ITT: Worst CastleKino ever

ITT: Worst CastleKino ever

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I miss these threads just being
ITT: Worst Castlemania ever

Stop making this thread please.

Keep making this thread please.

Best Belmont walk.

This is the only one I've played and liked it a lot. Should I try some of the others too?

I don't even like Castlevania but I highly recommend Portrait of Ruin (w/ Japanese dub) and Order of Ecclesia (Japanese audio pls)

Why ask the question? Based on your experience you should know the awnser faggot

> Dawn of Sorrow on anything higher than meh tier

screw yourself

Why is circle of the moon so fucking shitty?


I think you mean Castleludo.

Not sure if i would put the original metroid on good tier.

>metroid fusion shares the same place with castlevania hod
>Dawn of Sorrow that high


Dark Souls 3 was pure Ludo. Prove me wrong

Dawn of Sorrow is objectively superior to Aria.

shadow complex is trash

Best CastleBeano ever.

I actually would like to know which castlevanias are not worth playing
I've been on a tear of these games recently and I already know the n64 ones and the lords of shadows abortions are not worth playing, but are there any ones other than those that are not worth playing at all

All the 2D ones are worth playing except Harmony of Dissonance since that one is some strange multiplayer abortion.

As for the 3D ones Lament of Innocence is decent, others can be ignored.

I meant to say Harmony of Despair is not worth playing. Harmony of Dissonance is fine.

why did they stop making 2d ones
they probably didn't cost that much to make and they sold reasonably well didn't they?

but la mulana is garbage

Strider 2014 needs to be added.

I can't decide if I want to buy Aria of Sorrow or a gameboy micro and then buy Aria of Sorrow

you're trash kid

Thats not Order of Eclesia

I haven't played Circle of the Moon for a long time, that was one of the darker Castlevanias as I remember. Loved it.
I have very fond memories of playing Aria of Sorrow, it did the job keeping me occupied while travelling, although I could never figure out whether the protagonist is female or male.

The only game that's optimal for a Micro is Boktai, so you'd be fine with getting Aria. It's a damn crime that Boktai and Castlevania never had a crossover.

Good list.

I never beat Circle of the Moon because the final boss is fucking impossible.