a breeding population of gorilla's or something.
Elijah Richardson
I think they just tweaked until they got something that looked like a gorilla. Pretty sure there's some line about how they don't even know how accurate their synth gorillas are.
Matthew Rogers
>>"Hey Father, you're saying that you're dying of cancer, but how come we can't cure uncontrolled cell growth while we can create synth gorillas if gorillas aren't even native to the US? How did we even find pure, unmutated gorilla DNA?" But you talk to preston garvey like first thing in the game.
Blake Cook
Isaac Moore
Lincoln Wilson
Like they said before, it's tainted.
Elijah Taylor
It's amazing how much potential they jammed into one meeting only to shit the bed when you make an obvious decision they didn't account for. I don't think it's as bad as your radiation immune companion telling you they won't walk into an irradiated area and push a few buttons, but it's close.
Ayden Williams
Why didn't the protag just use a really long stick to input the code in the water purifier instead of having to walk in there and tank massive radiation
Andrew Martinez
Also, the code is only three numbers long. Why did they bother to torture you in their HQ instead of just shooting you and trying all combinations until it works?
Aiden Lewis
I still have no clue how Dad's ridiculous radiation trap even works.
Apparently typing in anything, even the correct code, causes a massive radiation spike to occur in the control room for no reason at all. This kills the fuck out of you unless you paid five bucks, in which you just sleep it off for a few weeks.
This radiation comes from nowhere because the original sabotage James did was when the purifier wasn't even complete. Lets not even bother to bring up how fucking retarded it is to irradiate the fucking control room in the first place.
You can tell Autumn a wrong code during that torture. When you do this, you can overhear that an Enclave member input the code, it was incorrect, and they died from the radiation spike. Because apparently that magic radiation potion that Autumn used to survive initially doesn't exist anymore so other people just die on the spot from the radiation trap. If Bethesda were half-competent writers that could have been a plot hook to obtain Autumn's magical radiation potion to be able to survive the chamber if you choose to put the code in yourself.
And during this time the Enclave never bother to just use one of their robots to brute force the code, or hack the thing, or use a ghoul at gunpoint to brute force it instead.
Goddamn FO3 has fucking terrible writing.
Dominic Collins
and another thing i don't understand is Kellogg's house or asking people if they have seen him with a baby.
How does the protagonist not know that the infant is now an adult by now and why didn't anyone tell you that they did see Kellogg but like 50 years ago?
Anthony Nelson
>Kellogg has a house here >nobody else in town has ever seen or heard him there Seems legit.
Robert Robinson
ye but he's like almost full on synth by the time you kill him
Logan Cruz
how did vault tec build a vault for testing fev on the east coast five years before fev even existed
Dylan Ross
>No Kellogg DLC >No playing as a grizzled psychopath doing bad jobs for bad people and smoking fancy cigars It hurts