>Nintendo shares soar as new Pokemon mobile game captures hearts
>Nintendo shares went up 10% with the release of the new Pokemon game for mobiles
This is the future you chose Sup Forums. All is lost.
>Nintendo shares soar as new Pokemon mobile game captures hearts
>Nintendo shares went up 10% with the release of the new Pokemon game for mobiles
This is the future you chose Sup Forums. All is lost.
how is this the future we chose? do you really think a bunch of autistic neckbeards have the power to change the stock market?
I didn't play that shit.
How do we stop the mobile cancer from killing Nintendo?
This. We're a minority. The only things Sup Forums started and actually made any sort of noticeable impact are things that spiraled out of our control.
Funny because Nintendo was barely involved with the game and presumably only gets around 15% of the profits it makes.
>Not buying a Wii U because you fell for "no games" meme
>Now Nintendo is going mobile due to success of Miitomo and Pokémon Go
Have fun missing out on the last good gen of Nintendo games, user.
>Nintendo is working on Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem games
>Nintendo is developing more mobile games than games for Wii U
it's ogre.
Now imagine if they actually made it a real game, with trading, battling and all that shit.
But no, they rather fail with their NX and WiiU shit.
Is Miitomo still popular?
>Poorfag wants to play main series for free
Go emulate you retard.
It's funny because after about a week everyone playing pokemon go who isn't a diehard nintendo fanboy is going to realize that the game has zero substance and quit.
by letting it happen
Nintendo needs to retire from vidya industry
Did he died?
fine with me. Splatoon already works well on mobile
Mobile games aren't like that.
Especially one with as much social pull as "GUYS LOOK I CAUGHT A CHARMANDER".
Miitomo, however, that was a fucking wash.
>Sega retires from making consoles
>All their IPs go to shit
I'm sure the same would happen for Nintendo.
Keep in mind that none of this means PokemonGo is successful. It just means idiot shareholders are trying to get in on the chance it is.
It's only number one downloaded because it just came out. They haven't actually made any money or anything.
We'll need to wait another couple months to see if people are still playing and actively buying the microtransactions or if everyone realized it's shit and drops it.
Miitomo also shot to #1 downloaded and boosted Nintendo shares however it never even cracked top 100 grossing and was effectively a flop for Nintendo because it didn't actually make any money.
yes they are
in a month, only a few will be playing this garbage
Good, now do F-Zero
All their IPs gather dust because they only ever make Sonic. :(
The social games that have legs all have addictive gameplay elements and, surprisingly, more actual game interactivity than this.
The core part of this game is movement, and after the glitz wears off most people are going to abandon it. Largely because there's nothing to do and no real reward for doing what there is.
I'm not really a /biz/ guy, but how do shares work? Wouldn't Nintendo profit from this immediately, or is it something that would only benefit them if it continually is played and stuff is purchased in it?
>it didn't actually make any money.
Nintendo was talking about profits from Miitomo almost fucking immediately, you idiot.
It wasn't a smash hit but it was clearly good enough for Nintendo to start investing into multiple games.
>Sup Forums
We didn't do shit. Sup Forums alone can't make Nintendo's stock soar. This is literally every normie downloading Ingress with a pokemon mod and cash shop onto their mobiles.
>Nintendo goes mobile-only
>Microsoft goes back to being a computer games publisher
>Sega is on the brink of bankruptcy (again)
Sony always wins, baybee.
But they're not actually devoting their own teams to it, are they? They've outsourced it to other companies, so it isn't even distracting from their main projects.
That is probably a part of why Pokemon Go is so spotty. I'd figure if Nintendo made it themselves it might have been more polished, but it probably would have taken longer to come out too.
I didn't download it.
And people will still say Sony is shit despite Nintendo transitioning to mobile.
Fuck this board.
It's not like the Wii U has anything worth buying it for. There's only a few games on it that aren't just financially safe sequels.
The game is going to shed normies who just wanted a quick nostalgia fix really fast, and then its going to shed everybody when sun and moon come out because there's nothing going on in this game.
A very basic description is that people give your company money to buy a small part of it. At the end of the year they get a % of the profit the company makes.
