He doesn't like GX

>He doesn't like GX

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GX was the last good series and was when it died.

I'm sorry you missed out

Literally been binge watching GX. Really great to watch.

Shame it never got fully dubbed, I ended up growing attatched to the dubs ever since I watched the original.

I loved the designs, it was basically all of my childhood drawings brought to life.

It's okay/10.

Why did they never dub the last season?

I mean I don't really mind watching it subbed but since I have such fond memories of the dub it kinda sucks. I really liked the cheesiness of it.

I blame Yubel

probably couldn't figure how to deal with it

>he likes GX

The third season became a little edgy to be fair.

Zane became a super fucking edge lord.

Kaiba with tits was cool

Yubel was dubbed in spanish though.



>he doesn't like Zexal

why is sparkman gold and black in this
I thought he was blue and yellow

Do you guys really enjoy watching the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime of all things? I mean it would be understandable if you were around 8-12 years old but still.

>being a normie

Arc-V is pretty good

Why are you watching a show for children?

Card games on motorcycles was better

The same reason why we are on a board for manchild.

Because I watched it as a kid and enjoyed.

I have friends that still watch the old pokemon anime.

>be showing off my elemental hero deck at school to friends

>look through it later

>someone stole fucking BubbleMan out of them all

After all these years I still don't understand why they'd want Bubbleman.

Zexal is so fucking gay.
Kotori is constantly cucked by boys and they don't hide it.
I love it.

But user, Zexal is the lewdest series

>tfw so many episodes I'll never be able find time to watch them all

I liked GX more than the original, but like all things YGO related, the plot gets pants-on-head retarded halfway through

just watch a bit every day

I used to have "nightmares" as a kid that this card would come and rape me went I slept on the top bunk of my bed.

Looking back I wish it had happened more often.


Watch one episode or two per day. I have been doing it for like two years now missing some days now and then.

I'm so far behind though, I'm still on episode 10. What are you guys on?

It sure is. They have no shame when it comes to BL scenes.

>You can only activate this card if you control Monster X and Monster Y: Resolve an underwhelming effect worse than generic cards

I sure loved only 1-2 competitive cards per set
No joke I actually did; used pretty much the exact same deck from 2005-2008

I want to explode inside of Anna!

Is the new Yugioh series good? It looks really retarded and I enjoyed the plot of GX.

Arc-V's at 112

>you'll never watch 5D's for the first time again
>you'll never hear Clear Mind for the first time again
>you'll never see the Team Tayo duel the first time again

105. Xyz Dimension is really fucking boring.

It aint ZeXal so that makes it decent at least.


Yeah, it's good. Recent arc was kinda shit (but only 10 eps long) and the arc before it had some shit pacing for like 15 eps, but overall it's the most fun I've had with a YGO series from ep to ep in a long time.

You know nothing of lewd.

wow this really bothers me, wixoss is pronounced wicross, not wicksoss

episodes 7-54 are 5ds good (which is amazing if you haven't watched 5ds) 56-99 really slows down and the plot moves very slowly. 100-onwards seems to be good but you can tell they ran out of time fucking about in the previous arc because everything is really fucking rushed now. Watch episode 33 & 34. If you like what you see there you'll like the show.

Does the older series exist within the context of the new series? Like Jaden and Yugi?

Stop, I'm not gonna be able to contain myself anymore


Alternate reality versions. It's realities where Yugi, Judai, Yusei, and Yuma never existed. Jack Atlas is the Duel King while Crow Hogan takes care of orphans, Asuka Tenjoin joined a resistance force against Academia, which is hyper-militarized and has a general in the form of Edo Phoenix, and Kaito Tenjo is one of the last surviving members of blatant genocide.

>Malevolent Nuzzler will never break into your house at night and have you suckle her breasts while she nuzzles against your head



Fuck the haters, I enjoyed the last season of 5d's. It had a cool tournament and it felt like the duels progressed. Jack vs Odin guy was amazing.

In ARC-V? No. Every past series has an alt dimensional counterpart, but the distinction is that none of the main characters are present. You'll see characters like Asuka (Alexis), Jack, and Kaito, but no Yugi, Jaden, Yusei, or Yuma.


It felt good being straight shotaed.


She's thirteen you sick fuck.


Season 1 of 5Ds was the best.

>over 100
jesus christ I have a lot of catching up to do




You have no idea what you're in for, friend.

i wanna fuck neos

I need more details. What were the dreams like? Were they all the same? Did you wake up with a boner and immediately fap or did you cum in your sleep? I need to know.

Reminder that this happened

>bitch appears like 3 or 4 times
>constantly on OPs and EDs as damage control for the yaoi in the actual episodes

Perfect, isn't she?

>There are people who defend Zexal

Wait, that faggot who used destiny heros is an evil general?

She took me under the covers as I shouted for help, then she road me whilst keeping me under at all times.

I also had it were you kinda view yourself from third person like being a floating camera. Usually after I panned away from the bed and woke up.

Zexal is the 2nd worst series honestly, GX is overhyped considering how confusing it is.

Because Yu-gi-oh needs some wafius to counterbalance all the yaoi.

that pink one looks very fuckable
what is mr protag even doing in this pic

GX and 5d's are both the pinnacle of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime.

Judai has more character development than any other main character.
GX goes from being happy happy fun times, dueling with friends, to dark as fuck.
Crowler is top tier.

Is GX the Digimon Tamers of Yu-Gi-Oh ?

Only thing Gx is sub par at is music.
5D's has the best music in the series.


He's about to crush some bitch with card games

What the fuck user. How come you had these awesome sex dreams as a kid and all I had were nightmares?
Was she gentle? Was she rough? Did you ever tell anyone about them before? Did the dream sex feel good?

Rough, though I don't think I was lucid enough for it to feel really good.

I did cum in my pants a lot though. Most of the time I considered it a nightmare because I thought girls were icky at the time and had cooties.

How is that any better/worse than topdecking on of the legendary dragons?

GX =/= 5ds > DM > Arc-V > Zexal

You really need to get a drawfag to draw out these erotic rape dreams.

he looks very angry

This pretty much, he went from a goof to CARD GAMES THAT KILL.

Because he changed a card that he drew when it was in his hand. He didn't just magically draw it from his deck. He had the card in hand and modified it. It's another tier of bullshit.

I still fap to the memory of it often.

I'm a drawfag myself but I only draw landscapes. Maybe when I get better at drawing people I will draw them.

>Season 4
>Judai: Fuck dueling this shit ain't fun anymore I only duel when I have to


Arc-V's OST is some top tier shit.

Fucking shame we still haven't gotten any word of another OST release for all the unreleased tracks that showed up over the past year though.


I summon the blue-eyes ultimate dragon in defense mode
your move, kaiba

I threaten to kill myself.

Dark Mirror Force

Reiji has the best leitmotif.

post yfw this happens

Wow, the art was really shit back then

Underrated arc

>get reunited after a few episodes again
>this happens
ahahahhaaha holy shit

>The Warrior's Trump Card