>The Last of Us
What else niggas?
Itt games with GOD tier atmosphere
Other urls found in this thread:
Bloodborne, Half Life 2, Max Payne 1&2, Jet Set Radio are my votes.
>the last of us
could have made a thread without bait
Quake 1
Silent Hill
The Witcher 3
>Max Payne 1&2
OP here, forgot about these. Would definitely add MP1 to my list, it's so damn fucking good.
>>The Last of Us
What the fuck is this atmosphere meme I've been seeing this shit everywhere
>Witcher 3
What a blemish on an otherwise great post
Take out the 3 from witcher and we got a deal
there's no 3 in witcher m8
Silent Hill 2
Soul Reaver
Nightmare Creatures
i wanted to reply to OP, but whatever
yeah you played the through least popular game in the series, doesn't mean that 3 isn't superior in terms atmosphere
Literally atmosphere : the game
>tfw didn't like it
felt just like any other walking sim, but it was somehow even slower and 2deep4me
>I started playing video games this console gen
I'm actually 30 years old friend.
What's your point?
that doesn't mean you didn't start playing video games this console gen
It means I've been playing vidya since 1990, well before he was even born :^)
Well I'm a 1000 year old loli so your words are worthless
atmosphere was introduced with the last gen you retard
I bet you thought people would fall for that didn't you
Hardly ever replay games, did this on easy, normal x2, hard. Loved it.
Metro 2033, hope we get a new game soon, Reduxes were pretty disappointing. Heard he's working on a new chapter in the book series so it's a possibility.
Red Dead Redemption
I personally preferred Rayman 3 but more people will agree with this so
Fallout 3, NV and 4
Donkey Kong Country 2
Dead space 1/2
Shadows of the damned
Wind waker
>atmosphere: the game
>not Inside
>3 and 4
Not him but you just had to make things faggy didn't you?
wow burning crusade and vanilla
REmake is so damn good
The original thief games have amazing atmosphere.
To name games with fantastic atmosphere off the top of my head, in no particular order:
>Thief 1-2
>Half Life 2 and its Episodes 1/2
>Demon and Dark Souls
>Knight of the Old Republic 2
>Mass Effect
>Resident Evil 1-3
>Alien: Isolation
>Darkest Dungeon
>Amnesia: The Dark Descent
>Deus Ex and Human Revolution
>Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
>Fallout 1-2, New Vegas
>The Witcher 1-3
>Dead Space 1
>Ori and the Blind Forest
>Halo: CE in some levels like Halo, AOTCR, 343, etc.
Alan Wake?
>TLOU atmospheric
>Those fucking giraffes in central park
Add Stalker, Alien Isolation, and Morrowind to the list.
>Witcher 3
>God tier atmosphere
>Central Park
>In Utah
Even worse.
To add more now that I've thought of them:
>Bioshock 1-2
>Silent Hill 1-3
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Metro 2033 and Last Light (no redux pls)
>STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat
>Oblivion in a special way, somewhat marred by RADIANT AYY EYE
>Cry of Fear
They were from a zoo, they weren't wild genius
Stalker, especially CoP with a few mods
HL2, especially in the bridge section and ravenholm
Bioshock 1/2 and maybe infinite
Shadow of the Colossus
I understand why people hate the Last of Us but I still really love the game (although less for its story/characters and more for atmosphere, world building and it being the only time a console shooter's shitty aim control actually made the game slightly more interesting)
Tekken 4.
Silent Hill 1-4
Shadow of the Colossus
Thief Gold and The Metal age
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee / Exodus
Dungeon Keeper 1
Arx Fatalis
Killer 7
Advent Rising
Megaman Battlenetwork 4
The Last Blade 2
Street FIghter III: 3rd Strike
Vagrant Story
Gex 64
The Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, A Link to the Past)
Super Metroid
Donkey Kong Country (Only the first game)
Seiken Densetsu 3
X-Men Legends (both 1 and 2)
Diablo 2
Onimusha (Warlords, Samurai's Destiny)
Shadows of the Damned
Uncharted 2
There's something about JRPGs and Japanese horror games set in modern times that makes them atmospheric as fuck.
tonality probably
pretty gud
Myst is good.
