This is your bisexual bartender for tonight.
This is your bisexual bartender for tonight
Give me something to sober me up.
Why do I know the sexuality of my bartender?
Because she can't shut up about her ex gf.
yes, I'd like some JUSTICE!
I want to commit a crime
Sorry, she doesn't serve underage drinkers.
Game was surprisingly good
I only finished it because I watched my gf play it, but I enjoyed it
This is your cocktail trivia for tonight.
I'd like a new bartender please, this one is broken.
Get me a big Zen Star
>This is your bisexual bartender for tonight.
My ex gf was bisexual.
I miss her so much. ; _ ;
i want a gf so bad holy shit
>bisexual slut
>not pure lesbian
Don't worry, I will.
>Implying I don't think about it on a regular basis and struggle to find motivate to even eat.
Jokes on you, normie scum!
well I dont know why im in a bar because i think alcohol is nasty.. so can i have mountain dew
Still no Alma fanarts? Still, this is well done.
Dem legs hmmmmmmmmm
Also, isn't Jill a femlet?
>Likes Mountain Dew
>Think you know what nasty is
>Thinking all alcohol is nasty
How's being under 21 going for you?
I want a Big Bad Touch from Jill!
Not him, but I dislike it because burning it puts in my nose reminds me of some nasty ass chemicals that I used to work with, which puts me off.
I like girly drinks though, because I don't get that association with them.
>Jill being chased up nightmare block towers by a giant horny Dorothy
Fund it.
well you're right not all alchohol.. i had tequila when i went to mexico.. it was amazing
Why does their sexual preference make a differance?
I really like the premise and the art in this, but I'm almost certain the writing will piss the fuck out of me.
Tackling sexual themes in a videogame was never done well and I can't imagine a fetish-fuel fest will do it well either.
Post excellent drinks in this fucking thread.
Game's dumb
You're dumb
>Implying VNs are games.
gays are gross
you've summed up quite well why I'm also reluctant to try this out
Grow the fuck up
dumb phoneposter
No can do, friend. I can however, give you a (pfff...) Bad Touch.
How the fuck would you know if i am posting from a phone?
Shut up, dumb phoneposter.
Something something seventeen.
Prove that i am posting from a phone
And how does that make her bisexual? What if she's a homo?
Shut up!
post a picture and you prove that you aren't
Why was she laughing at bad touch again?
>makes a claim and cant prove it
>starts shouting instead
>dont play this game for a couple of days because busy week
>game expects me to remember obscure drivia because that one slut cant order a drink without some fucking da vinci code riddle
The burden of proof is on him he made the claim
the fact that you're acting defensive as fuck is good enough proof to me, fuckboy
No really shut up
not necessarily
>All alcohol is bad
>mountain dew
Mods please
Stop that right now!
Don't bap the itty bitty botty any more or I'll kick your ass, user!
>He hasn't met the fedora yet
If you thought the catgirl was bad with that shit, just you wait.
Her smile is mine to protect.
Has anyone ever been actually successful with a bartender??
What did you guys think of this game?
I really enjoyed it myself
Did you ever faked a orgasm?
>playing with filter
wew laddie
That's cool, I'm going to marry Stella.
>not playing fullscreen with scanlines for maximum comfy immersion
Get me a glass of water
Miki > Dana > Dorothy > Deal and No Deal > Stella > Sei > literal shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Streaming-chan
>She screams Honey~ the entire time
I would totally play that
This pic isn't accurate at all, she lives in a mansion with servants
Why does Streaming-chan remind me of this stupid masochist bitch?
You don't visit /dangeru/ or look around the various sites people post art online obviously.
That said there's not much of Alma unfortunately, but here, this one showed up today.
Holy shit is KIRA!!! MIKI!!!!!! tall or what?
Take a guess.
if you respond to this Galil you will have a girlfriend/boyfriend in 6 months
Shit taste, easily the least interesting character
Hasn't happened in 31 years, what makes you think some anime slut would change that?
Galil a shit.
SIG a best.
My raifu > your raifu.
Maybe you'll finally kill yourself and find a gf in 2d heaven
The overly excited and positive attitude?
The constant attention whoring?
The complete lack of shame?
user was probably thinking of Mountain Dew (TM), the sodapop, rather than mountain dew, aka moonshine.
>all these nerds with vintage CRTs
>no one's plugged this game into one for the pinnacle of '90s retro VN comfy
> I can't imagine a fetish-fuel fest will do it well either.
Nani? This game isn't even close to that. The most sexual it gets is Jill bringing up a past relationship for spoilerish reasons. Oh right. Somehow I forgot the android who is a sex worker, but she really only talks about it if you get her drunk.
I mean, the first day the first two people you talk to are an online newspaper head and a bitter asshole. The game is about the people in the cyberpunk dystopia.
just use this if you're playing like that
AK is better
Is reds girly I like those?
>not liking Sei
I'll keep best musclefu then.
frig off, but you still have good taste
Apple ale?
It's a little weak
You should try other kinds of cider, you might actually like them better
Try Strongbow or Angry Orchard
Not thinking about that just yet. I recently had a fight with my family, who were the only people I ever talked to. Sup Forums has been my only source of social interaction for three weeks now, so it won't be long until I completely lose my sanity.
There are no Jills in actual bars, are there?
Because she's been coming onto you, user. Couldn't you tell?
No, but with enough booze in you anyone will start to look and act enough like a Jill that it won't matter. Go out and get wasted, even if you're ugly as fuck and doing it alone I guarantee it'll make you feel better.
Can confirm angry orchard is good shit, basically tastes like bottled apple pie. Also if you're still a bitchboy without a taste for the real shit, Mike's hard lemonade is a good opener.
>losing your sanity after a mere three weeks of isolation
You are weak and you will not survive the winter.
Why does it seem like every chick that claims to be bi is just a lesbian that isn't even really into dudes?
good webm, shows everything wrong with modern women
You can keep her, she has no personality
Generally new bisexuals will still only turn their attention on one gender at a time, and most women call themselves bisexual out of confusion if they've ever been turned on by looking at a woman. Sexuality is hard shit for some.
>not liking strongbow
It's pretty good and it's cheap as fuck
Wait what
Is sexuality bad now?