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disgusting design
I kind of like some of the enemy dialogue in Borderlands. Most of the story script is shit though, and all the good guy characters are asshole meme-spouters.
This was the funnest thing to do. Feeding and levelling up those loot pinatas, that is.
Loader Bots are the best thing to come from the series.
Them and Gaige.
Let's make FACE GRAVY!
Gonna FLOSS WITH YOUR Spine!!!
That's what they were shooting for
This gritty Earthworm Jim reboot looks awful.
"Executing Execution .exe"
A line so good they reused it in Battleborn at least once, I only played the beta
Have you ever thought about exactly what Borderlands midgets are?
> short (obviously)
> skinny
> head/limbs in proportion with torso
> Extremly excitable
> high pitched shrill voices
Those are my dwarfs you're killing....they're children.
I loved shooting those guys in the head and watching them just tear through what were previously his allies
The enemy mobs had better dialogue than the main and side characters.
>Bought the Collection for $15
>Going to save it for shitfaced nights with my friends
What am I in for? What class is a lot of fun? Was thinking that zero dude or the krieg duder
>no other game than borderlands will ever have anemies that get so fucking pissed their skull pops out of their head
You never shoulda come here and now you're gonna pay!
Can't go wrong with Zero, Krieg, or Anarchy Gaige.
Cool. If I want to get some blood for the blood god, who should I be going?
Krieg,Salvador Or Anarchy Gage.
Be Careful With Krieg Though.
Krieg is all about going apeshit and murdering stuff but he can just as easily get himself killed if you're not playing correctly.
>get killed
>respawn with slightly less cash
>run right back in
Zer0 is quite difficult tier to play solo, especially Vault Hunter mode.
Will probably only play this game with a friend.
Thanks guys
who here axton nuke build master race?
Do people honestly play solo for more than a single playthrough?
>tfw no love for Maya
Super fun, even solo she's surprisingly enjoyable to play
plus her design and voice are sexy as fuck
I was the only reason me and my bro killed that dumb endgame monster.
>friend ded
>I'm almost ded
>monster does that bullshit black hole thing and tries to suck me in
>my turret recharges right before I take damage and prevents me from being sucked in
>monster ded
also if you time it right you can win every duel by throwing down the nuke turret right as the countdown ends
I personally prefer Gaige, Don't Invest In Middle Tree, Only left And right primarily
Hey guys can i join in?
The only thing TPS did right was include the hot sheriff lady
Krieg is really fucking fun. High risk, high reward, and when he's fully specced out he absolutely demolishes anything. I did the new game + mode where all enemies were like level 69 or 70 or something and I literally flew through bosses.
>laser weapons
>ice element
>gravity gimmick was actually fun
Anarchy was the absolutely best fun I´ve had in BL2
Yes. Raids, collecting gear and leveling toon mostly.
BEST character coming through
Am I a bad person if I enjoyed playing both BL1 and 2 (never touched the presequel) with my friends? Knoxx in BL1 was a blast.
I enjoyed BL1 a lot more than 2. I mean I had fun with 2 because I played with friends but it felt too much like an mmo. And the "humor" was really, really awful. I dreaded having to interact with tina
I had quite some fun with Tiny Tina's DLC
Lot of good references and metahumor for the time.
I got BL2 from the steam sale recently since I was bored. Anyone able to tell me who's the best for just solo games? Don't have any of the DLC since none of it sounded interesting, so I don't have the extra two characters.
What's a good way to play anarchy? I started playing gaige a few nights ago but went with the BFF talents.
Everyone and their mother picks zer0 for some reason. Try him I guess.
Salvador or maya is good for solo
Anarchy Gage works ridiculously well if you can get a gun with unlimited ammo, I had an Infinity that someone gave me, changed the game completely just needed to keep firing. Early game though, close enough, anarchy, & a shotgun are enough.
Gaige. Go robot route. Prioritize getting the final skill in that tree then slap on a godly shield on yourself and deathtrap will have an exact identical one as well. Lots of potential great things to be done when that happens.
Without DLC I'd say Salvador is the best for solo, Maya is good too. I never played Axton so I'm not sure how he fares by himself, and from what I've heard Zer0 isn't very good solo. My personal recommendation is Maya
Infinity is shit on Gaige though
You need to actually run out of ammo to get stacks faster
Grab a Jacobs shotgun with as little shots per reload as possible and go wild.