I don't know what exactly is atmospheric about Alan Wake other than the dialogue, but I'm sure someone will tell me.
I think it's just the setting, the pacific northwest mostly at night with fog
shame the game isn't actually very good
Man I played REmake like last week and immediately after finishing I started up Zero HD. The atmosphere and the tension in REmake are amazing but in Zero It's like the developers forgot how to make RE creepy. Zero is such a pile of shit I can't even begin to describe it. From the linearity to the absolutely trivial puzzles. At least we got Rebecca.
The game is a mess. Wait for the remake
Unreal (at least for the time)
Alien: Isolation
Dead Space
Sonic Generations
I played some of it, the story is told very well. I found that the most atmospheric out of all the design choices.
The fog itself could stand to be a little more persuasive, but all in all it was a good story. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver is atmospheric too, I think I should mention that in contrast to Alan Wake.
>Super Metroid
How did it take that long? Go ahead and throw the entire Prime subseries there as well. Prime 1 and 2 are the best games at making you feel like you're exploring an alien world. Actually go ahead and throw the rest of the series there too, it's so good at being atmospheric.
>Donkey Kong Country (Only the first game)
DKC:TF gets pretty fucking atmospheric too.
Sticker brush symphony is my godamn
Jam. I used to sit on that level for hours
AC IV Black flag
I only like the first one. It's got this median of humor border to cartoon slapstick realism that isn't contested by any other games in the series.
In terms of atmosphere, it's unparalleled. Dying in itself is an experience; missing a barrel blast and having the cute sound of a balloon pop and a fade to black is just perfect.
Dark Souls 1 had God tier atmosphere, and the rest in the series were pretty good too.
Uncharted was atmospheric in only like a few places though (although I haven't played 4)
The shipyard(despite how fucking pointless it was to the story)
The train crash/village/massive climbing thing in 2
And the Museum part at he start of 2
I feel like Naughty Dog missed a massive opportunity with the ancient cities themselves, if they were more dreadful and were not in literal impossible places they could have been really atmospheric
Fusion was terrifying as a child. Especially never knowing when the SA-X could ambush you.
RE blew me the fuck away. I had no idea vidoames gould be that nasty
Hell yeah man.
I used to do that with stickerbrush symphony, forest interlude, disco train, etc
All the music was soooo good.
>I feel like Naughty Dog missed a massive opportunity with the ancient cities themselves
I can agree with this at least.
I kept waiting for them to make a game where they find Atlantis (the actual atlantis not the city in UC3). The city in UC2, while it looked very nice, made absolutely not the slightest bit of sense. The ancient city in UC3 looked pretty cool at first but we never got to see much of it and there weren't any real supernatural enemies there.
RE Zero is what happens when you try to make "a Resident Evil game" but have no plan more detailed than that, so you just create rooms and monsters and staple them together with no logic or rhythm.
>At least we got Rebecca.
It's tragically hilarious how she's so weak and shitty compared to Billy that she becomes a side character in her own game. Even the HD remake's Wesker mode doesn't help her, they design her that sexy sexy suit but don't give her any superpowers to go with it.
Commerciallty make me piss my pants
I keep trying to get into Vagrant Story, but I'm too stupid to understand how weapons work and end up dropping it, then some time later I restart the game and repeat the cycle once again. Kind of a shame since I like the aesthetics and the music/sounds in the game, the combat system doesnt seem that bad either.
Onimusha 1 was great, beautiful prerendered graphics and a nice soundtrack, my only complain would be not being able to use the bow/gun as a subweapon, having to keep going to your inventory to switch between melee an ranged could get fairly anoying, I rarely used them because of this.
I know all of this stuff isnt even related to atmosphere, but I felt like making a blogpost.
>too stupid to understand
I keep forgetting to beat it because it's not very fun after a while, but the weapons system seems to be pretty good. The gameplay itself is amazing, but the storytelling is very bare bones and hard to enjoy. I rather like the ambiance of the setting though, Lea Monde comes to life in that game, 10/10 atmosphere.
ODST was my favorite Halo campaign.