What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Nothing IMO
Nothing, pretty fun game
Repetitive and boring. I accidentally played through the game twice because I forgot I even beat it a first time. The cutscenes are the only memorable part of the game
Your birth
Everyone in the beta test ended up getting the game for free because the devs didn't want to pay for a new steam ID and they weren't assholes like Mighty Number 9. Most of these people probably would have bought the game if forced.
Also the control scheme was keyboard compatible only on a theoretical level.
Nothing. I've beaten it twice, but I assume that anyone who dislikes the game probably played it by themselves
Nothing really
Its exactly what I thought it would be and the jokes were exactly what I expected from the behemoth
Good game, didn't disappoint. Especially with the surprises like the secret song and all of that shit
Nothing, good game
I loved the humor.
Makes me wonder if Behemoth made profit and/or if they are still working at some projects.
How did you get without realizing that you beat the game?
Isn't that retarded?
Game 4 when?
They're currently making a new game called Pit People. I personally haven't seen too much of it, but Stamper plus The Behemoth share some stuff on occasion on Twitter
Also if you care at all JohnnyUtah, Spazkid, plus Oney are making a game but it's been under tight wraps for the last year or two. Apparently they've been getting help from Tom Fulp and some of the Behemoth too
Before the apocalypse
This game's multiplayer was the fucking best because of how broken the levels were. Spamming grenades from the highest platform in the cramped map was amazing, especially if there were fans. It was also extremely fun to just camp on the soul-stealing game. People had to jump up to get you so you could just jump once and land on them and wrek their shit.
Great drinking game
Nothing, it's pretty fun, especially co-op.
I mean, it's not the BEST GAME EVER, but it's pretty good.
So anons should i get this on steam?
If you have friends to play it with, yes. Even better if you can play it local somehow, since it really shines with local. Otherwise I wouldn't bother
It's a nice game, but you should've bought it during the sale since a copy would've cost you like 4 bucks at most. It's still a fun co-op game, so watch some gameplay before you pay full price.
Make sure you have a controller to use, plus a friend to play alongside it with if so
Thanks, and yes, that was like my concern if single player was going to be like fun but i guess co-op is better, i´ll have to wait for it to be on sale again to buy my cousin a copy too
alien hominid hd on steam when?
best couch co op game with a friend on xbla.
castle crashers came to steam why not alien hominid?
>yfw this game is a spiritual successor to pda games, a extra mini game in alien hominid
They're making a Fire Emblem type SRPG called Pit People.
Because it probably isn't worth the effort to port. Tom has even said that Alien Hominid wasn't well received because of the difficulty, and they purposely made some levels bullshit hard to beat.
Nice, I wish them success, their games have so much soul
sick of the hot topic invader zim artsyle and lolrandom 'humor' from these shit games
I didn't like the soundtrack in some levels, honestly
but the platforming and everything is pretty much on point
I probably would have liked the game more if I didn't play alone though
the humor was "lolsowacky" tier and the gameplay was absolutely dull
you can't lose either unless you're completely ass
it's a handholdy as shit
Stamper is pretty great
The main menu theme is killer.
This, me and my roommate have been couch co-oping this as a drinking game and having a blast. I'm glad [spolier]she[/spoiler] loves it.
And crazy.
Slowly step away backwards while keeping an eye on him and smiling empathetically and uncommitingly.
Meme humor