Left 4 Dead

What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever been votekicked for?

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joining a game

>start random votekick
>They always vote yes

>join a game in early 2011
>WOW you haven't gotten all of the achievements yet? fucking noob

Ive had some amazing games playing this with friends but try and play with randoms and your fucked most of the time...

I do this on a lot of games Tbh

i had a lot of fun meeting people and playing different mod maps with them back when the game was still fairly new. it's too bad the servers are weird and a lot of times don't let you play mod maps anymore.

>your fucked

not thanking dude who healed me

Choosing the infected team

Inadvertently falling with my mouth open on the admin's cock, trying to free myself of his power rod I wobbled my head up and down, so nervous I didn't notive I was actually sucking instead of spitting it out. When he splurted against the back of my bucal cavity I tried to get up but felt weak on the knees, so I thought pumping my muscles by stroking my penis would give that oomph I needed. When I was fully erect and dripping pre-cum I jumped out and freed my mouth, only to slip on the admin's cum and fall with my anus on top of his glans (keep in mind I was spreading my asscheeks, thinking that would give me the balance to free myself from the phallic impalement) Now I was really lost so I tried to do a jump motion, but it wasn't enough to get out of his tractor beam. In the end he passed out out of pure pleasure, I went home embarrassed and feeling dirty, only to find that master ruseman had me votekicked.

Anytime I would play as the Tank, I would always get votekicked if I didn't destroy the other team.

I'm not retarded, I know you don't just run at the survivors. I bait molotovs, and avoid getting in line of fire when I can.
But the survivors can outrun you as long as there are no common infected.
You should be kicking the shitty boomer who was unable to assist me in the most useful way.
I used to play this game competitively, I really miss it. I haven't enjoyed a game in this way for a long time.

aimbot in TF2 because I was able to shoot the guy

dropped the game

Being black.
L4D is infintely better playing locally or with friends you've played with before.


Oh how the desperate cling at straws


This happened recently, when i carried team on Expert they died before the safehouse and after that votekicked me because i didn't help that one guy up, he ignored the fact that he had 50 HP on respawn and free medkit.

I used to tryhard in L4D2, and it gave me some of the best team gameplay experiences I've had in any game. Eventually I just got burnt out on it though.

Is this game still active? I've owned it on PC for a while, bought it for some custom campaigns but never touched it

I want to believe

>throw a molotov
>it misses cause some ninja smoker gets me
>lands somewhere on a rooftop
>get kicked
>add all three of them on my blocklist

>wanted the achievement done fast so I was after any given Dead Center lobby for fancy jumping between 3rd and 2nd floor
>get kicked cause team mates could not keep up with me despite I was granting them an easy win


>Making room for a friend
>Block their entire friendlist

10k people


Or people do a rain check on your play hrs before starting. When you dont have 4k hrs youre not allowed in vs. One mistake = a kick.

Joining a game. Versus mode was shit unless stomping with friends, even then it was still shitty. Those 10v10 retard servers were fun in a stupid way though, usually just people shooting the shit having a good time.

>not forming a tight knit group of expert/realism expert players
>not doing insane fun custom maps

I've never been votekickedin L4D2 as far as I know.

I think maybe one time for inactivity.

Just wait for L4D3 and all the ones who kick people will cry about abandons.

Also kicked once for having the 3rd highest score as infected.

>filling up generator
>spitter hits me while I'm doing it
>teammate yells YOU CANT DO THAT
>he shoots me
>get vote kicked

VS mode with two competent teams was fun as fuck, but anus if one of the teams sucked.

Joining a game from the server browser and them getting mad at you because they set it to 'friends only'.

You should have stopped what you're doing before trying to fill up the generator, looked around for any infected and kill them before attempting to fill up the generator. Your teammates are busy watching and judging you.

Literally who cares if there's infected around you or not.

Now that TF2 has been killed off with the new update, do players return to L4D? I am considering reinstalling it.

>start up expert realism server
>three randoms join
>get killed by a hunter
>they votekick me off of my own server
>I wait until they're near the last safehouse and shut it all down
Fuck you faggots.

there was none around, so I started filling in and halfway through I got hit by spitter goo.


Yep, L4D2 drama is some of the funniest shit I've experienced in online vidya.

>Oh, they must have started that vote for a reason

>unironically being black

People go on and on about how awful mobafags are.
People go on and on about how awful single system fanboys are.
People go on and on about how awful soulsfags are.
People go on and on about how awful pokefags are.

How come almost fucking no one talks shit of the real awful? The Left 4 Dead community.

This is some of the most pure faggotry established in video games, seriously.

The awfulness of these two communities is unfathomable.

Condensed faggotry on so many fronts.

Kicked for missing a single charge. Nevermind the fact i singlehandedly won the last round of Scavenge for them

Did they turn the US servers back on yet? Tired of connecting to some shit europoor server with 150 ping or dead custom servers

>Tfw you fuck up the death charge

Results in an insta-kick almost every time


i've been kicked for almost every charge i've missed. it's not fun when it's a 100% chance to miss when a fucking BR is playing and they are ALWAYS FUCKING PLAYING ON AMERICAN SERVERS.

its been two years since the l4d3 leak

and now thers a new one

when l4d3

>played on console
>only people that got kicked were afk

Felt good not to be subjected to cancerous manbabies.

jesus FUCK

>join a dead centre vs game
>immediately spawn as tank before elevator
>survivors all have LMGs and can fly
>get torn to shreds
>"fuck this fag doesn't fucking know how to play the game"

Fucking this

The 360 experience is so much different in terms of community. PC is more cancerous but at the same time, it has better replay value for some reason. Maybe cause of the mods

Hit the nail on the head lads

This game had the most vile and awful community I've ever had the displeasure of playing with and I've played plenty of F2P games and MOBAs. Why is that? There was no ranking system or RPG like grind to it iirc.