Maya could be neat. Never tried the whole Siren thing in BL1. Thanks guys.
Axton is pretty great for solo depending on what you spec into. You can make his turret either have a lot of defense or make it really weak but have a huge nuke blast. He seems like the most boring but he can be pretty versatile.
Axton's great solo as long as his turret is up
I preferred soloing with Zero though since his skill is on such a short cooldown
depends. If you just want to get through the base game, any character will do. If you want to do ng+ and beyond, Salvador is probably your best bet, though he is extremely weapon dependent.
I'm playing Borderlands 2 right now, and I feel the same way. I enjoy the gameplay, but the story is pretty shitty. Some of the humor is okay, though.
Any of them work fine solo, there's just certain skills and weapon mods you want to avoid.
Axton is most generic, Zero is either melee or sniper focused primarily, Maya has a lot of fun crowdcontrol and Salvador is pure DPS (his tank skills are useless, avoid at all costs except maybe the passive HP regen).
You really should have gotten the DLC though, it almost doubles the amount of content in the game and adds loads of new weapons.
If you really feel like breaking the game you can grind for norfleets and the sham
>hit the Badass Krieg upgrade
>hit critical health
>kill everyone
>berserk wears off
>hit critical health
>the cycle continues until there is nothing but guns and bodies on the ground
Krieg is fucking amazing.
The nuke is garbage, the damage doesn't scale well at all. It might be good for a few levels after you get it but that's pretty much it
Slag turret > Double Turret >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nuke
If you're going all the way to NG++ you want the first two for sure, Nuke is a waste of points since everything past Longbow Turret in Axton's middle tree is pretty bad. The nuke itself isn't very good either.
That nuke carried me through the whole game bruh. I'm not sure if they patched it or what, since I played it a while ago, but that nuke was the most OP thing ever
Generally I enjoy the player characters' dialogue and I like Moxxi, Zed, and Marcus, but I hate just about everything Jack says. Most of the antagonists are just not fun to listen to
>Gearbox game
>Mentioning rape
That would trigger too many people.
Because how can you not love him.. it. He's a pretty unique character in the Borderlands universe.
Like I said, it's alright when you get it (near the end of a first run), but NG+ and beyond it's damage doesn't keep up with enemy HP at all and you'll get far more use out of Slag turrets and/or having two turrets.
>trying to kill the final boss as krieg
Welp. I'll keep that in mind then. I can't remember if me and my friend ever bothered to do a NG+
I currently have a level 20 Krieg, and he's very fun to play as. I should have chosen Axton, though.
>speaks in haiku
>not chucking axes into his chest cavity
Git fukken gud
>That one Psycho that just recites Hamlet
>not using Bloodsplosion and release the beast to become a demigod
Whoa, Hey guys
>four fingers on each hand
>ayy lmao
>have shit guns because build is focused on having a huge hand
>doing negative damage piddling away at his chest with shitty guns
>doing mediocre damage with slow projectile axes
>all while dodging gay crystal creatures and lava
fuck you
>Start playing again with some friends on a whim, plan to get to UHVM and do bosses and shit
>Blitz the main game three times, end of NG++ starts to get really obnoxious with the HP sponge enemies towards the end
>Start on the DLC
>Enemy HP is suddenly much more reasonable even though we're obviously still on NG++
Huh, I was under the impression that EVERYTHING was fucked, not just the main game
> not killing Endgame raid bosses in seconds as Krieg
You're doing it wrong.
>Oh hey guys, i know you just ran through this area but i thought i'd pop up and say hello again
Whay would be the chances that he cut off his fingers to perfect his aim and fighting style? After all he will do anything to make it perfection.
They should add a melee weapon slot as well.
Fuck it, add more slots for everything. Slap more stats on everything.
Flamethrowers when?
>borderlands 1 level 1 gun does about 10 damage
>borderlands 2 level 1 gun does about 10 damage
>borderlands 1 level 50 gun does about 300 damage
>borderlands 2 level 50 gun does about 1,200,000 damage
he's a Robutt you space Nigger
More like memelands 2
More like memelands the pre memequel
More like bordermemes
This has already be confirmed to not be canon by the developers.