In the short term Nintendo makes money from this, but the shareholders are obviously hoping mobile games do well so they can rake in profits for themselves.
>Wii u plummeting
>everyone and their dog of 90s kids getting pokemon go
Guess mobile gaming is Nintendo's future.
Sony makes mobile games as well you tool.
>But they're not actually devoting their own teams to it, are they?
They have a dude at their stockholder conferences talking about Nintendo developing in-house games and potential mobile controllers, user. Nintendo's all in-house.
Pokemon wasn't inhouse because Pokemon Company is only partially Nintendo.
Except their not. Why is this board filled with retards?
And they're most definitely are developing more games for the NX than for mobile too. The fact that they aren't developing much for the Wii U anymore means jack shit when you know they have a new console being released in less than a year.
>Nintendo learns they can put Pokemon into something that isn't just mainline games and shit puzzle games and it does well
A shame they didn't realise this about 12 years ago.
Where is the 3D pokemon game? I thought Nintendo wanted to SELL their console?
Who /doesnthaveasmartphone/ here?
that's not how it works for mobile games.
mobile games are meant to past the time for transistions, such as walking to a place, or waiting to be served dinner, or rdiing the bus/train/carpooling.
Mobile games aren't meant to have depth, thats why they're cheap and are pumped out so damn quickly.
Yeah, and the same exact shit happened when Miitomo came out. You guys still playing Miitomo? When's the last time you guys cracked open Miitomo? When's the last time we had a thread about it?
Oh wait, it didn't have any content and was dead in a week. I give Pokemon Go about a month before it drops off the face of the Earth, just like every other flavor of the month application people put out.
I'm enjoying my mobile Pokémon too. I picked Piplup and I caught a Starly!
>This is what millennials actually believe
>mobile games
Chaddy baby when you gonna drill me?
Srsly though,no reason to own an Xbox. 2017 is gonna be weird
so I can buy nintendo games on my android phone now?
I'm okay with this.
>sensationalistic threads on Sup Forums
holy shit sonyggers are this desperate
>tfw Pokemon Puzzle League didn't become a franchise
I don't care if it was just a cheap Panel de Pon rebrand, slapping Pokemon on that shit meant they could've kept popping new ones out for ages
They retired making them because thy didn't make enough shekels
The normies want more
Sony is shit tho.
Just because that other guy is shit doesn't suddenly mean you're not.
Unless Nintendo has the stuff to back their share price, it doesn't really work in their favor.
Nintendo isn't a pump and dump scam company, so share price alone doesn't matter as much to the company itself, and overvalued price is just asking for trouble once everyone realises that the company is shit.
If the price is high based on feelings alone and not actual facts, then when those feelings go away it's going to eventually go back where it belongs in the long run. And Nintendo is a "long run" type of company so that isn't good.
No they didn't you fucktard.
They talked exclusively about download numbers, it never made anywhere close to the actual money they wanted.
>third party developer
>which sony retired
yeah nah
fuck you nintendo shill
what is it about these kinda gifs thats so unnerving?
All those Nintendrone crybabies led up to this moment for Nintendo. "I WANT M-MUH NOSTALGIA" and not accepting all of the cool original shit Nintendo pumps out. Pathetic.
"we" didnt chose shit. in fact it was chosen for us *because we are the minority*. we are literally the only ones who stood in opposition to this development but we were outvoted.
Did anybody think it wasn't going to be a thing.
handhelds are becoming less popular.
Wii-u flopped.
mobile is ezmone and nintendo can jew out all they won't with little to no criticism.
Shiggy lost it years ago.
And they have all their other studios work on shovelware.
It really doesn't seem like it will matter. The amount of people actively playing might decrease, but these games operate on rabid users anyways. There will be people out there paying for all the goodies in order to get ahead, and they'll be taking gyms for years. No doubt the game will get updates because it's probably making Niantic a nice chunk of cash.
It's already apparently topping the store in earnings, so it's going to turn a profit. Nintendo will definitely put some more money and attention into the mobile market after this, though I doubt it's going to ruin them or become their focus. Nintendo is all about their brand, and they almost certainly know that the bedrock of their brand is their console business. It wouldn't make sense to just go fully mobile and casual, it would water down their brands if the only thing behind them were casual mobile games. They need game industry hype. If Splatoon had started as some shit mobile game, it would have no strong branding. But it's a hit acclaimed video game with a huge fanbase fueling it, so a casual mobile game would probably get some success.
