Can we have a troll free Vita thread plz?

Can we have a troll free Vita thread plz?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a no games having piece of shit. I mean, honestly does this thing have a single worthwhile exclusive that ISN'T just an enhanced port or weebshit?


Do you get off on hurting the weak and powerless?


What games have you bought recently?
Not shown, god eater and Adventures of Mana. I still need to finish Cold Steel before the next drops soon.

All those localization announcements look great too.


You just come back from 2009 or iFunny?

I find it weird Nintendo fans have some sort of inferiority complex to the point they spent obscene amounts of time shit talking a console that they have no intention of supporting and spreading general disinformation. My bet is you are all socially awkward ugly fucks that only a mom could love, and have priorities in supporting platform wars rather than fixing your pathetic life.

Did OP legit just make a thread to shitpost to himself? Why ignore actual discussion?

Its a fun system, well worth it if you can get it under 120 dollars.

There are weekly sales, check the Vitagen in /vg/ for more info on games to check out. (Ignore the immense autism on display)

There you go OP

Good thing this isn't a Nintendo thread, this samefag posting would be deleted in a minute.

Why is there a random DS game at the top ruining the image?
You piss me off.

>gaming system
>has no games

whats the end goal here?

>Got 3 more trophies left to plat Killzone Mercs
1,000,000 Money
10,000 Kills
100 matches
Then i can go back to plat project diva f and SSD

MGS HD Collection
Child of Light
Zero Escape
Zero Dilemma
Chrono Cross


The 3DS has no good games, so I bought a DS.

>running out of space on my 64gb


I've only posted the op and this post

>Get PSTV for $40
>Play P4G twice
>freedom wars for $5
>Spend 2 hours customizing 2 waifus, 20 minutes playing the game
>it's not great
>never touch again

Man, if I actually owned a vita I'd be so depressed.

Any good indie games on Vita?
Preferably with an active multiplayer mode.

>Freedom Unite
>God Eater Resurrection
>Souls Sacrifice Delta
>Ragnarok Odyssey ACE

That's all the hunting games I got. Am I missing any, including Minis?

>depressed over not liking a videogame you payed $5
I feel sorry for both your quality of life and sad state of mental health.

Don't Starve and Isaac come to mind.
Race the Sun is above average if you're into that kind of thing
>Get shit game
>Call system shit

20 minutes doesnt even get into the first abductor fight.

But I like Freedom Wars....

How is God Eater?

I haven't actually played MonHun but I've played Toukiden and Soul Sacrifice Delta and enjoyed them

>tfw I can't pirate Vita games

People like you are why Vita is dying.

It's the MonHun clone I like the most, but monster variety is only a little higher than Toukiden and pales in comparison to, say, MH4U.

When it happens I will definitely buy one

Well I own one a PSTV at least and buy games every now and then, but I'd much rather pirate because I don't have a lot of money to spend.
Typically I wait for PSN sales.
I guess if it finally got piracy I'd finally be contributing to it dying, but right now I'm not.

It's very fast paced and very story based. I'm enjoying it a lot for it's price.

Bought and have been playing the fuck out of God Eater. I missed the Steins;Gate PSN sale again so I'm still upset with myself about that

Just picked up y's: memories, lost dimension, and dungeon travelers 2. I have a ton of games for it though. I really enjoy it.

If you know nothing about Ys, Celceta might be fun, just don't play it on Nightmare. If you've played Ys before, though, it's an abomination of a game. Lost Dimension is pretty trashy, as well.

DT2 is god tier, though.

Fug. I do like the y's games. Lost dimension was an iffy buy to begin with. I'll probably just return it and pick up grand kingdom instead.

y's memories story is nothing like 7s. But you will still enjoy it for the awesome gameplay and the skill aura fencer you get later. It is a one hit skill and holy fuck its nice. After completing it there is a boss rush mode so you can always fight the bosses you want.

>I'll probably just return it and pick up grand kingdom instead.

This is a good decision.

>awesome gameplay
Flash guard/flash dodge spam don't make up fun gameplay, user. Stop lying to him.

Not everyone can do that user. I am a very bad guarder/flasher so I always got hit anyway.

Are hunter games fun? Been curious.

I tried the demo the other night and it was pretty awesome so I won't be disappointed with it at least. It should keep me busy until world of ff releases.

Freedom Wars.

You can sink hundreds of hours in if you're the kind of fellow who can bide grind.

>can we have a troll free ... thread?
on Sup Forums? my guess would be "no" but good luck anyway

>on Sup Forums?

Fixed that for you.
Not all boards are this horrible, you know.

Picked a used one up the other day, in all honesty it feels like a piece of shit holding it but I'm enjoying playing BoF3 on it.

They aren't for everyone, but mhfu is pretty awesome imo. I also really enjoyed freedom wars. It's been the best ps+ title besides rogue legacy. I missed out on binding of isaac unfortunately.

Thinking about picking Atelier Ayesha+ and Dungeon Travelers 2 since they are on sale. Should I?

