Whats the campaign mode like? Not looking to play this online
Arma 3
>Not looking to play this online
Wouldn't advise. Maybe on Apex, when you can play with some friends, but I didn't really find the campaign anything special.
Altis Life RPG is pretty fun
Campaign is essentially training for the online mode, it teaches you how to command squads to fire artillery, command drones, drive LAVs, etc...
Basically this
I think the campaign was pretty, there's a fucking cliffhanger at the end, but maybe in some upcoming expansions or free updates we will have a real ending.
Thing is I hate online gaming. Can you recommend any other war games that are open world and have a decent campaign?
>arma AI will never be good
Just get ARMA 3+ ZEUS expansion, it turns the game into an army men simulator, you know, the little plastic green dudes, except you also get tanks and jets and shit.
Other than that though, I can't think of any other open-world war games that are on the same level as ARMA
Campaign is all over the place. Okay overall.
Just download some fan missions and fan campaigns.
Modded Dragon Rising
>fan missions and fan campaigns
Thank you user, didn't know that was possible
Never thought of that, sounds good m8 thank you
The story was interesting. AI is shit. Play it vanilla if you don't want to wrestle with game-breaking glitches.
Is it possible to mess with the AI like how the MGS3 pros mess with the AI?
Operation Flashpoint CWC. Might be a bit clunky by modern standards but far from unplayable.
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Im pretty pissed that the AI are still like this.
You have two options:
- AI are set to autistic
- AI are set to aim hack and 24/7 thermals
Sometimes they just blatantly shoot the wall when you are behind solid opaque cover, even though you gave no hits as to where your location was.
Annex and Invade is best game mode
Online gaming on Arma 3 is interesting. Plus
The second act of the campaign (Adapt) is fucking awesome. AI is shit but the guerilla warfare aspect feels great.
>You can leave your base between missions to go on supply raids at your own discretion.
>You can attack and completely clean out enemy strongholds far from the campaign's area of operation.
>Essentially wander through a country where everybody wants to kill you as much as you want.
>On one of the "stealth" missions it's possibly to hijack a handful of tanks and completely plow through the guards the game asked you to sneak by.
Shame commanding AI units never gets easy and the third act tosses the plot out the window. The final mission is crazy as fuck though.
>final mission is crazy as fuck
Only if you brought the device to Miller, otherwise it's pretty boring.
Where are the anime girl mods
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Arma 2 Vanilla and Operation Flashpoint(all expansions) have amazing campaigns.
Arma 2 Harvest red campaign is pretty buggy but if you can get through all that its such an amazing experience with increasing complexity on each new mission.
Why the fuck wouldn't you try to see what Miller wanted on your first playthrough?
is there really a mcguffin in a milsim
Arma 2 Harvest Red is fun in theory, but my god the glitches in that campaign...
Notice how few walkthroughs there are for Harvest Red? It's because the average player encounters some game-breaking glitch around the 4th mission without realizing and gives up.
Beats me, I thought we were friends so I did it. Was disappointed by the lackluster 'happy ending' if you stay with your unit.
I found it was pretty clever actually.
Lol. I probably have a bit more tolerance for bugs than most people.
My and my friend did the impossible task of finishing the campaign Co-op (Idk if its changed, but if a single party member dies you have to restart, in addition to even more bugs because coop)
Think we beat the last mission and it crashed so we just watched the ending on youtube
Oh yea, and the skip mission cheat is a godsend for getting around the bugs when the mission is done anyway
Yeah, I never could finish that campaign either and probably won't ever reinstall armaII. Complete trainwreck.
Operation Flashpoint dragon rising? what are some good mods?
The campaign is actually really interesting. The fact that most of the story involves NATO being BTFO by Greek and Iranian shitters gives it a really awesome feel. Like you are constantly just getting blasted, and nothing ever goes your way.
However, the mission structure, your teamates AI, and the enemy AI can sometimes make for a frustrating experience. Commanding the guerrillas was wholly un-enjoyable because they are just so fucking stupid and don't even listen to your orders half the time.
I feel you though. Arma 3 is one of the most fun games i've ever played, that simultaneously has one of the worst online communities.
Don't ever buy an Arma game to play it offline, what the hell is wrong with you
Nobody who plays arma does campaign
Its all online
Wrong. Plebs don't play the campaign.
>AKB Community Manager
They demoted you Rookie Ray?