I work in mobile game development. Unless there's a big content influx to this game, it's not going to keep a whole lot of people for extended periods of time. There's less to this game than in just about every mobile game that's ever gotten a stable long term following, and a big part of what you are supposed to do isn't going to help you kill time unless your location lines up with something good.
At best, it's a game that will be checked briefly before someone loads up a different game.
Cool. I see nothing wrong with this.
>inb4 it's okay when Sony does it
They did 20 years ago.
>It was inevitable.
Mobile already ate up most of Sony's handheld market share, so it's a matter of time before they eat up Nintendo's.
>By PlayStation Mobile Inc.
>It was released 3 months ago and got an update 2 weeks ago, so there's no way Sony shuttered the dev already
Are you a legitimate shill?
so then all we have to look foreward to are "games" whose gameplay is equivalent to watching a movie on a computer and occasionally moving the mouse or pressing a key to stop the screen was going to sleep?
At least they're not turning everything into slots or pachinko.
>tfw I'd actually play a bona fide pokemon on mobile, not Ingressmon
They probably aren't developing shit for the NX. 9 months away and all anyone knows about it is that it exists.
>only competent console maker
Keep telling yourself that, Nintendildo.
>This is the future you chose Sup Forums
It's the normies who made it go this way.
Fuck this game I was robbed at knife point because of this game, lost my fucking Iphone this is dangerous man.
I hate this game why do i let it hurt me so much
>Last night of vacation by the water, but no signal
>five bars 10 min walk into the wilderness for some reason
>try to adventure last night but recent new moon and cloud cover made navigating impossible even though the game was working
>try again this afternoon and still have the bars, but only get 'NP GPS LOCATION' or whatever; avatar keeps being placed in the middle of huge lake where I am
>but I'm at the ocean
>playing western games
sup westacuck
>Nintendo's all in-house.
No, they specifically partnered with Dena to offload the work as well as other teams like Niantic.
Sony has also been in the talks about making Playstation a streaming service for a bunch of devices, so they're not entirely safe either
Wasn't that just a rumour?
>>only competent console maker
I bet you'll be first in line to buy your slightly upgraded PS4 Neo
I'm honestly okay with this, if it means I don't have to buy another shitty nintendo console. I have my phone with my all day anyways, so if they make something cool for it, I'll actually pay attention to it. I didn't buy a Wii U and I'm glad, there are like two games on it I'd be interested in playing, but I'd never buy the console for it, so I guess I'm coming out on top here.
i didn't chose anything the future goes on without me
This is the board that shilled the Wii U for 8 months during its darkest hours. What do you expect?
Do you honestly believe they'll put something like Breath of the Wild on mobile
I never Even realised how this shit will effect the gaming industry. No wonder Konami decided to go mobile only. Fuck this gay earth I want off this ride.
Why would they do that when they have their entire nes-GBA/possibly DS to jew out still?
Don't care if they do, re-read the post. I'm not buying a new console for one game, and many others feel the same. BOTW looks good, but it's not worth the price of game + console.
I jumped off the Sony train once they put in paid online. Nintendo going mobile is terrible though.
>muh paid online
Both the Vita and PS3 are still free, faggot.
I own a PS3 and a Vita. I'm just not getting a PS4.
Not that guy, but the PS3 is last gen, and the vita has no games
But user, it's only 5 dollars!
>being the best shit sculpter means you're not shit
whatever you say buddy.
You're fucking retarded.
Not only do i own the main series on a 3ds, but you gotta realise how much potential money there is. Their stock went up 10% on a shitty, laggy game that's barely working, what if the servers would be stable with the game getting actual gameplay.
It would shit all over your shitty cartridges in money making. Mobile is the future, the WiiU was a stillbirth, the NX will be too. Nintendo is finished either way.
You are aware that the second Microsoft and Steam get into bed is the second Sony gets deleted, right?
It was going to happen eventually. It's a miracle they held out this long.
Fortunately my backlog should last me the rest of my life anyways.