>tfw there hasn't been a good RPG in a decade
Is the genre dead, Sup Forums?
Tfw there hasn't been a good RPG in a decade
It's funny how you can clearly see the embarrasment on her face.
At the same time Chris looks like the happiest man on the planet
better cool it with the stealth cwc threads or the janitors will catch on
Define """"""good""""""
Personally I think you're probably some early 20s dickhead with inflated expectations and are unaware that your imagination is less active now therefore the games you're playing seem less """"""good"""""". The reality is your just nostalgic because your life was easier when you were a kid making it easier to immerse yourself and forget your shit life easier.
Action RPGs have never been better.
who is this semen demon and why is she next to Chris?
And never been good.
christine weston chandler
>He likes shit like Torment.
Well in terms of gameplay they're a lot better than CRPGs/JRPGs, but I guess if you love retarded videogame stories than you're at a loss.
Stop sucking each other's dicks and post your favorite RPGs of the last decade.
inb4 Dark Souls and Witcher 3
Dark Souls havent played Witcher 3 yet cause I cant get myself to finish the first one
>he didnt get in the Mass Effect train
>he skipped Witcher
>unaware for FF XV
it´s not dead you´re just missing out bro
>mass effect
>Persona 3/4/Q (Debatable)
>Etrian Odysseys
>Bravely Default (Also Debatable)
>Resonance of Fate
>SMT IV/Strange Journey
>Lost Odyssey
>Radiant Historia
>Both Xenoblade games
I'm sure there's plenty more but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Those are all JRPGs but I'm sure there's plenty of decent WRPGs as well. There's plenty of good games if you stop whining about AAA titles and take a look around.
>in b4 someone says all those games are shit
First Dragon Age? Witcher 2? Just to say two
So what rpgs have been good in the decade before then?
BB, DkS, Dragon's Dogma, DeS, TW3. All killer games. DkS2/3, TW2, Divinity, Pillars are all also great.
Resonance of fate was gutter trash. I will never know why Sup Forums dry humps this game so fucking much.
Mass Effect Trilogy is one of the greatest video game experiences in history you retarded OP.
Not sure if serious
>what are the new shadowrun games
I just played shadowrun: honk dong
It was pretty good.
Stop looking for the same feeling you got when you played your first good crpg and enjoy games for what they are.
>falling for the Dragon Dogma is a good game meme
Because Sup Forums likes atmospheric world building games more than plot
who is this mucus majesty
>Being a retard
The Shadowrun IP has one of the most retarded settings I will ever see in my life.
Divinity: Original Sin is pretty excellent. Picked it up in the Steam Sale, ended up surprised at how good it is.
Cyber Punk. You take the cyber and you stick it in a punk.
Megan Schroeder. She's an evil woman who ruined Chris' life by not having sex with him.
Fallout: New Vegas
at least RPG's still have hope were royally fuked in the RTS department esp C&C bros
>Grim Dawn
>Wasteland 2
>Pillars of Eternity
>Path of Exiles
Cyber Punk is great.
Fantasy is great.
Cyber Punk Fantasy is fucking retarded and it's impossible for me to engross myself in such a shitty setting that takes itself so seriously and has plots about dragons heading multi-billion dollar corporations and shit.
Stop using the reddit bastardization of that meme. Alliteration is shit. Semen Demon rhymes.
New vegas is only six years old.
Give it a chance.
I used to think it was super retarded that humans suddenly became orcs and elves and shit and magic became a thing.
I still do but to be honest the result is cool enough for me to ignore the silly starting point. It's like anime.
Divinity Original Sin and Strange Journey are just two legendary RPGs that invalids that statement
Don't blame him. I'd disown Chris if I was him
I've already played the reboot and Dragonfall.
It's well written, the gameplay is good, but the setting bruh. The fucking setting. It's just too ridiculously shit. It's like a fucking deviantart mashup of LotR and the Matrix.
You fucking deserve it. Decides to call himself the smartest movie critic and is 100% serious about it
I 100% understand where you are coming from. I wouldn't mind as much if they explained it as like a natural progression of fantasy tech that progressed into shadowrun tech. But nope, one day magic and all these races showed up. That being said, once you get passed that, it's a decent experience.
Look at her misery.
>Shit Megami Tensei
>implying dragons heading multi-billion dollar corporations isn't the logical conclusion of intelligent immortal reptiles who love hoarding riches in a cyberpunk setting
World's Smartest Film Critic?
More like World's Smartest A-HOLE!
not quite a decade yet
>It's like a fucking deviantart mashup of LotR and the Matrix
Well, that's exactly what it tries to be.