Instead you were subjected to cancerous consoles.

No one wins, you realize that right?

>it's a "butthurt script kiddie Infected DoS attacks the server when Survivors are on the elevator and they all glitch through the bottom and die" episode

How about the mic spammers that you can't mute for some reason


Bull fucking shit
Early L4D1 games were just as bad as pc. I don't if it don't know if it got better because after all that shit, all my friends got it, so I never had to with randies again.

not really related but do people still run those servers that say the infected have died teh survivors have escaped.I remember playing one match near release and no infected could spawn seeing a message like that.

>its a the entire survivors team has shotguns/aks and expect the tank to do everything alone episode

Are the gun sound effects in this shit still obnoxiously loud and can't be altered whatsoever because "it would be cheating"?

they're much better in L4D1 imo

>friend tells me to buy it
>tells me him and his friends always play it
>finally do buy it
>play for a month, I all 3 of us play 2 or 3 times
>have to always ask my friend if he wants to play
>eventually tells me he's sick of l4d and says he's going back to tf2

wanting to play

>save someone
>get votekicked

I wish I could make this up.


No Mercy > Blood Harvest > Dead Air > Death Toll > The Sacrifice > Hard Rain > The Parish > Cold Stream > Crash Course > Dark Carnival > Dead Center > The Passing > Swamp Fever

>Tfw spamming "Jimmy Gibbs Jr., yay." voices as Rochelle to make Ellis respond
>Tfw spamming "THERE'S VIRGIL" as Coach

never found a need for vocalizer mods, always found Rochelle's default Laugh to be grating enough. has gotten me votekicked many many times

Vocalizer mods just make Rochelle THAT much better.


>Join game
>Someones mic keys
>"Hey kick that guy, he only has 80 hours logged"
>Only hit 3 survivors with my boomer vomit
>Only incapped a survivor as a Hunter, got shot off at last minute
>Only survivor left
>Votekicked for "not contributing hard enough, if you were, you'd have died with us at the last rush".

>>"Hey kick that guy, he only has 80 hours logged"
how the fuck do they find out that fast?

Looked at my Steam Profile probably.

Isn't the steam overlay really laggy and takes forever to get anywhere? Why was he looking at that instead of playing the game?

>mfw the only time I ever played a full game with randoms online was my first time playing the game on PC
>got through all of Dark Carnival
>chatted for a bit, then never talked to each other again
Now I'd be lucky to not get kicked after a few minutes since so many people have a stick up their ass.

How many hours do you guys have on the game? I have only 50 or so since I only play when my friends are available now

>install mod that enables more voice clips in menu
>Play Ellis
>Virgil! VIRGIL! Hey Virgil! Virgil! VIRRRRGILL!!!"

It was the pre-game lobby. Also it's generally pretty quick for me famalam.

99 hours, at least 3/4 of it spent it chilled out custom maps like Helms Deep, City 17 and Tanks Playground where people are either dicking around or just playing for fun.

Stay out of Vs and you'll avoid 90% of the cunts.

Valve left for dead Left 4 dead 2. Shame.

>Get pomf'd on by hunter near teammates
>Teammates continue walking away
>Get vote kicked

Not being L4D story but being Australian on low pop servers is suffering. I'd host a game for Aussies and Euros would join and in my good graces I wouldn't kick them because of the low pop, just so long as they understand it's an aussie host.

As soon as theres more euros than Aussies they votekick me out of my own game

>tfw used to have an aussie as my best online mate
>tfw he joined the Army
>tfw his profile has been offline for 6 years
God speed you Top Cunt

Supporting Donald Trump


having "trump supporter" in my name.

I was a boomer and decided to hide and sneak attack the survivors, died tried my best as a smoker then died after all my team mates did spawned as boomer again and tried to suprise the survivors again, waited for a good 2 minutes, kicked

Hahahaha, in a way it makes me laugh when people do to take the piss at other especially when a hacker start a random kick and it pass, but sometimes you came people who start vote for stupid reason. It's especially ironic when the person starting the kick is the one who plays like shit but he is too stupid to realize that. It happens in tf2, too. That's why I always vote NO unless I'm sure is a vote that I would call myself and I never start votes anyway.


how the fuck does it still get >10000 players regularly?
there hasn't been an update for years

Deserved it
Stay mad goobergator

cut it out

>don't kill entire team as Tank/Charger
>miss one of the 4 survivors as Boomer
>don't incap someone as Jockey/Smoker/Spitter
>don't incap two people as hunter

>Spamming Rochelle's obnoxious laugh

Because valve never killed it off like they did with TF2 and CSGO

>this thread
>these posts
Are you guys serious? I haven't played L4D2 in a couple of years but I don't remember people kicking others for nothing. Randoms rarely raged because they were mostly bad players too. I've never been votekicked in my ~60 hours of gameplay.

I have around 40 hours of gameplay and I've only been votekicked twice

i got kicked off the fucking lobby because i didn't spend enough hours on the game

i had more than 400 hours though

I think it's a samefag who's still playing for some reason

I can't remember anything but the very base memories of my friends and I playing.

I can't do that well with the cooldown it has