Why does this fat fuck want my number so bad?

Why does this fat fuck want my number so bad?

so you can get hacked

So he can call you when he gets lonely

he cares about your security and protection.

I don't get it either, most users have Windows which means the NSA already knows everything about them, what other information could Gabe want?

How else are the "Windows Helpdesk" Indians supposed to scam you?

so you don't whine and call steam shit when you get hacked

Ever wondered why all those telemarketers keep calling you trying to sell you insurances, vacuum cleaners, and shit?
It's because you keep throwing personal information at everyone who asks.

So he can directly hook your nuts to the mainframe when Half Life 3 comes out

If giving them my number meant a phone call from Gabe, I'd do it.

He likes you senpai

>call somebody a nigger in game
>get reported
>valve has my phone number
>they inform my place of work
>lose my job because of online racism
>lose every game I own
>can't pirate because of denuvo

Tfw I enjoyed using the steam marketplace every once in a while to sell cards I didn't need and get a cool wallpaper or two, complete a cheap badge for bragging rights.

Tfw I'm never giving Steam my phone number.

This comment is so retarded I can't believe its real.

It's the future you chose

Learn how to bait properly

>implying I have a job

he likes you

is Gabe Newell white?

>Implying valve gives a fuck

>he wants to play competitive tf2

End ur life kid

You'll never see R34 gabe newll and user.

It's not bait

because dealing with stolen accounts is expensive. companies care about security because resolving security breaches is expensive and loses customers. it's not like they actually give a shit about you one way or the other.

it's a lot harder to steal someone's phone than it is to steal someone's email or password. multiple factor authentication just makes sense.