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Massive fucking tits.
it's time to post more fag
Why is ashley modded into every RE game before Jill or Ada?
get in the trash and stay in the trash
>shooting some pedro
>get knocked over by the spinny mace guy
>get knocked under her skirt
>"W-what are you looking at!"
She's the best girl
She wasnt too bad of a nuisance aside in the first bit of the castle.
Why is she so perfect?
Scripted events are not technology.
Leon was knocked under her dress by a random enemy.
the game registered leons face looking up her dress.
That's fucking technology numb nutts.
Same VA
That is fucking tech you dumbass.
> scripted event
Do you even know what that means?
>Photobucket instead of posting an image on an image board
Will Ashley show up in Revelations 3?
Soft, forward.
>short hair
>orange and green color combo
>sleeveless, ribbed sweater puppies
Would intrude on her national borders
Just a reminder that this busty, blonde college student propositioned Leon for sex and he turned her down
Because Leon is already engaged, in combat
>After you take me back to my place, how about we do some... overtime.
Your response, Leon?
fuck off cunt you are WAY too young for me
Monkey ears
dude, she was 21 in the game
>tfw Ashley is 32 now
Man plague can be really funny but his art really needs to improve.
That's such an old picture, or do you mean in general?
yeah, like his art still looks like the picture.
Hes obviously getting better but he doesn't seem to try anything but his "style".
Seems like hes only improving his speed.
Ashley is the best AI partner in gaming history. She does what you say, does not get in the way of your mission, you can even turn her off by putting her in a rubbish bin for a while.
Plus she keen for some overtime
Jill will always be best girl dumb fucking tps action evil faggots
Favorite AI buddies are still the pawns.
thank you
you dont know it but you just gave my the formuala i needed to figureout what age yolandi was in what year
I think his style is fine but I see what you mean. Experimenting can lead to changes.
Resident Evil 1/Remake Jill is best
Leon just has a very bad case of yellow fever
Excuse me sir?
I'd pick her pumpkins, if you know what I mean.
You want to settle down on a farm with her?
>you will never settle down on a farm with your hot, young, busty wife and have a large family
Well, she is the president's daughter, at the height of America's torture fetish. He probably didn't want to wake up in a cell in Guantanamo Bay.
ashley is for sex.
Her alternate costume is hotter.
>this will never, EVER, be your Friday night
Will you guys post more of her pop star outfit?
REmake BSAA Jill is best Jill.
>It's a "every drawfag decides to draw her as a massive fucking titty monster for no reason" fan art
I'm not complaining but I'm not sure how this shit starts
You'll nerver cause them to bounce with your hands.
>fucking your boss's daughter
Holy shit guys think about career for a moment plus there's a hot Asian to bang
>"Whataya buyin'?"
>Whataya sellin
You forgot Orel
Leon is never getting in Ada's pants and he needs to come to terms with it or he'll die a virgin.
Ive got some rare things for you huehuehue
>She gets in the trashcan
>gets a suit of armor making her invisible (out side of cutscenes)
Ashley is second best waifu
Ada always top-tier though
Ashley is only three years older than Sherry Birkin so Sherry was 18 during the events of RE4.
>Tell Ashley to wait in chapter 5-2 during the Regenerator scene
>door trigger opens
This was one of the best thing about re4.
Why didn't they brought him back on the later game ?
Overuse him and it'll ruin his mystique, Stranger.
Reminder that this guy voiced Leon as well as the merchant.
Incredible VA, and I wonder why he never did much else.
I think we are all forgetting who the true best waifu is
That she is.
whataya boyin