Ayesha is good but has fps issues
Dt2 is great and has more waifus


The way I tend to describe these kind of games to newbies is, in short, they're pretty much hundrerds of hours of boss rush in a single package. They do tend to have genre-specific issues, like reskinning certain monsters just to change their attributes and the like, but they're great fun and by definition have co-op, so if you have friends to play along with you it makes them even more fun.

That said, I think the best starting place for any newcomer is Monster Hunter, so you might want to try 4U or the upcoming Generations first.

I just bought a vita and i'm fucking loving P4G and Muramasa rebirth.

You mad man, don't do it!

wait a second, buddy
Can we just talk for a second? Just put down the vita and have a nice talk.

Shit taste senpai

played the demo. i kind of liked it

Both games are far better than Neps, so yes.

>Dt2 is great and has more waifus
How much content does it have gameplay-wise?

yeah. yeah, that game that increased overall vita sales by 300% on it's night of release is obviously terrible.

I have a Vita and like it. Why are Sup Forumsermin so triggered?

Here i am to shill for this once again, as it still is on sale in the EU psn.

You can't stop my fun

what kind of game is it

Specially the vita version, as it is the definitive version with more content.

How is it for replay value?

game looks dumb
atleast show gameplay

>physical games when you can just download them
I feel bad for you must be hard constantly swapping out games and having slow load times

No games tbH

Diablo on Vita

This has been a game that I've been slightly interested in for years but never got around to playing.
Might pick it up.

Really fucking long
Post-game content is like 60% of the game

Ayesha is a pretty good Atelier game, and DT2 is perhaps the overall best game on the console.

A completely absurd amount. 100+ hours. There is also remarkably little recycled content, all things considered.

What are the best Vita RPGs to come out recently? Particularly this year. I haven't played a new game in fucking ages.

You get specific powers for each boss you defeat, difficulty goes up by each boss you defeat, if you like the gameplay, you might want to try different combinations of powers, if not for score runs or time trial.

It's a simple boss rush in varied stages filled with mobs, you can either kill to get more powerful or just go 1vs1 directly against the boss.

It's pretty cheap, definitely worth the purchase, especially the vita version.

That's what I wanted to hear, thanks bro! Pulled the trigger on both of them

No thanks I actually like owning my games.

Depends are you a shifter?

I guess either Cyber Sluts or Odin Sphere, though Trillion was good but I'd hesitate to call that an RPG.

If you haven't, buy DT2. It's on sale on american PSN right now. Ayesha, too.

And Shiren 5+ is coming out this month.

I think my PSStore is bugged out, it says Persona 4: electric boogaloo is on sale for $50; that can't be right, is anyone else's store like that?

>If you know nothing about Ys, Celceta might be fun, just don't play it on Nightmare. If you've played Ys before, though, it's an abomination of a game
I'm playing it right now and it's pretty fun. Maybe it's a good thing I played Origin and Oath long time ago and remember almost nothing about them

I got this haul yesterday and have been impressed with the quality of these games, they are all mad good

I think my hate towards Celceta might be an overreaction since I played the game on Nightmare and to win you pretty much have to abuse the game's broken and really not rewarding at all mechanics, and the boss fights' flaws become even more apparent. It kind of made me wonder if the same people responsible for Felghana or Origins were also responsible for this shitshow, and what exactly went wrong. Aside from that, the world map ended up being kind of repetitive, even though I loved the idea at first. Walking through the forest in Nightmare meant nothing but avoiding combat and stepdashing like a retard to the next point where I had to go, at least when backtracking, and the game has tons of that shit. Placement of fast travel points wasn't as intuitive as it could've been.

But if you don't go balls deep autism, I guess it can be a fun game. Just not really Ys.

I love my vita!

pls respond ;-;

You mean P4DAN?
Yeah it's $50

>people unironically shilling Censored Travelers 2: Literal Panty Quest Edition

Oh, I thought my store was bugged. how the fuck is it 'on sale' for fifty fucking dollars? is it regularly $100?


I'm on Velvet's chapter in OSL.

I noticed that there's more stars next to the completed books. I can't wait to see what's next.

Maybe after this I'll actually start Grand Knight's History.

You can play ds games on a 3ds/2ds, stuped.

It's £10 on uk store

Why would he spend the extra money for those if he's only playing DS games?


I'm obviously late so I guess this is more for other people but if you like to save memory or just prefer your games physical, Gamestop has DT2 for the same price as the sale so there's that option as well

I just got a vita today so I need some good lewd backgrounds, please upload these somewhere user-kun.

Sure user, here you go.

I just finished the game a while back and having played all the 3 games of the 4th Ys game, this is definitely one of the weakest games in the series I've ever played.

Even the story they rewrote and supposedly "cleared" up had horrible writing and loose ends all over the place. The whole map exploration thing was nice but as you said, they got lazy with the world design in general.

After playing it though, I'm actually scared for Ys VIII and how bad it will be because of how much it seems like they will be copying Celceta and putting it into this game.

For anyone that doesn't know, Valkyrie Drive got announced for localization today. Physical and Digital and Vita only:

>Vita gets a Twitch app years after every other device
>Twitch somehow managed to make it even worse than PS4's shit player