Pokemon Go Kidnappings?
Its literally only been out for like less than a week.
There is literally no way you can say something has rise due to it.
This was the entire point all along
Good riddance, children suck anyway.
> incurage
>incurages children of all ages to walk outside
if you're going to fake it, at least spell check it retard
Fake as fuck. I worked in journalism and web design and can tell you that layout looks nothing like a real newspaper would allow.
Looks like fucking MSPaint.
>children suck anyway
Uh, user?
Haha my bad. All these stupid kids on reddit havent seen that yet
>Letting your kids wander around wherever they want unsupervised
>Pokemon GO encourages kids to leave the house and get some sun and exercise
I CAN'T WAIT to see how they make this about video games being terrible as opposed to awful, shitty, lazy parenting.
can't even take the time to spellcheck your shitty bait huh
they won't believe it. If you're going to do anything, go to the Washing Post site in your google browser, open web inspector, and change the type in the headlines and paragraph tags.
The big issue is that the game just came out. The kidnapping rate would not be measured in such a short span of time. At this point a newspaper would be looking at anecdotal stories, not data.
I should have thought of that from the beginning. Thank you user
You're not alone, user.
I hate children too.
I think he means children are annoying you disgusting mobile user.
The use of incline twice in the span of four words is also suspect. Also the text isn't aligned with justify.
Holy shit OP, even a middle schooler writes better than you. No, I'm not talking about the typo, I'm talking about the terrible syntax.
Gotta Catch e'm ALL!
raping kids has never been easier
thanks nintendo
But it's true though. The way the game is made is extremely dangerous. You can only blame parents so much.
>missing commas everywhere
>terrible syntax in general
I suggest you go back and finish your 5th grade English course.
I was watching that BFG movie today and granted it's a kid move but there was this little shit that kept commenting on every other thing. During the interval he fell coming up the stairs and it was the funniest thing. No squeak from him after that hahahaha fucking kids
>children of all ages
so Sup Forums are you children as well?
t. Sony
>Be american
>Get kidnapped
Since when did Team Rocket start stealing kids?
Did you think Meowths could really talk?
thats right!
so nintendo decided to commit seppuku?
they make an app that either get kids kidnapped or run over by a car, did they decide to kill off their main market target?