>you will never play Magic and listen to Black Sabbath with Megan
barb should have killed him
There was literally just a resurgence of classic cRPG games and half of them were pretty solid. Also we are living in the day and age where you can get the Witcher 3 for around $20 multiple times a year and in the waves of shit indie games there are a few hits every now and then.
And that's why it's bad. It's impossible to have any suspension of disbelief and immersion in a setting that takes it way too fucking far.
If the games weren't story driven it'd be fine. I loved the 2007 online FPS.
She is gloomy and despondent because of chris even to this day
>>tfw there hasn't been a good RPG in a decade
Pic related was released in 2010, though.
Mass Effect
Souls game
Witcher series
Radiant Historia
Skyrim and Oblivion
Pillars of Eternity
>money for my mother and sister
Didn't Chris spend two years of his life campaigning for the death of all gays? How does he explain those days?
That he realized his mistake.
He was overcompensating because he was secretly gay himself.
>hardly an RPG
>shit and hardly an RPG
>angsty weebshit
>shit and okay game that's over a decade old
>genuinely great game
Work on that list some, user.
I think OP means true RPGs like Neverwinter Nights and Baldurs Gate, not Action RPGs.
Pillars of Eternity is low budget and cant fill the void.
Cole is nearly as autistic as Chris. Only he funneled his autism into movies instead of video games
>Persona 4
Think you are getting it confused for 3
>Cynthia grew to enjoy her Cherokee roots
What is this guy´s deal with fucking cherokees. Also can anyone explain to me how is his mom still alive even though she has absolutely terrible diet, parasitic infestation, cavities on every tooth, and according to chris some weird red circles on her ass
That's alright, I'm not an edgy manchild that pretends to just have a higher taste than everyone else
Uh Bloodborne?
>I'm not an edgy manchild
>plays Persona games
How about you chamber your shit opinion and summon your persona with it.
She's fueled by regret and hatred.
I give her at least five more years.
this shit has been amongst the best rpgs released in the past decade, miles better than PoE, Divinity or Wasteland 2, yet no one seems to have played it
She's my cousin, but doesn't she look almost exactly like Laura Palmer?
>miles better than indieshit, indieshit or indieshit 2
all video game rpgs have always paled in comparison to any tabletop rpg game ever played, unless your group was full of that guys
If you like Turn based, then Divinity: Original Sin came out in 2014 and is excellent.
As for action. There's been Tales of Vesperia, the first Mass Effect, the Witcher games, Skyrim, Deux Ex: HR, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Dragon's Dogma. All pretty good within the last decade.
Turn based needs more of a revival, but we've still had a few games.
Said indieshit is endlessly paraded on here as the second coming of Gigax, and AAA rpg "releases" aren't even rpgs, but action games with stats, so yes it is a proper comparison you stupid shitter
Persona 4 isn't edgy at all, you never played it did you
>waaah where's my cawadoody RPG
Mass Effect 1 was good.
Cant unsee
he said good not shit.
Fun fact: The only actual action rpg in vidya is mountain blade
every single other "Action RPG" is just an action game
Dragon Age Origins is the closest we'll get to BG3 and we need to deal with it
The graphics are horrid.
Tabletop stuff actually has role playing, because you and your buddies create the story within it. You don't even need to reference a single stat in order to do that, the stats are there to keep things afloat is all.
In videogames you get some stupid "choices" that often just take you to 3 different coloured rooms or something, and that + stats on the surface = roleplaying, apparently. I mean, sure, in some limited sense that's a kind of roleplaying, but it's so far removed from actual role playing that it's crazy.
Ehh I don't really see it
But she can look really good if she wants to, wouldn't have to try that hard.
How well do you know her? Has she talked about chris since their falling out 'incident'?
witcher 3
>entry level space opera story
>pointless exploring
>subpar third person shooter gameplay
No, it wasn't. It wasted so much potential it hurts.
She seems so damn familiar, like I've seen her face somewhere in a movie or show
>that's shit
>some other "shit" variations
>literally no video game ever is good
Shit thread, shit OP
Stick of Truth is the only good game resembling an RPG in the past decade honestly.
And that's really fucking sad.
>edgy highschooler with edgy super powers
>not edgy
The writing, stat check and use system, music, choice making, survival gameplay and endings are superb
the combat and graphics are just decent for what it is
The RPGs that've stood out for me are:
>Shin Megami Tensei ----4----
>Odin Sphere
>Valkyrie Chronicles
>Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
>Divinity: Original Sin
>Mount & Blade Warband
>Radiant Historia
>The Witcher 3, I've played the other two but the third felt the most polished, fluent, and I actually had fun playing it.
Looking forward to Persona 5, Kingdom Come Deliverence, and Horizon Zero Dawn.
None of the high schoolers are edgy, nor are their personas
Again, you never played it. You've just seen some stuff on Sup Forums